pafp A COLD ONE // twoleg trash

( pls wait for @SUNPAW. ♡♡ )

Splashdance had been born in this early season chill - she had been comforted by the warmth of her mother's nest and littermates, not unreasonably cast out to face the weather. Even as the seasons shifted again, with snowfall, she had been held close to camp, tethered to the nursery due to a law put in place whilst she was still a resident. Suffice it to say, this is her first real leaf-fall, experienced by her own eyes and ears properly. And though it may be unnecessary to add, it is also her first leaf-fall within RiverClan territory. And as she treds with her patrol alongside the river, she eyes it's incoming chill with wary eyes. Does the Clan still swim once it gets cold? She supposes she would, too, if it is the norm.

Her mind wanders when she spies, up ahead, a weird block shaped thing. A piece of it appears broken off, floating at the edges of the water. Her gaze floats to her Clanmates, curiosity glittering in her gaze as she lopes a few steps ahead, peering at the shining silver inside the thing.

"Oh!" she chirps, "I used to see these a lot -" she starts again, but a few blinks and her excitement that would've come with the anecdote dies. Instead, she shifts the relation to slightly closer to home. "Do you guys remember when those twolegs made camp not too far from here? Maybe this is a remnant of them..."
When she was a kitten, still too young to be apart from her mother's side, she had had the freedom of the whole world in front of her paws. Then, when she was a little bit older a kitten, she had that freedom stripped from her, kept inside a strange nest, only sometimes allowed outside - and as she quickly learned, never very far. And even now, as a formal apprentice in RiverClan, her freedoms were even more restrained, to the camp boundaries, unless someone was with her. It just so happened to be Splashdance today, for a patrol, which for once she is more than fine with.

It beats being bored in camp.

"I think you're right," she tells Splashdance as they come upon the items. She surveys them for another few seconds, head tilting. "It looks like something they used to have in their nests."

She has the ability to speak freely of her past, even if she would much prefer not to most of the time. But it's a well known fact that she came from the campgrounds, a former kittypet. There were times when that knowledge was useful. "It's not dangerous," she adds, hopefully helpfully.

To prove her point she leaps on the edge of the large box thing, batting at one of the silver items inside until she can shove it up the side of the box and out onto the ground beneath them. "See? I think that one's empty."

So too were Ferngill's earliest memories cloaked in a chill, the prowling force of oncoming leafbare. The waters had been cold... he'd not known the comfort of the river until he was much older. Now he found many joys within it, and on its shores. Many a youthful collection had been bolstered by gathering shiny things, little fragments. Twolegs left half the junk and half the treasre along the riverbank- he couldn't say he was surprised when Splashdance pointed out something abandoned, and Sunpaw was not too long afterward bounding toward it.

With ain inquisitive eye... or maybe it was really just a level of kittish curiosity ... Ferngill studied it, a smile creeping upon his face when Sunpaw murmured that it wasn't dangerous. One of the loose items rang hollow as i struck the ground, rolled a little- Ferngill's whiskers twitched, and his head tilted as if the rolling of it was a sweet, songbird melody.

"What was in them?" he asked Sunpaw, genuine curiosity clinging to every syllable. He couldn't deny it was fascinating... none of the shiny pebbles or smoothened fragments of bottle-green ever made a noise like that.
penned by pin

It's nice, for once, to have something of her 'kitty pet' nature be of use and not annoyance to the Clan cats. Not that she's very fond of the twolegs herself, but she will admit on some rare occasions that their kittens were... okay. Most of the time. And sometimes not.

But Ferngill's inquiries towards the objects felt kinda nice. Like she could be useful in a different way, and for a second she holds her chin a little higher. "It was some kind of water, but it didn't smell like water," she assesses. "They didn't like it when their kits went near them either. Their kits would get something different, I guess. So... I guess I don't really know, but something like that," She shrugs afterwards. She might be able to place that these objects belonged to the Twolegs, maybe some basic facts, but after that - who ever knew what Twolegs were really up to?

After another second of letting them survey it, she leaps down lightly from the box and lands on it. The material crinkles under her paws, leaving behind an indent. "They're also fragile. See? Oh, just don't stick your paw into it. You'll get stuck." Don't ask how she knows.