a coming of a squall | reacting

If there was one thing that could be said about Howlpaw it was that she was a very emotional, passionate cat. If she had a sleeve, some would say she wore her heart on her sleeve.

After missing out on the last gathering, Howlpaw had been excited to attend this one. Although admittedly nervous to speak with her littermates again, she was keen to see all the cats from different clans, and pick up on any gossip regarding the other clans that was announced by the leaders. Like nearly all the gatherings she had attended, it turned out to be a messy affair. As usual, the leaders were bickering at each other, firing off accusations at each other. Howlpaw had something of a neutral opinion of RiverClan and didn't know any RiverClan cats well enough to say whether they were in the right, but her opinion of WindClan was a negative one so she was inclined to believe the river cats. Among all the arguing and announcements there had been one thing that stuck out to her most of all. The words of her grandmother.

My daughter, Little Wolf, has given birth to two strong and healthy kits: Dusk-kit...and Skykit.

Her mother had given birth to two more kits - she had hal-siblings. If she were a more wise cat she might have been able to pick up the subtlety, or rather not so subtle meaning, behind Skykit's name. But all she could thing of was her mother choosing another mate and having kits with them so soon after saying goodbye to her family. She couldn't even comprehend that it was possible that Duskkit and Skykit were actually Blazestar's children too. All she could imagine was another tom cat who had replaced her father. Replaced. Were Duskkit and Skykit replacements for her and Fireflypaw? Two children lost, two gained. Three would have been more fitting she supposed. Little Wolf and Blazestar had said goodbye to three children respectively.

It had taken her until the morning after for the news to have really set in and for her mind to jump to wild possibilities. It made her angry and upset. She should have been happy to have new siblings but she could find no reason to smile, no reason to celebrate. All she could do was pace around camp, tail flicking behind as she went, the conflicted emotions she felt towards this situation festering like a nasty wound in her brain.
Thistleback is still chewing on the sugary taste of the news of Juniperfrost’s death. He deserved to feel smug, it didn’t show on his face and he had his natural scowl to thank for it. He hadn’t told Coyotepaw yet, and hopefully noone else did. For now, the boy needs a bit of- peace.

The scar withered shadow stalks on brawny limbs, passing the pacing brown and white shape and drawing his grey sights toward her noticing the pattern of paws. A busy mind, a hive of thoughts. Then he’s reminded of the other news that had been branded into Skyclan’s chatter. Blazestar’s former mate, not only had a new litter but had named one so daringly.

If not for the several other events, perhaps this would be at the forefront of his mind as he looks to the apprentice. Only it comes to as he settles himself on his haunches near her pacing feet and clears his throat. " the mind is a terrible place to find yourself lost, lass " his growly tone, accented- words carefully placed.

He wonders what it was like to have siblings, a life he had bestowed upon his children but one he had not for himself. Through the eyes of an orphan, it’s an emotional storm in which he knew not how to read. So all he can offer is his voice, his ears, and whatever part of his stony heart is available at the given time. It’s not without sympathy, the way he scowls toward her, eyes slitted and watchful- but it’s not exactly warmth. Even if it was true, that the man would do anything for her family. Kill anything, for them. Be what they needed. What he cannot protect them from, was the chaos of their mind.

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    Thirty-three moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring Snowpaw graduate(s) Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png


Gatherings had been a part of Clan life that Twitchbolt had always found profoundly overwhelming. There was always so much yelling- stern words, violent threats and vows, taunting... are to say it had never really been his bag, but he sill regularly attended because otherwise he felt as if he'd be missing out. Missing out on- Cicadastar and Sootstar screaming as loud as he could, apparently. After a certain point it had just sounded like... white noise, and... the lighting bolt that had struck the stone beforehand had wandered into his thoughts, hand-in-hand with a worry that it would strike again.

He'd collapsed into sleep as soon as he had returned, barely letting the news wash over him. The fear over a war between WindClan and RiverClan- one that might pose a danger to SkyClan, might beckon their involvement- had been far too great to focus on anything else. But- seeing Howlpaw pacing like that, as he emerged from the warrior's den, was enough to cast his mind back to Howlingstar's mention of Little Wolf. New kits. New siblings for her, he supposed... though ones she'd never really know.

For a moment Twitchbolt was inclined to approach her and ask how she was feeling, but- Thistleback seemed to manage that. Sort of. In, well... his own sort of manner, words picked like poetry. But- she did look a little lost in thought. "Yeah, uh- you good?"

Much less articulate.
penned by pin ✧
A gathering or something went on last night and quite honestly Moon couldn't care less until cats came back to cat all shaken looking. It had never been in her bones to pry for information but she did, she had cornered a curly-furred fawn to ask about it. Lightning strike to cats screaming obscenities at each other. Leaders apparently, she doesn't know, but she does know that leaders are supposed to lead and not scream. She went to bed that night as carefree as the last. Whatever it was, it hadn't included Skyclan and she has no friends from other clans, it was never her business.

Moon lays to the side, eyes narrowed as she rests her head on her paws. She doesn't know Howlpaw, in fact she barely even knows the cats approaching the apprentice, but the constant stepping noises from her pacing was driving Moon up the camp walls. Way to disturb the peace, comes her sarcastic thought that doesn't ever leave her mouth, Howlpaw must be... anxious, or something. Moon hauls herself up to the paws once the pacing does not cease, making her way over with narrowed eyes. "Keep pacing and you'll make a path in the dirt." Moon doesn't let her irritation shine in her voice, instead opting for a tone more akin to something comforting.

Her brother had always been the talker, so had Squid. He'd be better in this situation, but hes not hear, so she just tilts her head to the side.

With her furious pacing, it is no surprise that Howlpaw soon catches the attention of a few clanmates. Thistleback's voice finds her first, bringing the young she-cat to a halt. Not long after speaking, Twitchbolt and Moon also speak to her, noting her anxious pacing. Of the three, only Moon doesn't really understand the complicated situation regarding herself and her family. "Sorry I didn't mean to disturb anyone," She mews softly, nodding in Moon's direction. "I was just thinking of Howlingstar's announcement about my mo -Little Wolf's - new kits." She tries to keep her voice steady and even but is surprised to find how her voice raises at the mention of her mother and new siblings.
Howlpaw is his most expressive kit, perhaps next to Burnpaw. Whereas the other concealed their emotions with a smile or with shy, minimizing movements and words, his youngest is short-fused and unafraid to speak her mind. Blazestar watches her pace. Thistleback, Twitchbolt, and even Moon attempt to find out what has her bothered.

The SkyClan leader knows. Howlingstar's announcement about Howlpaw's mother -- and by proxy, Howlpaw's siblings -- must have been shocking to hear. Blazestar had not prepared her, nor had he mentioned Little Wolf's newest pregnancy to Fireflypaw.

She had wanted it kept a secret, to shield these kits from the pain of being born half-Clan in an era post-warrior code. Blazestar had respected it, respects it now. He hopes his new children are free to grow up happy under the watchful eyes of their kin, free to become ThunderClan warriors never knowing there is a conflict of interest just across the border.

Howlpaw's words are soft, despite her ire. "I was just thinking of Howlingstar's announcement about my mo - Little Wolf's - new kits." The way she cuts the title of mother from Little Wolf's name hurts Blazestar more than he had anticipated. He pads forward from where he'd been watching, cerulean gaze troubled and weary.

"Are you upset that you have... siblings?" He sits beside Thistleback, his tail tucked around sunkissed paws. "Or are you upset about..." He can't say it. He can't bring himself to. Whatever Howlpaw believes isn't true, and he can't tell her. In order to protect Dusk-kit and Skykit, he must allow Fireflypaw and Howlpaw to hurt.

  • Sad
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