camp A CONVOCATION OF FAUNS -- questions

╭───── ⋅ ⋅ ────── 。・゚゚・ ───── ☀︎ ──── ・゚゚・。 ───── ⋅ ⋅ ─────╮
"Are the trees always like this here? Y'know, so...spiky. It was different in ThunderClan - the leaves there were all crunchy and stuff. We don't really have trees, or leaves, back home much - at least, that's what I've heard, on account of I haven't ever been out of camp or anything. Well, except when we were going to ThunderClan. And then here now, too. Okay, I guess that counts as being out of camp - I didn't see any trees, though, or leaves." If the sudden upheaval of being ousted from one territory to the next to the next has left any impact on Finchkit, it's not immediately noticeable, with her bright chattering hardly ceasing no matter the location. "I heard things are changing - it's gonna be Leaf-bare soon, and that's why it's colder and the trees are all weird, even though I think trees are already weird enough even when they aren't changing," she adds, punctuating her words with her feelings - leaning in, as though conspiratorially whispering about the changing weather, though she sends a pointed look to the backdrop of trees framing the conversation.

Now that she's got someone roped into her ramblings, Finchkit isn't about to let them go just yet - not before she finishes her thought! And then the next one, and maybe the one after that, too, for good measure! "Anyways, I'm excited for Leaf-bare 'cause mama says the clouds will come down, and we can catch them! What about you - do you wanna catch the clouds, too?" Of course they did - anyone would want to catch clouds like that, or so she believes, staring down her temporary companion with wide, searching eyes. To her, Leaf-bare only means easy pickings for enjoyment; the season holds none of the dread of freezing temperatures and empty bellies that anyone more experienced than her might come to associate with it, having only heard the barest of stories of this time of year.

These days, it feels like things more often than not are new to her, and some of the time it's like they're new to everyone else, too - even though she's been getting on just fine in all these strange places, it doesn't seem like everyone else is enjoying themselves nearly as much. How that could be, Finchkit doesn't understand; after all, there's so many new things to learn and to explore, and so many new faces to meet! Really, she's pretty sure she and her littermates should be apprentices by now, and as much as she yearns to explore the world after being stuck in not just one, but three different camps now, her only consolation is that at least being a kit means she actually gets to stay in camp and meet so many of the other kits. Plus, being an apprentice means working, probably even now, while they're all visiting, and she'd much rather play Clan with everybody else than have to wander around in the icky, marshy land that lay all around them.

Rather than bringing up their current circumstances, which she's certain they've all had plenty of time to ponder, Finchkit instead turns her attention back to the surrounding foliage, seemingly enraptured by the world around them. "I heard when it really becomes Leaf-bare, all the leaves fall off of all the trees - is that, like, all the fur falling off a cat, do you think? I wonder if they get cold, too..." One of life's greatest mysteries, perhaps, though maybe they'd stay here long enough to find out. If nothing else, she'd at least have something to badger cats from Clans with more shrubbery over once she finally became an apprentice and got to go out on patrols and stuff in WindClan territory.​
  • OOC: Feel free to be the cat she approached!!​
  • Untitled358_20230906125307.png
  • EEHinuI.png
    - Finch Finchkit
    - She/her (AFAB)
    - 3 moons
    - Loner Kit of WindClan
    - Hearty & scruffy chocolate lynx point with splashes of white and bright blue eyes
    - Art by Jay & base by googaoo respectively! <33
    - Minor powerplay allowed!
    - Penned by Hijinks​
── Wisteriakit finds that Finchkit is very interesting and loves anything she says. He's never been more intrigued and if he could he would ask Finchkit if he could stay in Windclan to play with her before they became apprentices. However, he isn't too sure about that. Anyway, no sad thoughts. He is simply over the moon when she bounds over and begins speaking to him. Well speaking to him is more of a generous description when the reality is that she is talking his head off with her thoughts. Not that he minds, he quite loves to have someone just as curious as him. It's a shame they belonged to two other clans.

Her description of trees shocks him. He's only ever heard of the trees around here being spiky and assumed that was normal. He was unaware that trees could be crunchy. Wisteriakit nods, "Mhm! Well I'm not allowed out of camp, but the elders say that all the trees here are like that and spiky. I thought all trees were spiky! So there are crunchy leaves? Wait so that means you have different trees. Wait no. Finchkit is from Windclan, right? Does Windclan have no trees?" He's curious. He's always thought ever clan had the same spiky trees, but if Thunderclan has different trees, and Windclan has no(?) trees... Then that means maybe Riverclan and Skyclan have different or no trees too! Then, she gives him the most shocking fact to date. "H-huh? They change? Really? They're not the same all year, and they lose leaves? The elders say that these trees never lose those spiky things. If leaf-bare is when leaves fall, then does Shadowclan have leaf-bare?" Finchkit is seriously making him wonder more than he ever thought he would. Then again, all he knew before all these kits arrived from different clans was just Shadowclan. He would have never known until he was an apprentice of anything outside of Shadowclan.

He's rambling now. One could only hope that Finchkit would not be tired of him. Whiskers twitch in excitement at her next topic of conversation. "That really happens? No one told me that! If that's true I wanna catch all the clouds! We should go cloud catching together Finchkit! You think your mama and papa would let you play with me?" He enjoys having more cats to talk to, but he knows they'll all be gone soon and barely see each other. After all, Finchkit isn't a shadowclanner. It makes him sad to think about having to say goodbye to all his new friends and seeing them here and there. He would only get to play with them and talk to them without getting in trouble during whatever a gathering is. Wisteriakit scrunches his face at the thought, unhappy that he would have to be away from his new friends. "Finchkit's mama is Brightshine, right? What's your papa's name and what is he like? I know your mama is really nice, but your papa can't be here she said. He's got to be a good papa, I can tell!" Who can blame him? Most of these kits weren't allowed to be with their father's, so he is curious about who they are and what they're like. Even though his parents aren't around... He still wants to know his friends parents.

Green eyes look up to the sky, lost in thought. He's never thought about fur falling off a cat being compared to trees. Or is that the other way around. In any case he hums, "Hmmmm... But we don't like have all our fur fall off? we lose some fur, but I don't think any cat has no fur? I think. A cat without any fur... What would they look like? If trees are like cats then yeah, I think they get cold too."

Good StarClan, after four litters you’d think by now she’d be able to drown the long mumblings and rants of kits out. She had thought getting some fresh air and catching a snooze just outside the nursery would be a good idea… but she swears Finchkit and Wisteriakit have not stopped talking.

Still, she was as patient as a saint, the children get no side-eyeing looks from her. Kits will be kits, they’ll talk until the geese come home next new-leaf.

”Can’t you two go run off and play?” She does, however, suggest. She would rather take distant yowls and giggles than all this nonsense of trees and if they got cold. ”You need to take advantage of this ‘nicer’ weather. Not long and your mothers will be keeping you cooped up inside the nursery.” ’And then we’ll all have to listen to the constant questions in our ears…’ She thinks to herself in soft amusement.
  • » Maplepatch
    » ThunderClan Queen
    » She/her ․ Mate to Seedspring
    » Long-haried chocolate tortie with amber eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack

Finchkit was a chatterer, Featherkit knew that very well- but it seemed she had met her match. A ShadowClan kit who could natter even Finchkit's ears off, and it made the both of them even worse. The chocolate tom could not fathom how anyone could be alright with this. How worry didn't seem to keep anyone else up, how tiredness didn't catch up to them the next day and make their blood sizzle with irritability.

Maplepatch's voice could be a Star-written omen. Play, go and play. But Featherkit could not make his prayer in silence- as his mind struggled to grasp the point of their conversation (unwilling to admit that not everything right now had to have a point)- frustration continued to build and build, like water boiling and bubbling over. "No-one's father can be here, it's not just her." She spat the words, turning his back to the two conversation-enraptured kittens.

Finchkit would get herself hurt if she stayed like this. Absent-minded, talking about leaves when there was danger outside. Didn't she care, even? "Go find p- p... Pink-kit or Rivekit and go go ruin someone else's day." Her littermate was caught in the crossfire, unfortunately. Loud would go together well, anywhere but here. He was tired.
✦ penned by pin