camp A DARING PLOT || porcupine hunting

Oct 16, 2023

The death of Tawnystripe is still fresh, but quite frankly, Tigerscar doesn't care. He feels no connection to the now dead SkyClan warrior, and even if he did, it wouldn't matter. They'd all end up in StarClan anyways, right? There was no point in grieving or worrying, or living a life of despair. Tawnystripe had just... gone on vacation. Death was simply a doorway, after all. Perhaps that was why Tigerscar didn't really take it as seriously as the rest. He understands what they do not. Regardless of his callous nature, Tawnystripe's death was an opportunity for the living. Tigerscar's chance to shine. A porcupine had slain the warrior, which meant that it might still be out there, a threat to SkyClan patrols. He's not even sure how to kill a porcupine, but surely it couldn't be too hard, right? So long as one avoided the quills. So, still trapped in his bulky e-collar, the Daylight Warrior decides to offer his clan a proposition, an idea that blossoms within his twisted mind.

"SkyClan! A porcupine killed Tawnystripe. It may still be out there on our territory, and if it is, it poses a threat to our warriors, and especially, our apprentices. I think we should form a patrol to track the creature down, and either find a way to kill it, or chase it out of SkyClan's territory." Tigerscar's booming voice shatters the peace of the clearing, as his one hellish eye flickers about in search of authority. He seeks to catch sight of the leader, or deputy, hoping they'd give him the okay to go through with such a plan. Perhaps they'd even join him! So long as they didn't steal his glory...
❪ TAGS ❫ — Revenge.

There would be a lot of that here soon. After the rogues came to camp and killed many outright, many Star Clans hadn't decided if they wanted to claim. Cloverjaw's maw ached. Bloodthirst always made it itchy, as if the only thing that could soothe it was blood.
The tom wasn't usually so overtly battle-ready. He had changed a lot during his life, and the rogue invasion was no different. It reminded him of his younger years. A time when he hadn't learned how to hide his insecurities and want for... something. His eyes flicked briefly to the leader's den, then to any council member in sight.
Sharp amber eyes snapped to Tigerscar. There was something familiar about this cat that had always bothered him. The way his eyes shifted. The edges of his maw didn't always seem to align with what he said. But now, he was an echo of Clover's anger. A perfect, un-rippling puddle with the same eyes staring back at him.
Clover sat with his tail curled over his paws. His ears flicked with interest.
Claws flexing, he raised his muzzle. Would it be smart to side with Tigerscar even though the deputy or someone higher up would usually allow this sort of thing? He thought briefly of Tawnystripe. The look in Edenpaw's eyes. Why couldn't this have been dealt with by those rogues?
"I agree. The porcupine was a real threat to Tawnystripe, a seasoned warrior who survived our quarl with the rogues. If this beast gets close to camp, I fear we will have little luck defending the kits and elders." He spoke slowly but with his chest. "If Blazestar or Orangeblossom approves it, I would like to be part of the hunting party. Eyes on it would be beneficial. It dead or out of our territory would be better."

Figfeather is surprised to see Tigerscar rallying a patrol, a task that belonged to Orangeblossom and occassionally Blazestar alone. She wonders if it perhaps would’ve been more appropriate to bring the proposition up in private, but Figfeather would not make a fuss. She was well known for following culture and tradition of the clans to a T, from the respect for higher ranks to not speaking ideas above your station outloud. The first time she’s truly acted with complete autonomy, no deputy to tell her what patrols to go on, no senior warriors to reprimand her, was on the journey near it’s tail end.

Cloverjaw steps forward to agree and Figfeather pads forward to stand beside her fellow warriors. ”We should focus on investigating first, then acting. The woods have always had the occassional porcupine, they’ve never bothered us. Until now.” Figfeather is not purposely accussing Tawnystripe, the fallen warrior to have done something to get himself killed, of course not. Yet such seemingly aggressive behavior for a porcupine had been unheard of until now. Something must’ve changed. ”We should ask for Orangeblossom’s approval, I’m not sure that she has enough warriors to spare from hunting and border patrols.” She meows her echoing agreement with Cloverjaw. Besides… she looks at Tigerscar’s giant collar, would he be beneficial on such a patrol? On any patrol?
  • » Figfeather
    » SkyClan Warrior
    » She/her . AMAB
    » Mate to Fantastream
    » A red tabby she-cat with a mangled leg.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » A foe in battle whose ability to strategize can shift tides.
    » Excels in strategizing and pre-planning her battles.
    » Fights defensively and aid to her clan to victory.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
“Can’t risk more of us gettin’ injured.” Or dying. He added, glancing at Tigerscar wearily, wooly tail hanging low, dragging across the dirt-covered ground. Collectin’ twigs and pebbles but Duskpool couldn’t be bothered to pluck them out.

He hadn’t known Tawnystripe well, but the grief had been all that more real. A friend, or as close of a friend as Duskpool ever had. He hadn’t been present, somewhere else when tragedy struck when he stumbled on the group. Dead. His grin felt bitter, blackened heart swelled with something he couldn’t pinpoint. Tawnystripe had been the only warrior he ever told about his mate and newborn kits. The first feline he even bothered to open up to about ghosts that haunted him, circling like vultures that plucked and pulled at invisible wounds until he collapsed.

Maybe it was life tellin’ him to give up. Death after death, Duskpool wondered when he’d buckle under the heavy weight, guilt eating his insides.

“I’ll head out there by myself if that’d calm yer nerves. Better if one of us than multiple.” He grunted, limping forward. “See where it went. Don’t need another healthy warrior gettin’ killed.” He finished, tone deadpan.
thought speech

Always the hero. Despite the instant fear, Yo-Duskpool's words brought the molly, a layer of fondness for the tom helped her fur lay flat.
The molly pushed herself to her feet and padded quietly over to her brother's side, her head held low as if it was heavy. She wasn't sure how much say she had in this conversation. She joined not too long ago, and cats were mentioning names like Blazestar. A higher-up issue. She was glad she wasn't the leader. She wasn't sure she wouldn't do something impulsive.
She originally hadn't wanted to weigh in. She'd seen the light go out behind Tawnystripe's eyes. It was fast. It was sudden. This was their life as Sky Clan cats. Yes, the rogues had happened and... her paws weren't as clean as they could be, but this was different. There was no plan for this. No inspiring speech by the leaders. No rain or gloom. In fact, it was a sunny day. How? Perhaps this is why Sky Clan cats believed in Star Clan. To make it easier.
She'd been happy to watch from afar, but, despite her fondness for Duskpool, she had made note of the stiffness of her brother's shoulder and the use of the word 'healthy', and was decidedly not impressed.
She stopped just behind her brother's shoulder blade, trusting that his larger frame would obscure her's. She moved to lightly bump his shoulder with his head before walking a bit forward and out of his shadow.
"I agree with Figfeather. Let's wait for Orangeblossom." Her voice was softer and frailer than she'd like but she puffed her chest out anyways. Her skin itched. She ignored it. "I'd be surprised if a party of just one cat was approved though," she turned her attention towards her brother. "Despite being talented and useful this thing got the better of Tawnystripe. Best to err on the side of caution." We don't want more dead.
She made a conscious effort not to undermine Duskpool in any of her actions or words. They were both creatures of pride after all, and she could never hurt him.
"I'm here. We don't need another recovering warrior getting killed. You're staying put. Both of you are." Orangeblossom meows sharply to Duskpool, her ears twitching backwards as she approaches the cluster of her Clanmates. Her attention flicks briefly to Tigerscar as she speaks, respecting his enthusiasm but entirely unimpressed by its contrast with the cone encircling his neck. Unlike Circe, she feels no such hesitation undermining the smoky-furred warrior. And unlike the late Tawnystripe, StarClan rest his soul, she has never actually encountered a porcupine. The form it takes in her mind is fearsome, bristling, an armoured badger of a creature in its unknown entirety.

"Figfeather is right. If we try to fight it outright, we risk more injury, or worse. SkyClan cannot afford that right now, right on the brink of snowtime; I'm sure we all remember how difficult last leafbare was." Her tail flicks. "Let's track its movements for a day or two, and see if it's moving away on its own. Cloverjaw, Circe, I want the two of you on this patrol. Go and find - Bobbie and Lux they're free right now." She's not sure if Circe has encountered the lead warrior and the other probationary SkyClanner yet, but she knows Cloverjaw certainly had. Her tail flicks once more, agitation shining clear as morning's light upon her face.

"Do not engage it. If you engage, I will put you on apprentice duties for an additional moon for every quill we have to pull from your pelt. Do I make myself clear?"

// mobile, mentioning @bobbie and @LUX
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What? ME?

Circe jumped a bit as the deputy spoke her name. How does she even know my name?
Her pelt might as well of been infested with dozens of angry ants at that moment. I might even have preferred that. She tried to soothe herself by mentally insisting she wouldn't. The molly swallowed her jitters, forcing them into her paws. She was a clan cat now. She would be brave.
"Of course, Orangeblossom." She dipped her head, glancing briefly at her brother for some sort of confirmation. What is she doing the right thing? She wanted to make sure she was showing the correct amount of respect for the white and orange molly. This was her first time interacting with her, and some kit-ish part of her couldn't help but look up to Orangeblossom.
She searched the crowd for Cloverjaw and gave the tom a sharp nod. She knew Lux, but not Bobbie. She had faith that the tom did. Her paws shuffled, shaking just a little bit in excitement or fear, Circe couldn't tell. She wasn't sure what to do now, was she overthinking this? So she placed her bets and rooted herself next to Duskpool, ready to mirror whatever movements Cloverjaw did.
Falling behind after his situation with Tawnystripe's apprentice, the scarred feline noted the increase of cats around Tigerscar. I better play catch up. Recalling the other's earlier promise lured him closer. It didn't take them long to sense the heaviness in the aftermath of Tawnystripe's passing. Even he was still grappling with their own complicated emotions surrounding the loss. His one good eye scanned the surroundings until it settled on Orangeblossom as she added cats to track it. There's my call.

Quickly, he gained traction and entered the growing crowd, offering aloud. "I'm also free, and if you'd like, I'll tag along." They felt it made little sense not to bring forth his assistance when he was back in working order. Not to mention his namesake ironically played into his one major strength - scenting. Politely, the splotched warrior acknowledged the others with a nod.

His own experiences had taught him the value of channeling emotions into purpose, and he was willing to lend his skills to assist his clanmates. At Orangeblossom's warning, he swallowed harshly and gave the deputy an understanding look.

  • ooc ;
  • 1000007505-png.1053

    ✧ 29 moons old
    ✧ skyclan warrior
    ✧ he/they ; single
    ✧ child of npc x npc
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
Last edited:

Eyes flicker toward Cloverjaw, a nod of gratitude for the show of support. Figfeather suggests more caution, but Tigerscar would claim to not even know the meaning of such a word. He supposes she does make some good points, but surely a band of strong SkyClan warriors could handle a single little porcupine, right? They were little... weren't they? He tries to picture it, and then realizes with a jolt that he's never actually seen a porcupine! What if they were as big as large dogs? That would be awkward, wouldn't it? He snorts his internal amusement, grinning to himself. At least there'd be even more respect and glory for taking the thing down, if it does end up being that big.

Duskpool seems eager to get out there, even by himself, regardless of injury. That's the spirit! But Circe arrives to try and persuade the tom against the idea. Laaame! "The more the merrier, I say!" Tigerscar comments with a toothy grin. More bodies to throw at the porcupine! I wonder if they'd stick to it's back? Feline shields! Dead ones, but still... useful. His eyes flicker with a brief flash of malice as he stares the two down for a moment longer than he should have, before eyes hastily dart away. Finally, authority arrives in the form of Orangeblossom, but she states that both he and Duskpool are to stay. Rage bubbles beneath the skin, tears at his mind. His blood boils and his eyes burn with hell-fire. The audacity! It was his idea. His glory. She just wanted it for herself!

"I can still be useful with the cone! I can still use my nose just fine." The brute protests with a dramatic whine. He huffs, sighs, and decides to look entirely dejected, as if that would help his argument (it won't). "Fine. Just don't get yourselves killed, seeing as how I won't be there to miraculously save each and every one of you." It's supposed to come off as humor. A teasing joke. But Tigerscar is entirely serious on the inside. Hope you're all impaled on that thing. Hope it bathes in your blood! Hope it fashions itself a new fur coat made from SkyClan pelts! How dare you. How dare you! If I weren't such a heroic and loyal SkyClan warrior, I'd kill Orangeblossom myself. Maybe Blazestar would make me deputy! I'd deserve it for coming up with such grand ideas. His icy glare flickers away as another sigh parts his maw. Flicking his tail, he grants a final look toward the group that was leaving, including Dogbite, it would seem, and then pads over toward Duskpool.

"Can't believe we're grounded like this." Tigerscar smirks toward the other warrior, trying to find some comradery in the humor of his words.
anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .

Odd. Seeing his younger sister, but a welcomed sight. Duskpool let out a huff, feeling the subtle bump to his shoulder, giving a slow, languid blink. He remained characteristically silent, mangled ear twitching in acknowledgment. Talented? Doubtful. The battered warrior shifted with a strained grunt, shoulder creaking, threatening to buckle beneath him, but thankfully remained steady.

At Orangeblossom’s appearance, Duskpool’s gaze narrowed, pivoting to stare at the deputy. “I ain’t that injured.” He grunted. It’d better to risk a fool like himself than an entire patrol, but he wasn’t stupid enough to follow. The brute knew not to charge at it head-first. He might have a damn death wish, but he wasn’t that foolish. They had far better chances at trackin’ the thing in a smaller herd.

Sighing, the obsidian-furred warrior shifted his attention to Circe, pressing his muzzle against her ear in silent comfort, noticin’ the slight quiver of her frame. “Be safe, ya here?” He rumbled, staring down at the other with a crinkled gaze, molten copper flickering to stare at Cloverjaw. “Keep yerself at a distance, don’t need ya winding up in the med-den.” His tone gruffly quiet before pullin’ away.

He glanced over at Tigerscar, mangled ear flickering. “I’d only be slowin’ ‘em down.” He sighed, claws tapping idly against the ground, fully facing the bulky warrior. “Yer nose might be workin’ but that cone of yers wouldn’t have done ya any good if the thing attacked.” His wooly tail flickered, annoyance dancing within a molten copper, but he understood why, just annoyin’ to be sittin’ on the sidelines with a sister headin’ off.
thought speech
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❪ TAGS ❫Cloverjaw watched through half lidded eyes. Little surprised him, but Orangeblossom's decission to let him lead was a pleasent one. He dipped his head, finding himself breathe an uncertain sigh at her warnings. Anticipation hummed in his chest.
"Heard, Orangeblossom. Only trackin', no hunting. Got it."
His eyes flicked through the group to find the other cat that was called upon. Circe. She was half eaten and scared, that much was apperant, but beyond that she seemed willing to learn and work with the clan. That was good. He wondered if they had shared similar lives before Sky Clan, he couldn't picture her don't much though. Maybe slipping through a tight area? They'd need more then that to catch this porcupine, but Orangeblossom's mind was made up and he was not one to argue.
He nodded towards her, prompting one back. His eyes shifted to Duskpool, who though was always hard to read, did lean in close to the molly next to him. Was it worry? Familial love and care? He supposed if Slate was doing something similar, the tom wouldn't be happy. Cloverjaw figured he should say something encouraging, but Tigerscar spoke just then and took his breath away. Eyebrows raised high, Cloverjaw tried not to laugh. "We'll try." He dryly assured the brown tabby.
The silver tabby nodded at Dog's words, greatful to have another on the patrol. "I'd like the company as long as Orangeblossom is okay with it." He mewed, his tone light and friendly.
"I'll find Lux and Bobbie, Circe and Dogbite meet me at the entrace of camp at mid-sun. We'll look for it then." The tom walked in the direction of the warrior's den, tail held high.
-- out! ​
A porcupine killed Tawnystripe, and Wolfkit feels real bad about it. She doesn't really know when Tawnystripe is coming back from that, but she hopes it's soon, because now whenever she wants to play porcupine with Blazingkit or Hawk-kit she feels awfully weird volunteering to be a great spiky beast that kills SkyClan cats. It's especially sad 'cause Coyotecrest just congratulated her on how awesome a porcupine she was, so Wolfkit is really excited to get back to playing like that. But when the kit stumbles across talks of a hunting party, they're all talking about Tawnystripe like he's not coming back, and like she might be in danger. Porcupines are scary, but are they that scary? She'll never play porcupine again at this rate.

Wolfkit looks up to Orangeblossom with a glint in her citrine eyes. "When can me and Blazingkit and Hawk-kit play porcupine again?" she asks, ribbony fur fluttering in the soft autumn breeze. She doesn't know about all that patrol and hunting and not engaging business, so she largely ignores it in favor of her own interests.

  • 72137244_EmSdt33NNuS72fz.png

    — wolfkit
    — she / they / he ; kit of skyclan
    — longhaired lilac torbie with piercing yellow eyes
    — "speech" ; thoughts
    — chibi & reference by me; signature by dreamydoggo
    — penned by meghan