
just pretend . 𓆩♡𓆪
Nov 8, 2023

After the announcement had been made that Springpaw was not to formally continue her training until she was six moons, she had fallen into a routine. Every morning, she would wake up and have breakfast with her friends and then she would do whatever camp chore was assigned to her as quickly but effeciently as she could then she would go play with her littermate, with her friends. Sometimes they played clan, sometimes they played mossball, but whenever they played wrestling she was content to sit out and watch from the sidelines. She was comfortable where she was, and she didn't give much thought to the fact that eventually, she would have to begin training for real again.

On the day of her sixth moon, the reminder that she could not be a kit forever hit her like a slap to the face. It came one morning when her mentor intercepted her on her way to do camp chores. A retour of the territory Orangestar had said. "Aww do we have to?" Springpaw had protested. She wanted to stay here, in camp, where it was safe and she could be with her friends all day long. Her mentor had insisted though, so now they were here with the small black molly following after her leader, picking her way through the undergrowth and jumping at every little noise.

"Uhm Ms.Orangestar?" she asks after a particularly frightening noise makes all the fur on the back of her neck stand on end. "Uh what if.. what would we do if a scary monster jumps out and attacks us? Or like I dunno what if a tree falls on me or sumin'?" Maybe they should just go back to camp, where she was safe and warm. She shivers and moves a little faster so she can catch up with the orange and white she-cat, not wishing to be left too far behind. "Where are we going?" she feels like she should know, but her first tour felt so far away...

// @Orangestar
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  • 75005842_oJ0pLADrUXc7c6L.png
    A small she-cat with fluffy black and white fur and bright blue eyes
    Easy in battle + has little to no formal battle training
"I fight, and you run as fast as you can back to camp to get help." Orangestar answers, glancing backwards at the apprentice close behind. She's slowed her pace to account for Springpaw's jumpy behaviour, but she still finds herself having to pause every so often. It seemed she'd lost all of her nerve, having to stay in the camp for an extra moon and a half, and Orangestar fights the urge to sigh. This would take some getting used to for both of them, it seems.

Her tail brushes the ground, eyes twitching slightly at the second question. Silvery fur flashes across her vision, and she blinks to clear the image of Snowpath from behind her eyes. A little more gruffly this time Orangestar answers, "A tree won't fall on you without a lot of warning."

Another pause in her steps allows Springpaw to catch up, fur brushing against her shoulder. Where are they going? Orangestar tries not to let the question irritate her. Springpaw hasn't been into the territory for two moons, and had only really left camp once prior. A warrior or a seasoned apprentice would be able to tell that they're headed for Tallpine, but she can't expect Springpaw to know that yet.

"We're going to Tallpine, and I'm going to teach you to climb. So you know how to, just in case we come across any monsters." She adds with a wry look towards her apprentice. "How do you think you climb a tree, Springpaw?"

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    ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | nine lives
    " a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."

    — single ; mentoring springpaw
    — speech is in #E3B2A9
    tags | art by pin

Whenever her mentor pauses, Springpaw scrambles to catch up with her, only to quickly fall behind again because she is ever so carefully picking her way through the forest, taking great care in where she puts her paws. Orangestar answers her questions, but the impatient undertone to her words does not escape the young apprentices ears so she decides that it would be best to stop. Besides, she did not need to ask what Tallpine was considering it was such a popular landmark. Springpaw had heard of it countless times, both from her mother and the mouths of warriors and other apprentices alike. So many would boast about how they were going to reach the top one day, tell stories about how you could see the whole forest from up there. Springpaw doesnt particularly care though. Afterall, she doesnt want to see the whole forest, just SkyClan's piece of it is enough for her.

The tables turn when Orangestar instead asks her a question. She looks at her mentor out of the corner of bright blue-green tinted eyes and for a moment, she thinks. She had never tried climbing before, but she had seen others do it. "Uh I think you like use your claws and like you kick at the tree. With your back legs. And uhhh jump kinda?" she guesses "Oh oh aaaand you don't look down!" she adds, triumphant in the fact that she had remembered that tidbit. She had heard warriors calling out that advice before, she's sure of it! "Can monsters really not get you if you're in a tree?" she asks before she remembers that she had silently vowed to stop asking questions, but what if it was like a bird monster, or a monster that could climb? What was she supposed to do then?
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  • 75005842_oJ0pLADrUXc7c6L.png
    A small she-cat with fluffy black and white fur and bright blue eyes
    Easy in battle + has little to no formal battle training