camp A DEPENDENT, FRUITLESS ANIMAL — meeting 10.18.22

With catastrophe after catastrophe piling up, the weight upon his shoulders is becoming too strenuous. Like a vine strung too tight, he feels on the verge of snapping every waking moment. Whispers of who he could trust and who he couldn't crowd his aching skull. The anticipation of the next threat looms in every shadow. Pitchstar needs eyes to be everywhere, but he only has two. He needs help, and he hates himself for having to admit it. He fuckin' hates needing others, like a kitten dependent on it's mother's milk for sustenance.

Yet, he couldn't trust just anyone for the job... He couldn't let some slimy bastard like Fleecefur worm their way into his council.

Clambering to the top of Clanrock, Pitchstar leers down upon his camp, his tail lashing. "ShadowClan, gather!" Once again, he does not care to use the proper call. Impatience simmers deep, scorching him. He hates this. He hates admitting to his weakness, in front of everyone. (They think he's incapable as a leader. They'll know it for certain after this meeting. Weak, weak, weak.)

The screech of claws against stone deafens him, ears ringing.

Fuck it. He's not waiting any longer. Pitchstar narrows his eyes as he straightens himself, hiding behind puffed chests and heads held high. As if he isn't about to reveal his vulnerable underbelly for all to see. "ShadowClan, we need a stronger council. We need more eyes to watch for the dangers lurking in the shadows." We, he says. What a lie that was. He is the one who needs, useless bastard he is. "That is why I have decided to appoint a deputy, my second-in-command." He's relinquishing half of his control, and it scares him. He thinks that falling into the gorge would be preferable to this.

"ShadowClan, from this day forwards, Chilledgaze will be my deputy." It's straightforward, a far cry from the true ceremonial words, but like hell is he spouting nonsense about StarClan after they condemned his clan.

[ BIG BIG CONGRATS TO @scar and their character @CHILLEDGAZE. !!! lead warrior promotions will happen in my next post! ]
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Frostbite was already in the clearing when the meeting was called. He wasn't in a hurry to move from his spot, but he did eventually move to sit beneath the stone.

He wasn't worried about threats from the shadows. They were the threat in the shadows. Pitchstar must be paranoid. But he would remain quiet and listen, giving a nod to Chilledgaze in quiet congratulations.
what? no. this didn't make any sense. as chilledgaze finally joined the meeting, taking a seat somewhat away from most, they weren't expecting to hear their name from pitchstar's mouth. not at a time like this. had pitchstar truly lost it? what made him think this was a good idea? they wanted to ask him. they wanna scream at him and tell him that this is a mistake. they couldn't possibly be the deputy– there was no way they were good enough for anything like that! they stand up, fur prickling with anxiety as bile crawled up their throat. they had to say something. pitchstar needed to pick someone better! they weren't good enough! they just weren't!

you're going to fail... you do know that, right?

there is an all too familiar voice in their head and they try to ignore it. there is too many eyes on them. too much attention. why... why them?

you're going to fail. and the demise of shadowclan will be in your paws. pitchstar will rip your throat out for it.

squeezing their eyes shut, they only breathed out a shaking breath. fuck. the voice of doubt was louder than it had been in a while. it made their stomach twist in knots and they felt so unbelievably nauseous.

he's making a mistake. he can't choose me... he can't. I can't do this. I'm not the cat for the job. for the love of the stars, pick someone else!!

but they don't move. their lips don't move. they can't deny him, even if they want to. there are way too many things riding on this. the safety of shadowclan comes first. what better way to protect them than to be second in command? and pitchstar... he needs to be protected too. he needs a voice of reason to calm all of those raging thoughts ( but who would calm their own? how could they take care of everyone and neglect their own needs at the same time? ).

"okay. alright. i'll do my best to serve you and this clan, pitchstar. i won't let you down."

their words, and their body language say one thing... but their mind tells an entirely different story.

you're gonna fail... you do know that, right?

they subtly nod to the voice.

i know.

──⠀ ﹙ † ﹚⠀MORTIS ⠀: ⠀ his brother's voice grates over silken ears, one of which giving an irritable flick as he lifts himself from his mossy nest. evidence of his oversleeping is clear in the bits of greenery that stick to his coat when he forces himself to white - tipped paws, lips splitting into a gaping yawn as he lopes from the confines of the apprentice's den. pitchstar seems agitated, as he often does ; the bicolored child was nearly unphased by the brittle caw of his voice now. it did, whether fortunately or unfortunately was up for debate, rouse him from his slumber. marrowpaw settles aside a thicket of briar, neither near frostbite nor the blue - eyed chilledgaze who've already gathered.

pitchstar wastes little time, and for once, the dark felidae could say he appreciated something about his elder brother. chilldedgaze was made deputy and − marrowpaw could say he was surprised, at least. a fluffy tail twitches, sunburst eyes finding the dark feline amongst the crowd that slowly accumulates in size, gauging their expression through pupils slitted against midday sun. they were frozen, eyes wide and expression like a spooked dear and he can't help it, he snorts. congrats, he may have said, should his tongue find the word, dripping in sarcasm. instead, a paw lifts, drawing lazily over his ear as he waits for further news.

  • − marrowpaw ; he / him. apprentice of shc, son of briarstar and amber
    − longhaired spiky black tom w low white & sunburst orange eyes
    − four months old, penned by antlers

Brawlinglion arrived at the meeting and made a point of barging past others in order to reach one of the better spots near the front, dominating it once she had it. The she-cat was curious about this particular meeting given the recent events involving WindClan and ThunderClan. Though that wasn't the only excitement considering that the new deputy was about to be announced. She was on the edge, her paws kneading the ground. Then Chilledgaze's name rolled forth. "A new rival!" A wicked grin filled her features as she peered over at the newly appointed deputy. "Congrats! Don't go letting us down."
Bogpaw ♦ Tom ♦ Six Moons ♦ ShadowClan

Bogpaw can't really judge the leader for not using the 'proper' words, after all, if Pitchstar was in charge, then he could say whatever he wanted, right? Sure, Bogpaw had heard the stories of StarClan, but he had yet to witness any of that stuff for himself. Did that mean they weren't real? Of course not. Bogpaw believed. But if Pitchstar wasn't concerned about ceremonial phrases, then neither was he. The tom's eyes are hard as he gazes up towards the leader, announcing his new deputy for all to hear. Bogpaw's pupils snap towards Chilledgaze, and the apprentice gives them a congratulatory smirk.
the call for a meeting would summon the warrior, taking the first empty space he saw. while this admittedly was directly in front, he found himself enjoying the opportunity to listen closely to pitchstar's announcements. he had a feeling this meeting was going to be somewhat shorter than previous ones, but knew there were important things that needed to be discussed. with the first of the announcements came a rather large shock to the tom. starting off with announcing the new deputy? that was a bold move. but hey! it was good to kick things off on the right paw. "hey congrats chilledgaze! we knew you could do it!" allowing his voice to rise alongside others, he would offer them a nod before falling silent once again.
Silence falls over the clearing, hushed as Chilledgaze pauses. Frozen. They don't move, and Pitchstar is convinced they don't even breathe, and his claws scrape harder against Clan Rock. Filling the void with the screeching, agonizing on sensitive ears but it is better than the silence. He wants to scream. (They don't want to be your deputy. They hate you, they hate you, they hate you-)

I'll do my best to serve you and this clan, Pitchstar.

The screeching ceases. Pitchstar blinks down at them, pupils dilating ever so slightly. They've accepted. He breathes out a rasping sigh. "Good... Yes, good." Clearing his throat, Pitchstar seeks out two others within the crowd. "And, Flickerfire, Geckoscreech... I would like to extend you the offer of becoming my lead warriors." Two of his clanmates who'd stood at his side as he sought justice for Bonejaw, as Chilledgaze had. "There is always room for more eyes, after all." Not just any eyes, but he trusts the two warriors enough to seek justice as he does.

Once the two lead warriors had accepted, Pitchstar nods. "Now... Quillkit, Lavenderkit, step forwards!" Two new future prospects of ShadowClan... More youth to keep safe. Fuck, when had his clan become so overrun with children?

[ @QUILLKIT. @Lavenderpaw AND A HUGE CONGRATS TO @marquette and @cobatic with their characters @FLICKERFIRE and @GECKOSCREECH for becoming shadowclan's first lead warriors!! ]
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❝ holding it together with one loose string. ❝
the porcelain toned woman watched the meeting from the back of the crowd, banded tail sweeping across the sparse patches of grass dotting the grounds before it came to curl neatly on top of her paws. these past few sunrises have been nothing but chaotic, especially with the whole medicine cat debacle that had them marching in droves to their neighbors for a visit. honestly, it's all been nothing but a big headache.

it wasn't long until pitchstar began to speak, cutting straight to the point of deciding that his second-in-command would be none other than chilledgaze. aqua hues would sweep briefly over the black and white tom, expression remaining unchanged from its indifference. geckoscreech had no strong opinion on her clanmate and the choice that was made, she only hoped he'd be enough to keep pitchstar from falling apart.

next half of the annoucements is what caught her off guard, gaze snapping back to her leader who had uttered her and flickerfire's name with an offer to become shadowclan's lead warriors.

"i'll gladly accept, pitchstar."
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

Flickerfire hates meetings, and she is hardly paying attention at all until Pitchstar mentions Chilledgaze's name. Ears pricked, scarlet-tinged eyes find the black and white feline who stands rigid. A smile crinkles the tortoiseshell's face, and she crows, "Chilledgaze! You're gonna go easy on me since we're buddies, right? No dawn patrols for me?"

Her attention swerves as Pitchstar continues talking, mentioning lead warriors and her name in the same breath. Flickerfire loses her smile then, surprise slackening her features. "Huh? Me?"

Geckoscreech is given the offer, too, and she accepts gracefully. Flickerfire gives the ivory queen a puzzled look. What did Pitchstar want the two of them for? What did they have in common, if anything, besides being ShadowClanners and being she-cats?

Her instinct is to tell Pitchstar where he can shove his lead warrior offer. The idea of more responsibilities, carrying even a fraction of the weight that Emberstar or Pitchstar himself would -- she would rather do just about anything else.

Then again...

"Sure, as long as I get out of those early morning patrols," she says, snickering. Perhaps there would be some benefit to carrying the title. She'd just have to find it through the muck.

// thank you for the honor <3 and congrats again to scar & cobi !!!

- ,,

I've no time for confession
Wolverinefang takes his sweet time making it to the meeting, as he does everything in life. He knows there's nothing here for him but that's his own doing. There was a brief moment where he felt truly motivated: during that fire. He thought he was honestly ready to step up and be someone worth something (maybe that was the adrenaline talking) but watching Briarstar become a figure of the past knocked that wind right out of him. Still, he's happy to have a fine deputy now and for his warrior peers, especially Flickerfire. She must be dying inside, knowing she'll have more things to do, but the shiny title might ease that pain! He slaps his heavy tail against the sodden ground like a slow clap. "Congrats."
✦ ★ ✦