a different change | gathering moss


New member
Nov 14, 2023
જ➶ It's, everything is different. Changed. She is not sure how she should feel anymore. Not sure about anything really given what she has learned while she tried to take a breather within the medicine cat den. It was only a couple short and uneventful days. She is healthy and there is nothing wrong with her save for her missing leg that she often tries to ignore herself. Still knowing that Cicadastar is dead has had strong mixed feelings coursing through her. Their friendship ended a while ago, she is positive on that and yet she found herself weeping for him. Weeping for the cat he used to be, the father he can not be anymore. Even worse the news that her child had passed away sent a cold bullet through her chest. Stalkingpaw. Her baby was gone. So much pain had dug into her that she had curled up in a ball and become nothing but silent. Two days of quiet, of reflection. So much had changed. Cats had been lost to that sickness and she felt shaken. Now she tries to stretch herself and move, force herself to get to work. She needs to. For herself, for her child and for Sablemist. There is pride there learning that her daughter is now a great warrior of Riverclan. Glancing over her shoulder slightly she shifts and steps her way to Snakeblink. "Um...I'd like to go and collect some moss for a nest please." Her eyes never meet his and instead she stands there shifting her weight.

Once there is an answer that is hopefully a sign of okay she gives a small nod and turns to slip her way out of the camp with her guardian behind her hopefully. Her eyes survey the the territory, the ferocity in her gaze like dying embers. She carefully picks her way to solid ground and then starts to head along the edge of the river. Her paws touch delicately to the ground, ears pulled back as she starts to look for moss. Though the frigid air is unkind she can likely find some meager pickings for her own nest. She doesn't really want to bother anyone for help.
die with memories , not dreams .
Unsure if his presence was wanted, Dawnstorm picked his way toward the molly, dual-toned optics staring absently ahead. He wasn’t familiar with the other, not since her reintroduction into RiverClan, but the one thing he prided himself in was his memory, storing away a name to a face for future reference. “Hello.” He rumbled, staring at the water’s edge with indifferent hues. Boneripple. He liked her name. It reminded him of twigs in water, floating aimlessly as he slapped the water like a child, causing the twigs to disperse, following the ripples, and carting them to new places. It was one of the rarer days that he allowed himself to indulge in childish games that he dared not play as a kit.

“Company?” He questioned, choosing to sit beside the other, looking around as he had seen her do. “I like your name.” He stated bluntly, shifting his dual gaze toward the other before leveling it toward the riverbed in search of anything suitable for nests, not of his own, but wanting to help the other. “Moss?” He prodded further, tail pointing toward the riverbed, deadpan.
thought speech

Pity sits heavy and sick in Snakeblink’s stomach: he tries not to linger on it, but it’s the first feeling that jumps to mind as he watches Boneripple. She has lost a leg, and along with it the natural ease and grace with which she moved through camp; she has also lost much worse, a friend in Cicadastar’s passing, a child in Stalkingpaw’s. She has escaped the shadows of a life with twolegs only to come back to the great, yawning grief of their life here: loss and hunger, and little joy to show for it. Yet.

She has been patient, more patient than he could imagine himself being, in relearning her place in the clan. He sees no reason to deny her request to go fetch moss, nodding and trailing after her, his eyes darting to and from her — not suspicion but concern, and an ever-wary attention on their surroundings, as if the danger that took her away from them before might snatch her back now. He hesitates to help her with her actual goal: should he help, point her towards the spots he knows moss still grows in small but lush patches in the cold season, spots she might have forgotten? Or would it be overstepping, patronizing?

Dawnstorm’s approach is a relief here: this one is a newcomer in every way, and Snakeblink can and has been teaching him in this kind of small knowledge.

”It is kind of you to offer, Dawnstorm,” he simpers, watching the younger warrior with lidded eyes. ”Here, let me show you a good spot — this will go faster with all three of us gathering moss. I am sure the elders would welcome any excess we have afterwards, hm?”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 48 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo