a different sort of man| muskrat spotting

where the angels sing ✧°. ———————————— Catfishpaw had developed a habit of sneaky from the confines of camp and adventuring Riverclan’s territory. A much wiser cat would think about the two raids that have, happened and the otter attack and maybe think about not leaving the safety of camp without a warrior. Any cat with a head on their shoulders would soon understand Catfishpaw was pretty, not wise. So, here she treks on her own next to the river. She hadn’t gotten far from camp when she was intrigued by a stick in the water. She had noticed it seemed to be moving against the current, and winning at that.

Her green eyes watched as she sat down on the bank, there was a confused expression painting her features. Slowly she stood up, and quietly walked back to the camp, making sure to note where she saw the “stick”. She peeked at camp and then shouted “I found a stick that can swim! Who wants to like come and look at it with me?“ she had a way with words. She waited for a couple cats and then led the charge back to the spot she saw the stick. But, what greeted the party of cats was not a stick in the river but, some sort of rodent on the shore. It sat with a small twig between it’s teeth, it looked awfully greasy and Catfishpaw halted in her tracks.

She waited for the other cats to take a good gander before voicing a question “What’s with it?” she questioned with some disgust that she couldn’t quite mask.
[penned by user - [tags]]
———————————— .°✧ we're mixing up milk and honey

The sore and battled warrior stiffly followed Catfishpaw out of the same curiosity. Her brows furrowed, a swimming stick. Could this be a creature? The warrior had lost her memory but she knew sticks couldn't swim unless Catfishpaw was referring to a stick floating across the stream. She hoped it was worth her curiosity and not that. Her muscles were tight and strained from the battle. "Do you mean a floating stick?" meowed Petalnose, expressing her thoughts as she suspiciously looked down at Catfishpaw as she followed. "You shouldn't be wandering too far on your own. It's dangerous," she warned, ears flattening. However, she wasn't too hard on the apprentice since she wanted to see this so-called swimming stick.

Her eyes narrowed as her eyes landed on the muskrat, sniffing the air to realize it was a somewhat familiar creature. "It looks like some kind of large rat." she pointed out, lowering her head to the ground, "It looks big enough to feed two or three warriors, maybe we should see if it tastes good." She pointed out, excitement stirring in her belly. Her mind didn't cross if it was dangerous or not, surely if she was bigger than it- they could take it on.

જ➶ The only reason why they found interest in this subject is the only fact that they might be able to maybe swim and hunt for a bit. The stick is not even remotely interesting and they find themselves slightly wondering on the intelligence level of the apprentice. Sticks did not swim. They had no appendages to do so, so they figured it is most likely floating along on the water's surface. Still paws move forward to see the spectacle and as his eyes narrow upon the twig something else comes forth. Maw curling they step back and glance toward Petalnose who thinks of making it prey. The idea of a tussle with that thing doesn't sit right with them and he snorts a little. "I'd rather not get chewed into today. Risk it if you want."

It is a sizable creature and seems pretty capable of protecting itself. The warrior isn't inclined to even take a closer look. What if it reeks? The way it's fur looks they couldn't put it passed that it stunk to high Starclan.
Ravenpaw stuck to the warrior's sides, obeying the rules in the open not because he thought it would be unsafe, but as for a buffer if any of them had found out that he occasionally snuck out of camp during the night. He lifted his head to show he agreed with Petalnose's chastisement, knowing full well the hypocrisy behind that gesture. He did not hate Catfishpaw, but he was going to be wary of her lest she try to stick flowers in his fur before.

"I'll help hunt if you all will." Ravenpaw offered immediately, cutting into Wolfglade's voice of displeasure. The fur looked unsightly, but that could be skinned away later. The creature looked plump—it could easily fill two or three cats. He licked his lips.


Dovepaw was a bit of a habitual rule-follower, always scared that some physical transgression against the rules clearly set in stone would leave him debilitated until his very last day. The only times he had ever actually broken the rules were by the coercion of a certain fellow apprentice that had a particularly big set of ears and a knack for getting on his nerves just enough that he went along with such illicit doings.

His mentor had decided to go along, and Dovepaw had followed out of some sort of obligation—obligations were what ruled his psyche, after all. Dovepaw was woefully self-aware of such a thing.

However, all philosophising went out the window as he stared down at the creature Catfishpaw had run across.

It was really ugly.

where the angels sing ✧°.☀ ———————————— Ignoring the chastising from Petalnose and Ravenpaw because honestly that was not the most important thing at the moment. I mean she was looking at something resembling a otter rat, it was kinda cool, kinda gross. When Petalnose suggested hunting it Catfishpaw was going to protest. She certainly wasn't going to touch it if it was on the freshkill pile, but then again she wasn't hungry right now, and she had eaten worse. Then Ravenpaw had to set a standard for the group, saying he would join in. Great, she couldn't be the one that says "Oh no! We have plenty enough at camp and I would hate to ruffle my fur" so instead she puffed her chest out. "Let's get some water rat!" she did exclaim it to loud to begin with but by the end of the sentence her voice was the appropriate levels for hunting.
[penned by user - [tags☀]]
———————————— ☀.°✧ we're mixing up milk and honey

She glanced over her shoulder to hear that Wolfglade had decided against joining her, dipping her head in respect. She glanced back and forth between Catfishpaw and Ravenpaw, listening to them to finally decide an accord. As curious as she was, she’d still go after it by herself if they came to the decision not to. It would be exciting for her to see how much of a fight this creature would put up. Her belly swirled with excitement, crouching down low and making sure she was facing the wind. “Alright, maybe you two should come in from the sides and I attack from the back. Sounds like a plan? Unless you two have another idea." she hummed, looking back at them. They may have a good amount of prey since Newleaf arrived but new and unique foods intrigued her and she was sure some would have the same interest. Plus, she was itching to take her anger out on something since the fight of Sunningrocks. Maybe it'd put up a good fight and maybe it was an opportunity for Ravenpaw and Catfishpaw to show their skills. "A great opportunity to brag to your mentors, hm?" she meowed, her face expressionless but her tail twitched with excitement.