camp a duck walked up to a lemonade stand | good morning?



// set the morning after the windclan skirmish!

While WindClan, ThunderClan, and SkyClan clashed together through the wee hours of the night, Tiggerbounce had been sound asleep in his Twoleg nest, tucked right next to his person's face. It had been a good morning, waking up well after the sun had risen and eating slowly alongside his Twoleg as they clicked through channels to find the news. They had both gotten a late start and so Tiggerbounce found himself waltzing into camp close to noon with one of his toy mice clutched in his mouth. His chest heaved a bit as he settled down - it really was quite hot for the tubby tabby - and he gingerly laid his toy on the ground, his saliva tinting the purple cloth. He was just about to call over Bobbie or Orangeblossom to investigate his offering, see if they would allow their children to play with such a thing, when he saw it.

Dried red droplets scattered from hither to thither, tracing a path from entrance to medicine cat den. Tiggerbounce tilted his head at the sight. What on earth? "Hey, uh, is nybody missing some important bodily fluids? Or get in a fight? Or... well, what did I miss?"



♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Figfeather loved the daylight warriors of the clan, one of her favorite cats, Tallulahwing, was one. However, in times like last night she couldn't help but find frustration with them when they returned- stress free and in complete confusion on what had occurred.

Tiggerbounce was not the first daylight warrior of the morning to step paw into camp with dumbfounded questions. "WindClan attacked last night." Briskly she informs the older tom, not wanting to have to hear another long-winded explanation of the violence that took place. "They didn't reach camp... everyone is okay." A bit more sympathetically she adds.

Being a part of the battle had kept him up through the night, and the chaos of its aftermath had kept him awake further as those who fought alongside him have had their wounds checked out.

He's been awake so long now that the daylight warriors have begun to arrive - each having to be filled in on the news. Though he'd never want to live the life of a kittypet, he can't help but envy those who'd gone to their twolegs for the night, those unaware of what happened while they slept soundly in the safety of plush beds.

Tiggerbounce is just another face arriving to a hectic camp, and his questions aren't too new at this point. How many more times will he have to hear confusion-laced questions about the battle before he's able to settle into his nest? How many more times will he hear of blood strewn across the camp, only to glance over at the same spots like its a new discovery? Greeneyes isn't sure.

Still, a tired smile pulls at his face at the round tom and the odd object he's brought along with him, grateful that Figfeather chimes in with the night's news. Everyone is okay, she says, and Greeneyes nods, as if proving to Tiggerbounce - to himself - that he is okay too.

"Welcome back," he adds in greeting, his tail wrapping around his paws. "You didn't miss much, really." A playful tone sits in his voice as he glances down at the twoleg object Tiggerbounce has brought. Purple-toned and mouse-like, Greeneyes isn't too sure what it's meant to be beyond that.

"What'd you bring today, Tiggerbounce?"
don't rush something you want to last forever .
Yukio peered out from the nursery at Tiggerbounce’s voice, blinking sluggishly. Oh. His maw parted, letting out a quiet sneeze as he picked his way toward the daylight warrior, offering the other a nervous smile. “Mmm!” He chirped. “I, It was scary.” He mumbled, tail swishing at the panic pooling into his gut when he peered into his adoptive father’s eye from the nursery, molten copper narrowed, pupils nothing more than slits.

“B, But the g, good thing i, is that e, everyone’s safe!” He repeated, bobbing his head. ”I, I hope your j, journey wasn’t too difficult!” The cream-ticked tabby added, blinking owlishly.
thought speech

The medicine den was cloistering and unwelcoming, with so many new patients after WindClan's encounter, Silversmoke didn't mind slipping away and waiting until things had settled to check the severity of his own wounds. If he could walk and talk, he never thought they were that bad but pain, once like background noise on the left side of his face, still flared in various areas where he'd been clawed and bit. His scowl was like a storm and Tigger's naive presence bouncing through camp only seemed to make it worse, hawk-like eyes on the Daylight Warrior in a flash. "Nice of you to finally show up." Silversmoke's tone was accusatory yet not directed at Tiggerbounce but rather at the entire concept of his existence. 'Daylight Warriors are just like regular Warriors', he heard the protest over and over, but he could not understand how that could be true when it was twice now the clan had been let down by their absence. Still, they were praised for helping the shelter cats, and offered promotions for doing the one job they were good at, it was a nauseating concept, only made worse by the bad mood a lack of sleep and new wounds brought the tabby.

Blood both wet and dry still clung to the Lead Warrior's fur, staining the moonlight-coloured hairs an ugly crimson. In his frustrated pacing and long brooding moments, he hadn't found the time to properly groom himself, even now, it scarcely seemed to matter. He said he would die for any SkyClanner, truly though, how much of a SkyClanner could a Daylight Warrior be? Tired eyes briefly flittered towards the new toy Tigger had brought and it took the will of the Stars itself not to scoff - Twoleg tat wouldn't make up for failing to be there when it counted. It was hard to acknowledge that it wasn't entirely the Daylight Warrior's fault, they'd been given a choice and they chose the smart one (free food, more warmth) - but just because something was smart didn't mean he had to like it. "The next kittypet to say 'what did I miss?' is getting dirtplace duty for a moon," he huffed, unsure if he was sincere in his own threat. He just needed to sleep, but with adrenaline still coursing through his veins, it seemed like it would be a long time before the Lead Warrior allowed himself to settle.