camp A FATE WORSE THAN... \ rescue patrol announcement

Blazestar stalks from his den as the sun rises, purpose in his gait. His dark blue eyes gather the dawn light like morning dew, his pelt hastily groomed and his shoulders pushed back. There must be strength at the core of their Clan, now, when so many of their strongest are missing. The golden-masked SkyClan leader leaps onto the Highbranch, tail swaying before he turns to address his Clan.

"All those old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highbranch for a Clan meeting!"

It is just time for the daylight warriors to make their way into camp. He eyes them in particular as they make their way to the front of the crowd. "Yesterday, you were given an assignment to practice opening Twoleg cages." He lifts his chin. "Today, you will use this skill. You will go to the shelter at moonhigh tonight, and you will free your trapped Clanmates."

It's a bold decision. It's one he has only the faintest of confidence in. But Blazestar expects StarClan would not want them sitting in their camp doing nothing while their Clanmates suffer. These boughs will not break. "Johnny, you will lead this patrol. Take Shrimpy Boy, Tallulahwing, Momowhisker, and Wyrm." After a moment, Blazestar adds, "Thistleback, Pigeonsong, you will accompany the daylight warriors. Be careful. I expect you to heed everything they said, as this is their world, and not yours." He adds to Pigeonsong, "You may take Spiderpaw, but ensure she understands this is a dangerous mission. You will keep an eye on her." None of the other warriors had apprentices -- and if they did, like Thistleback, they'd been held hostage by Twolegs.

Blazestar lets his tail swing with more momentum. "SkyClan, do not tread lightly. These Twolegs would snatch you up as quickly as they did Grizzlyridge if they got a chance. You must be quick, and you must be aware of your surroundings at all times." He frowns, worry beginning to tug at the lines on his face. "SkyClan will honor you for facing this danger, though. And I expect StarClan will, too. Take all of today to prepare for what's to come."

He almost adds, and to say your goodbyes, but he holds his tongue.

patrol members: @Johnny @TALLULAHWING @MOMOWHISKER @WYRM @SHRIMPY BOY @Pigeonsong @spiderpaw @ThistleBack

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[] Spiderpaw's initial reaction to the familiar call from the Highbranch's peak is her usual one; a displeased mutter, perhaps an irritated roll of her eyes, but she trails into the clearing, tail dragging heavy in the dust behind her as dawn's light glitters off the dewy fern fronds and the basset-hound eyes of SkyClan's pale-gold leader. She seated herself in the clearing where the apprentices usually did, ears twitching incessantly with upset; no way to dodge hunting practice with Pigeonsong now, she thought ruefully. Visions of her less-than-successful climbing attempts the day before made the tips of her fur bristle with embarassment; contrary to popular opinion, Spiderpaw had a personality buried under all that bitchiness, and it was easier to see in her thoughts when she was alone, or close to it.

Her heavily lidded gaze follows the movement of the daylight warriors trickling into camp with quick flicks of her irises; one of her better skills. Spiderpaw's large ears lift at the sound of their names ringing out in the dawn silence; she has to concede, it's an intelligent decision to have them lead. Rare for Blazestar, she thinks sharply, pathetic as he is. She picks up her mentor's name being called, and her muscles tense with interest; Blazestar continues—she will be accompanying the patrol if Pigeonsong takes her. Her posture deflates, Spiderpaw quickly correcting it; accompanying a bunch of soft-bellied daylight warriors and risk getting abducted by Twolegs in search for a bunch of cats she doesn't even like? Right. The blackfurred cat's initial reaction is one of resigned irritation; dragged out of camp at moonhigh to a ... shelter, but something within her bristles with anticipation, ripples on the smooth acid surface of her consciousness.

In Spiderpaw, under the smooth impenetrable shell of her attitude, is a small longing; to be important, liked despite her vicious demeanour. That part of her is what stirs under the surface, barely seen, like the shadow of a fish beneath the water or a bird on a night sky, rinsing away the irritation. She licks one shaggy paw with feigned carelessness, the machinations of her mind working like cogs; not only will this patrol allegedly garner honor from SkyClan, it will provide her a potential opportunity to exercise what, in her opinion, is a growing talent for combat, a sleek agility that she's begun to develop with her reluctant training. At the very least, Twolegs are apparently more a game of stealth and speed than sheer strength, something Spiderpaw lacks. The apprentice shudders; she's brushing too close to more introspective thought, and purposefully refocuses.

She bolts over to Pigeonsong, usually limp legs moving, unusual interest and drive glittering in her cool gaze; she has a desire for this now, something that the sandy tom has yet to see in his apprentice, "Pigeonsong, will ya' take me?", She mews, careful to conceal in her tone what she fails to in her gaze; her drawl is as venom-edged as ever, but Spiderpaw has an unmistakable shine to her usually-glaring eyes.

tl;dr -> spiderpaw is initially displeased to be placed on patrol, but warms up to the idea; she asks if pigeonsong will take her
// all opinions are purely ic lol <3
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When Johnny walked into camp that morning, it was just in time to hear Blazestar call for a meeting. There was a tone to the tomcats voice that wasn't usually there, something final. Johnnys heart picked up a bit as anticipation swirled in his stomach, because he had a pretty good feeling as to what all this was about. He'd spent most of the night in his twolegs garage fiddling with his cat carrier, working the metal latch until it hurt, but his efforts hadn't been in vain.

By the time he'd left for Skyclan that morning, he'd been able to open and close the door of that cage with shocking precision.

It was no guarantee that he would be able to open the cages at the shelter. It was possible that all of their cages were completely different from the latches they'd be facing down. And yet, he found himself eager to put his skills to the test, to finally help ease some of the suffering these cats were feeling.

The patchwork tom had expected to be a part of the patrol, but he was surprised when he found himself being the first name called, placed in charge of the entire operation. It wasn't the first time he'd led a patrol for the clan but this was very different than hunting at tallpines. Lives were at risk here, but he knew his own was not among them. Johnny was collared. Worst case scenario he'd sit in a cage for a few days and then be right back at home while his clanmates were left to rot in that place. He wouldn't let that happen. They wouldn't take risks. He'd get them out, and if someone had to take the fall then that someone could be him.

"Understood, sir. I'll take the time to devise a proper strategy. " the bobtail replied, shoulder squaring in determination.

It would be the first time Johnny did not return home for nightfall. He knew his humans would worry about him and wonder if he was okay, and he'd be a liar if he said he didn't feel a drop of guilt at leaving them to stew in their thoughts, but there was no question about what was more important. Those cats needed to be rescued and if he could be of any use to the patrol then he had an obligation to be there. Blazestar was putting an immense amount of trust in him, and he wouldn't betray that or the other cats that were waiting for their friends and family to come back.


Shrimpy Boy's eyes carried a decadent, olive-ish green tint in virtually all circumstances; yet, when the tom breached the brambly barrier and set paw in SkyClan's camp this morning, their corners were blemished by red. Last night's waterworks persisted for longer than what he'd publicly admit to, and it'd nipped any chance of a sound night's sleep right in the bud. Fatigue, compounded by his overarching malaise, weighed on him like a tonne of stones. He'd rather not think about it, being abandoned like a piece of twoleg waste, but not doing so bordered on the impossible. Blazestar's summons penetrates through the fog in his mind, beckons him to the bilge of Highbranch, and as he roamed toward his leader's throne, Shrimpy Boy wore his fragility right on his sleeve.

The gingery furs of his rump become planted in the earth. Seated not too far away from where Johnny was situated, Shrimpy Boy does his darndest to hold his focus on the news that was divulged. Captured clanmates, locks, and a looming rescue attempt hang in the air, put forth with a confidence that the tom wished had been genuine. These shelters were not a light matter, and the twolegs' commitment to confining cats like him cannot be understated. What memory he held of his tenure in a cage sends a quake along his spine—the tight space, the sterile smells, the constant noise, all a stark contrast to the freedom of the woods. Though optimism may be in slim supply, it is with hope that the captured clanmates wouldn't be too shaken up if- no, when they're freed.

Hearing his name listed as one of the rescuers makes his jaw clench, his face pale. His breath catches in his throat and forms a knot, whilst a blend of fear and determination infects every fiber of his being. He can't believe his ears. Doubt claws at his skull and effectively dulls his mind, leaving him in a bit of a daze throughout the remainder of Blazestar's diatribe. This wasn't some run-of-the-mill, rub-your-ass-on-a-tree border patrol. This was life or death, in every sense of the phrase.

By the end of the meeting, Shrimpy Boy had yet to return to the present. Aside from wayward eye-flicks towards the other clanmates who'd been named off, the tom was stiff as a statue. It isn't until Johnny pipes up and takes the charge that his apprehension subsides, if only marginally so. This isn't something he'll be doing alone, and in the case where someone is grabbed, there's only a one-in-eight chance it'll be him.

"A-Aye Aye, Blazestar!" he musters, though the resolve he'd attempted to show is betrayed by a high-pitched crack in his voice.
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This was not something he was ready for, his suspicions that Bananasong had been taken come true. His breath hitches in his throat as he listens to his leader speak. It had been days since he had seen her last, but he genuinely couldn't imagine her twolegs doing something like this to her. They'd seemed so warm when he'd visited with her. They'd even given him something that she called treats. Everything feels as though it's spinning until he hears his name called.

Blazestar may not have known how invested he was in her, but the thought of being responsible for protecting the daylight warriors who might rescue her gave him chills. If they failed, he'd never forgive himself and if they failed he might very well find himself among the imprisoned. Not just that but he'd suggested he take his apprentice with them. The truth was that he hardly trusted her to show up for training and if something happened to her he might break. She didn't like him, or so he thought but he was responsible for her.

She rushes over to him and for a second he fears the worst. "It's okay, I won't ask-" He's prepared to tell her that he doesn't expect her to go. It didn't seem like she ever wanted to do anything with him but something is different. Spiderpaw seems genuinely eager and even though fear weighs like a rock in his belly, he sees potential there. To stoke her enthusiasm and hopefully, maybe, it'll be the beginning of a cat that he could be proud to call his apprentice.

Deliberating a moment more, he meets her gaze, trying to hide any hurt that may show in his own.
"You must listen to the daylight warriors, what they say goes." The tom would mew seriously, his eyes boring into her own, warning her.

He adds quietly, "and if I tell you to leave, you must listen. You could be captured or worse." He moves back a tad, trying to gauge whether she'll actually listen and take in what he's saying.

"Promise me, that you'll do these things, and you may come with me." Pigeonsong wishes that she would understand that he cares about her, even if she doesn't offer the same to him. Bananasong's life is on the line as well too, and if Spiderpaw does something that causes this to go belly up, he truthfully doesn't know if he'd ever forgive her... Or himself.

As suspected, his two-legs, brother, and parents had been very unhappy with his nighttime excursion. He had half been expecting for his windows to be shut for good but luck had graced Momowhisker with a second chance. Between the bickering and fussing, there had been no time for him to practice on his cage, a fact that left him using his clanmates as camouflage as Blazestar held the meeting. 'Moonhigh...' The point acknowledged with an unusual bitterness, his fur bristled in a brief wave. Momo had never considered himself a selfless creature, staying out another night might be the final lock on his freedom and after having so much fun in the forest, he could already feel an empty pit in his heart at the thought. He found himself conflicted as he stared at the leader. To go back to that cursed place was to reveal a bravery that he didn't know he had, on the other paw, helping out was the right thing to do. 'All them cats... I'm sure some of them deserve to be trapped, but not the SkyClanners. Not those children.'

His tail was cocked and slanted to the side, the Oriental cat moving between members of the crowd on elongated limbs. Johnny mentioned making a plan and he exhaled silently in relief - good, that would give him time to appear at dusk before the alarm bells in his home were raised. Momowhisker would miss the cloistered blankets and strange smells that had become a comfort to his sensitive nose - he just hoped he would be able to go back to it. "I'll do what needs to be done." He affirmed with a nod of his head. It was a bigger patrol than he was used to, with how man cats had been in the cages, each paw was needed.

The ginger-flecked tabby's housefolk had also not been pleased with her previous evening's excursion and late-morning reappearance, but Tallulahwing supposes they must understand. For her entire life up until adulthood, she'd been a mouser, raised in the rafters of the barn, left to her own devices and whims. She knows her housefolk do not and cannot understand the enormity of what she's taken on in SkyClan, and her heart aches for them as they worry for her well-being in the heart of the woods.

Still, her previous failure weighs metallic in her mouth. Tallulahwing straightens at Blazestar's call, but her heart is heavy as she notes she had not been chosen to lead this patrol. Yellow eyes flick to where Johnny sits, and the torbie stifles back a meow of protest. He's younger than her, more eager to please his Clanmates. He has more to prove... doesn't he?

Tallulahwing pads over to her Clanmates who have been summoned for the patrol. Anxiety stirs in her gut, and she can tell Pigeonsong, Shrimpy Boy and Momowhisker are feeling the same. "Well, now," she says in mock-brightness. "We'd best eat well and rest today." Her amber gaze sweeps over the other warriors, then rests on young Spiderpaw. For a moment, she wishes Figfeather were with her -- despite her camaraderie with these daylight warriors, there is no Clanmate she trusts more.

To her companions, she meows, "Take it easy, now, you hear? Won't do no good to worry about it all day." She expects Momowhisker is at least prepared, having been to the shelter itself and having seen the inside of it, but Shrmipy Boy looks nearly green with anxiety. The torbie pads closer to him and presses her muzzle gently against his ginger shoulder. "Don't worry, darlin'. Blazestar wouldn't have picked you if he didn't believe you could do it." She gives him a friendly lick of reassurance.

Perched with his heels pressed together, he listens silently. Eyes fixated on Johnny’s patchworked skull like a hawk. As Blazestar speaks, he’s named on the patrol and he merely nods affirmatively with a stiff dip of his chin. With smooth effort, he prowls up to the bobtail’s side as he makes promise to Blazestar . " I have the stars to thank for bringing you here " he spoke low to Johnny. " I’m going to get you a sparrow, and we will eat together. Whether you like it or not " his tone is laced with a dare to even challenge, and his grey eyes flick to the side of the daylight warrior’s temple before he turns to find his family.

" If I don’t come back. I’m sure you know I’ll give them hell until I’m dead or free. " he offers a smile to his children, pads to each of them to touch his nose to their ear affectionately. He pauses before Deersong to touch his nose to hers.

" my eldest boy. If anything happens, you’re second in charge of this family. " he would pause to give Coyotepaw a particularly long rest of his chin on the pale crown of his head. He’d turn on heel once more to approach the leads of the patrol, and settle once more near Johnny.

  • — smoll taggos @Coyotepaw @~Deersong~

  • MqZ0nzd.png

    Thirty-seven moons EVENT TRACKER | IMPORTANT INFO
    — Lead warrior of Skyclan since 12.22.22
    Devoted to Deersong 9.29.22 | polyamorous
    Father of Coyotepaw, Pricklepaw, and Eveningpaw.
    — mentoring Snowpaw graduate(s) Quillstrike
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • bVBPWus.png

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Reactions: ~Deersong~
Orangeblossom listens from the nursery, notably absent from her usual seat under Highbranch, in a rare show of insecurity. Should she be sitting beneath Blazestar, when her duties have been temporarily withheld for her own health? She doesn't see Thistleback take per place, but she doesn't feel quite comfortable doing so either. Her ears are pricked attentively, however, as Blazestar outlines his plans and expectations. Another patrol to the shelter, this time accompanied by Thistleback and Pigeonsong. The two toms are competent, but StarClan above, they're starting to run out of warriors. If either of those two get caught, they'll be in big trouble.

The queen rises to her paws, a little unsteady and unused to the extra weight that bears upon them, and approaches the rescue party's leader.

"Don't get caught, Johnny. You're one of the best we've got left." She touches her tail to his flank solemnly, a nod accompanying her words. She has full faith in him and his ability, but that is tempered somewhat by the gravity of the situation.

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer haha.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — art by merc!<3
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Johnny was mentally stockpiling information when Thistlebacks voice broke through to his thoughts, drawing his attention. "Don't go thanking anyone for me yet. Still gotta prove I can get the job done." he reminded the other gently. He knew how much this meant to Thistleback, and he wouldn't let the other waste praise or thanks on him until he'd done what he set out to do.

He opened his mouth to decline the sparrow, but it was quick to snap shut when it became clear that the lead warrior wasn't leaving him an option. "Okay." he relented, the smile that settled on his lips not quite reaching his eyes. This might be his last chance to ever share prey with the tom.

As the other turned away to speak to their family, Johnny felt his claws knead at the ground anxiously. The part of him that knew how capable and amazing Thistleback was as a warrior was glad to have the older tom at his side on the mission. But the part of him that worried for his friend, who just wanted him to be happy didn't want them anywhere near it. Thistleback shouldn't be saying his fucking goodbyes to his children, and the fact that he was made Johnny want to claw a human for the first time in his life.

"Don't get caught, Johnny. You're one of the best we've got left."

Amber eyes brightened as he turned to lock eyes with Orangeblossom. Her pregnancy was coming along now and this would be one of the last chances they had to get Ashen out before she kitted. So many lives ruined by this entire thing, tonight, under the watchful eyes of the stars, they would have a chance to make things right.

"There's not a twoleg alive that's quick enough to get their hands on me." he replied with a mischevious wink. They both knew how serious this was, but it was himself he was worried about. The collar on his neck, as hated as it may have been by some of his clanmates, would keep him safe if he ever did end up in one of those cages. But there would be no twoleg to come for Pigeonsong, Spiderpaw, or Thistleback.

His expression shifted then, some subtle softening as he regarded her with a more serious note. "We'll get us a win tonight, Orangeblossom." I'll bring him home to you.

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