camp a flower in your pocket | nest-picking

Jun 30, 2023
The time has come for Cinderpaw, her and Aspenpaw to pick out spots in the apprentice den, and what once made her excited to the point of not being able to sit still now makes her sick to her stomach. She had spent what felt like hours trying to make a nest and even then it looked terrible, patchy in places, bare in other. It frustrates her beyond belief that she hadn't been instantly good at it, but it was at least able to be slept in. That was good to her, but she has no flowers, nothing to decorate it with and it just looked bland.

Now she stands in the mouth of the apprentice den, the only hint of her discomfort is that of her fur raising just barely along her spine. Her nest is held in her mouth, and the choices are endless- but what if she messes up and puts her nest to someone MEAN? She thinks back to when Zappaw had shoved her in to the ground, sunburst of pain that had gripped her chest for just a few seconds. Dogskip wasn't an apprentice, but he had bared his teeth at her. And then- then Falconpaw yelled at him, so putting her nest anywhere near those two was off limits. She'd rather be caught dead than put her nest next to cats that don't like her. Fireflypaw was the medicine cat apprentice, Cinderpaw was her RIVAL, and, uh... Where was Doompaws? Where... So many new scents hit her nose as she pushes in just slightly further, ears flattening. So many cats all at once, she was used to there only being kittens. But Doompaw and the other kittens apprenticed last moon had time to change their scents and its all so overwhelming. Where is his nest? She assumes it'd be by Plaguepaws, but she can't even scent the other scruffy apprentice now.

She just stands there, staring blankly in. Panic seizes her chest and she drops her nest, ears flattening. Where was she allowed to even put hers? Should she just sleep off towards the walls of the den like she did with the nursery? Oh... She doesn't know. She doesn't know at all.

  • pearlkit.png
    -> pearlkit, pearlpaw
    -> cis female ,, she/her ,, 4 months
    -> apprentice of skyclan ,, found abandoned
    -> tiny chocolate tortie/fawn chimera with low white & blue eyes
    -> “speech, a7c7e7
    -> bisexual ,, too young [ single ]
    -> smells like moss & soft flowers
    -> image by oliver

She wonders what it might've been like to be forest born and gotten to live in the nursery before moving to the apprentice den, Hazel isn't sure why the cats are split apart like this but she assumes there's plenty of good reasons. Not enough room in one den, getting to be close to your friends and peers, something else she can't think of - but it seemed like the newly made apprentices made quite the big deal about moving to the new den so it must be some kind of mark of honor she didn't fully understand due to her kittypet lifestyle. But if it was worth all the fuss then she would happily join in on making sure it was memorable, "Pearlpaw! Congratulations on being an apprentice-that's so cool!"
Hazel dips her head in as she enters, noting how much smaller it was here than the warrior's den she only really got to use occasionally since she went home at the end of the day, "This is for you, for your nest! It smells like a crisp breeze."
The daylight warrior smiled as she set down the soft fold of fabric she had carried with her in her hat today and nosed it forward to the girl with enthusiasm. Her two-leg often put these in piles of her hides and they made everything smell nice and clean as though newly groomed.
"I have a few more for Aspenpaw and Cinderpaw too-are you okay? You look a little upset..." It was then she finally noticed the way the striped molly was standing, rigid as a statue and bristling as if spooked by something or another.
Man, time sure flew when you were having fun! And that's most of what living out here was... fun! Edenpaw was certain there were plenty of warriors who despised the way they opted for view life through an exciting and non-threatening lens (a shudder wiggled down their spine as they remembered the faces of the ill who had never made it back... it was hard to spin that one into something joyous), but that was just fine with them! Poking around for the familiar pelts of their den-mates, Edenpaw had hoped to maybe do some sparring with another apprentice but the newbies were moving in and that meant a chance to make more friends. It was a top priority for the bi-color cat and so they made a beeline for the distraught looking Pearlpaw.

Hazelbeam (wow, she was so nice... and her name really did suit her, huh?) was already there, offering some sort of congratulations. She's got something smelly... for decor? Yeah... that kind of weird stuff was her specialty.. that and circles probably. Plodding up beside the newly named daylight warrior, they waved their shortened tail in greeting before catching onto the tail end of Hazelbeam's conversation.

Huh? Why would Pearlpaw be upset? It was exciting to live with the other apprentices... Did she miss cuddling her mom or something? Edenpaw could not reasonably relate, such memories had not had the chance to form; it created an odd rift between the clan-borns... the fact they knew their families and knew them well.

"Heyyyyy~ Pearlpaw! No need to be upset," they chirp, "We're gonna have so much fun together!" Looking at the worn-down mess of a nest, they frowned slightly. Oh that looked like an abomination... not nearly comfortable enough to help with sleeping on the dirt-hardened floor. Eeeeeessh.... how to break the news? "Mmmmmaybe.... I can getcha something to put in your nest too! My house-folk have lots of flowers. I took some for Cherrypaw once!" Could they reasonably steal enough to hide the entire sleeping spot though? It was a lot of eyesore to cover up all at once...​

eggpaw & 05 moons & male & he/him & skyclan apprentice

Eggpaws own nest placement had been simple - he'd been the last of the lot to arrive, too busy asking questions to notice the scuffle that had ensued right after hi own ceremony, as his siblings and denmates tussled. Not that he minded - any place in the den was still nice enough, and all that mattered was that without sharing with a bunch of siblings, eggpaw had a lot more room for his pretty things. "Flowers? Are they pretty ones?" he asks, drawn into the conversation by edenpaws offer. It takes even longer for him to notice pearlpaw, but when he does he gives a bright, crooked smile. "You're an apprentice now too, right? Patrols and training are super fun - though, they always make me sleepy afterwards," he doesn't think he's slept this much since learning to walk and talk - it's really a change of pace.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a round faced and slightly pudgy boy, with long legs and too-big paws. his pelt is pale eggshell and cream, and he has dull grey-blue eyes. he wears butterfly wings and flowers in his fur, and seems to be growing at an exponential rate.

    physically easy && mentally easy
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=#108297]action here[/color][/b] and tag account