a gentle storm | thunderclan patrol

@KINDLEHEART @Rabbitnose @. Roepaw . - feel free to tag your apprentices!

Flycatcher has to admit he's a little nervous leading the dusk patrol to ShadowClan. Since the last time he had come to their border, they had been graced by a visit from a very angry ShadowClan patrol. Granted they had a reason for that anger, but it was fair to say their demands had not gone down well. Nearing their border with the thunderpath, Flycatcher brings his little group to a halt and looks back at them. "Okay, you know what we're here to do, patrol the border and strengthen the scent markers," He tells them calmly. "If we see a ShadowClan patrol I would prefer not to engage. However, if they are civil enough you may respond if you wish, but only in a polite manner. I will not have any of you goading them no matter what your personal feelings towards them may be." His words are gentle but meant as a warning all the same. He looks at his apprentice for a longer moment than the warriors, recalling the outburst she had when Pitchstar demanded Cinderfrost's exile. Satisfied he's told them what to do and given them warning of what not to do, he gestures with a flick of his head for them to proceed.

Rabbitnose tensed the closer they got to the border. He didn't like Shadowclan after the last encounter. He would try to behave, but if those little swamp beasts wanted to sneer and jeer at them, he might need to be scruffed.

"Understood!" He said.

He was going make sure his scent was all over the border. Wouldn't want anyone to ACCIDENTALLY cross again now would he?

Kindleheart will admit it - he's nervous to be going on this patrol.

Despite his mixed feelings on Cinderfrost's exile leaning towards being glad she was gone, Kindleheart had heard the ShadowClan patrol that had led to her banishment was... well, obviously not that great, yeah? That Pitchstar certainly sounded like a fun leader, didn't he? The brown and white tom wouldn't want to cross him, that's for certain.

So, Flycatchers orders to not engage, he was glad for that. Glad to not have to deal with whatever was going on over there. Just, scent the borders and go. Kindleheart could do that.

"Don't have to tell me twice," the warrior says with a nod of the head. He could only hope they'd not have to deal with the ShadowClanners today.

Scorchfrost was not a stranger to Thunderclan patrols, having talked to or at many of their warriors and apprentices over the moons. It was hard not to eventually interact when you were one of the cats most often on patrols. Nevertheless, he didn't recognize any faces near the border today. He supposed there were more cats in Thunderclan than just the ones he'd come into contact with, but it was still somewhat bothersome not to know them.

The black smoke stood a decent distance from the Thunderclanners, close enough to observe but not enough for them to immediately notice him. He'd only been casually hunting, the dead frog at his paws evidence enough, so he might as well keep an eye on them. Make sure they didn't do anything suspicious.

" "

The woman knows what has happened. She's heard the news, the tales on her behalf. It brings bitterness to her tongue. This isn't something she has wanted and that's why she kept her silence. But still her inaction sealed their fate. First in Honeytwist and then in Cinderfrost. She herself tried not to pull the blame down on her slender frame. Already she holds too much of it upon her shoulders and so she merely watches from the slight cover of foliage. As silent as the grave she shakes her head and thinks about how this will affect Thunderclan. They used to be a friendly bunch but now it most likely had changed. But still she always greets them, always says at least a hello and lets them be on their way.

So that is what she does. Despite everything the woman makes her way forwsrd and she dips jer head in greeting. Flicking her tail she eyes the Thunderpath for a short moment before calling with slight light tones. "Hello Thunderclan, I hope all is well with you all!" She gives a smile, one that quickly falls before she looks over her shoulder, scenting her clanmate nearby..

She knows Flycatcher was reluctant to let her on the patrol- she didn’t even want to come herself.
A stone cold expression is unwavering throughout the trek, and during Flycatchers spiel.
His prolonged gaze is only acknowledged with a flick of her ear- she loathed him, she couldn’t trust him, that much had been decided by the tabby the day he reamed Cinderfrost.
With his go she is on the move again, her head low, she wasn’t going to do anything- what could she do? Go for their ankles?
The familiar grating voice echoes from somewhere. Lifting a solemn gaze Roepaw almost feels her hackles rise at the familiar pelt of Bonejaw, her mere presence causing a knot to tie in Roepaw’s stomach.
How could she be so happy? Because she didn’t receive the consequences for her actions no doubt…
Pupils turn to slits, the ebony molly throws her head over her shoulder, and only then does Roepaw notice the other marsh-cat standing a distance away.
She can almost guarantee her mentors gaze has flickered towards her by now, but Roepaw only rolls her eyes and looks away.

[IC opinions <3]


As it were, Smogmaw remained out of the loop when it came to current affairs. The fact that Shadowclan's meetings comprised of rank changes at most did not help his case, but the warrior preferred being left to his own devices anyhow. He cared only about the light under which his clanmates perceived him- no good came from getting overwrought about the going-ons in other clans.

However, the tension along the border seemed so thick that it felt as though he could cut through it with his claws, and no immediate answer came to mind as to why this may be. Padding along towards the thunderpath on wary steps, the tabby ceased in his tracks some distance away from the medicine cat. He did not see Scorchfrost, but he could definitely smell the older male.

From his position, he glimpsed the assortment of Thunderclan warriors and apprentices, scrutinising them and reckoning what went on inside their simple, self-righteous minds. Not a whole lot, he wagered.



Despite the glowering of his apprentice, Flycatcher is glad that his patrol agreed to not cause any trouble. He doubted any of them would have anyway but he felt better knowing that was out there.

It doesn't take too long for ShadowClan to be spotted on the other side. Flycatcher is going about his taks, when he hears Bonejaw's greeting, and lifts his head to spot her and another tom not far behind her. "Greetings ShadowClan!" He calls back to them. Flycatcher has no desire to engage in polite conversation with them across the thunderpath at that moment but saw no point in being rude and ignoring their greeting.

Rabbitnose just kind of stared at Bonejaw. Like, really?? Your crazy little nephew threw a temper tantrum and even crossed their borders to get their medicine cat exiled and she wants to ask how they're faring?

He laughed, though he tried to mask it as cheerful.

"We are well, despite recent complications!" He called back. "I trust everything is well in the marsh as well?"

He was very good at pretending to be cheerful and friendly when he had to be. He told Flycatcher he would behave. He proceeded to rub his face on a tree and rub against it, making sure his scent was unmistakably clear.