camp a gesture towards home | pafp

Dec 15, 2023
It's absolutely sweltering today. Sunlight has a weight today, bearing down on exposed napes and draping itself over swaying backs. The river stands out as cats' only solace, and many cats flee camp in search of deeper waters to drown the heat out in. Horizonkit, though, contents him and his short fur to one of the camp's streams, tucking himself into the green shade of a willow.

Other cats surround him, clamoring for the cool too, but he finds he doesn't mind as long as he keeps himself focused on the palm on his paw. His green-eyed world shrinks to the diameter of a snail's shell, each spiraling groove a windy lane to stroll down, each gooey ridge of its body a hill to surmount. The creature winds up the tender pink skin of his pad, leaving a glittering starstream in its wake. And beyond it... a pair of yellow eyes?

Horizonkit blinks, chaos returning in the form of chatter and willow rustling and water burbling. Lowering his arm, the moon-eyed face of a denmate leans into view. He's seen her around before, familiar gray tones interrupted by dashes of tawny, rolling around with similarly-sized creatures as though they were the only ones that existed in the nursery. Horizonkit is quite a bit bigger than her now: was he really that small once? "It's a snail," he says to him, for lack of better words. He extends his paw towards him, snail in tow. Look. Appreciate. He'd been about her age when he did.

ooc: please wait for @ALGAEKIT !

riverclan kit | "speech." | tags

Sunlight sweltered upon the spines of Riverclan, but it had been the only season Algaekit had known, so she only knew to be kind and charitable to the summertime. Even so did the little kitten find herself seeking shelter from the sun's breath, hot and runny in the form of beaded droplets upon her forehead and between her shoulders. The heat proved almost oppressive, sinking even into the dampest corners of dens, but she forgave it for it was all that she had known it to do. River gargled up a sonorous stream of song, though it sounded as if it had etiolated within the harsh sunbeams, and had paled in comparison to the comfort that it gave to the ailing and sweating cats. She did not listen to it today, treating it much like the background buzzing of a nearby fly, even as sparks of light danced along its length. Paying little heed to the suffering that swelled around him, Algaekit's gaze trained upon a strange creature, molten eyes seeming to scald into the shimmering, slimy thing. It crawled along the willow's frond, slow as if it had all the time in the world - or was he simply too quick? It held a den upon its soft body, ridged as hills that the day spilled and soaked onto.

It was only until Horizonkit spoke that Algaekit had even noticed his denmate at all, pelt like mote of clouds upon the daybreak, stripes and marblings of various shades of greys. Algaekit didn't know the other too well, occasionally playing with him when the queens had encouraged them to. Not that it had ever bothered Algaekit, like she had not bore shame when she came into this world, and accepting the world in turn with open arms. Horizonkit had called this thing a 'snail', of which made Algaekit tilt his head to the side in boyish wondrousness, marvel in the form of gegenschein light upon downy countenance. "Snail..." He repeated, though quieter like he mulled over the syllables on his tongue, rolling it about as one would do with a smooth stone from the brook in one's paws. Immediately did she paw at the frond of willow that the snail happened to be upon, watching the green (and the snail upon it) bob up and down like it swam upon an invisible sea, honeyed and humored by the waves of her own creation. Wow... She kept pawing at the snail's perch, and watched with unabated attention as it swayed in rhythmic fashion, until it returned to its original state once more.

  • OOC:
  • q4Dcjhi.jpeg
  • —— ALGAEKIT / He/She / 2 Moons
    —— Kitten of Riverclan / Sibling to Redkit and Rivuletkit / Mentored by N/A
    —— A wiry, wild-furred blue tortoiseshell with high white and freckle-like spotting. Brilliant yellow eyes, like twin molten suns.
    —— Chaotic, obsessive and strange, Algaekit is a weirdly refreshing character to encounter amongst the sea of her dutiful kin. Beset by nature and her patterns, he is quick to connect the dots even when no such connection truly exists. Somewhat easy to befriend, provided that one can handle his bluntness and honesty at times.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.