camp a girl young and bright [“sleeping”]

Jan 10, 2024
*✧・゚ The days are growing longer and longer, and warmer and warmer. With these changes come an increase in Sangriakit’s time spent in SkyClan. The trips to and from the clan’s camp are still fun and filled with wondrous sights—she’d seen a real live butterfly the other day!—but the evening chill still feels like little thorns digging into her skin on the all home. In short, the trek back home is not very fun. And the walk is so long, and she doesn’t want to go anyway! All the other cats keep calling her a kittypet, and useless, and other mean stuff—if she keeps going home, then she’s just proving to them that she’s a home cat, and a kittypet, and weak and useless. She doesn’t want to be weak and useless! But she has to go home with her mom every day, so she can’t stay in SkyClan all the time.

Maybe if she hides somewhere, she thinks—but just as quickly that thought is struck out. She doesn’t want anybody to think she’s lost or something. The cinnamon torbie puts her snowy paws to her chin, thinking and thinking and…

Maybe if I pretend to be asleep, I won’t have to go home!

It’s a brilliant plan, in Sangriakit’s head. If she falls asleep in camp, then surely her mother won’t carry her all the way home—and if she does, then at least Sangriakit won’t have to walk. But if she doesn’t, then she can stay in SkyClan all night long and see what all the kits like Fluffykit actually do at night. It’ll be like a… what’s it called? A sleepover! She just has to find the right spot to curl up in, and boom! Sleepover secured!

The place she chooses happens to be the center of camp, alongside the little stream that trickles at a snail’s pace through one part of camp. Her sleeping form is pretty good, if she says so herself—curled up in a tight little ball, with her eyes squeezed shut, she appears convincingly asleep. The only problem is that the little torbie can’t stop smiling, a big grin of amusement twitching at her muzzle even as she pretends to have fallen asleep.

He had always liked kits even when he himself was not much older than him, having his own had only emphasized this feeling more strongly; they were precious and extremely important to clan growth and the culture and well-just really cute too, you know? How could you be in a poor mood if a kitten was pestering you? It was hard not to keep a stern face when he had to scold a few occasionally, they were difficult to remain leveled with and his annoyance the few times he ever felt it was short lived.
Yeah, he knew this trick. Sangriakit thought she was the first kitten to come up with this and she was sorely mistaken. Though, usually it was to avoid having to go to bed or go back into the nursery - this was more explicitly about not leaving the camp at all. Dandelionwish chuckled as he observed at a distance, unsure if it was his place to say anything but deciding that having a bit of fun would be fine. He rose to stand stiffly, stretching each brown dipped limb out as he arched his back before padding over. The cream and chocolate tom paused next to the limp and grinning kitten, "Well shucks, Sangriakit is fast asleep. Guess there ain't no one I can ask to race me 'round camp."
He scuffed his paws where tiny eyes might be able to see them if she opened them even marginally and he turned to trot about the middle of the camp in circles, "That means ah win by default!"


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    —⊰⋅ Warrior of SkyClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Cream/Chocolate Chimera w/mismatched green and orange eyes.

Butterflytuft sits just outside the nursery, diligently grooming herself as her kits play nearby. Her tongue rasps repeatedly against a forepaw and swipes against her cheeks. Her eyes follow her mate as he approaches little Sangriakit, who appears to be sleeping in the center of camp. Upon closer inspection, however, it doesn't look like she's sleeping at all! An amused smile flickers onto her maw as she gets to her paws and pads closer, humming in amusement as Dandelionwish begins to taunt her niece with a tempting game, a race.

"Oh, darn - I think she really could have beat you, too," She joins in on the joke with a light tone, giving her mate a big smile. She looks back at Sangriakit and waits to see if it will work. She doesn't mind either way - it is pretty cute to see her pretend to sleep, anyway.
Dandelionwish and Butterflytuft's voices draw Versacepaw towards the center of camp on lumbering and clumsy paws, despite the faux - strut she fruitlessly attempts. Her gold - and - black face is aglow with cheer and the pleasant feeling of a day's hard ( ish ) work done, along with the prospect of an impending return to her Twoleg's nest. There, she can nibble on the yummy meat left in her dish before she curls up on Britney's plush bed with its four little trees and purrs up a storm as a manicured hand strokes her broad forehead.

Versacepaw does a little wiggle at the very prospect, sending shards of light across the camp—newly returned from patrol, a couple of bejeweled chains are re - looped about her neck. Peering down at the ground, she sees little Sangriakit curled up, a barely - disguised grin on her muzzle as she fakes sleep. Fantastream's little family usually treks to the border on their own instead of joining Versacepaw and some of the other daylighters, but she still fosters a soft spot for her fellow part - timers, even if she's a newer member of the Clan herself.

" And I guess I'll have to find someone else to model my neck - things! " Versacepaw proclaims, happy to just be included. She does enjoy loaning out her glittery adornments to the kits occasionally—most of the little scraps seem to get a real kick out of the shiny gems and ropes of jewels. " Darn, and these were the sparkliest ones yet .... "

" speech "

*✧・゚ The kit doesn’t lie “sleeping” for very long before she starts to hear a set of pawsteps heading toward her. Her little ears flick once, twice, toward the sound before the other cat begins speaking. It’s Danelionwish, and he sounds super disappointed that there’s no one to race against him. But then he says that he wins by default, whatever that means, and the kit can’t take it anymore. "WHAT!! I could definitely beat you, duh!" She leaps to her paws, glancing between the faces of the cats around her. Butterflytuft looks… amused, for some reason. Like there’s something funny happening. Too late, Sangriakit realizes what’s going on—she’s been tricked. Fooled. Hoodwinked! By her aunt and uncle, no less!

Well, she’s already given up the pretending, hasn’t she? "I mean… I wanna race but I’m just… so sleepy…" She fakes a yawn, too loud and drawn-out to be believable, before climbing to her paws and shaking herself off. Her snowy chest puffs out, a challenge in her voice as she faces the brown-furred tom. "I could definitely beat you, but then I would definitely be too sleepy to do anything… except maybe try on a sparkly?" Bright eyes dart to Versacepaw, hoping that the apprentice will still let her try on one of her neck-things. After she kicks Dandelionwish’s tail in a race first, of course!