pafp A GOLD RUSH [ castle building ]

( ) coyotecreek is a rare sighting in the riverclan camp these days. he spends most of his time along the borders of his clan, or hunting until late in the evening. still, when he is in camp, he makes it his goal to brighten spirits. today, as the afternoon sun melts lower into the sky, the patched ginger tom hauls rock after rock up from the shore into a small, out of the way section of camp. glancing about, he notes the curious eyes of kits and apprentices as they watch him, and grins. "who would like to help me build a grand tower?" he'll ask, brightening his voice and gesturing with his tail at the pile. large paws begin rolling rocks towards each other and stacking them, creating a wide base to build walls upon. "this is a once in a lifetime chance to build the tallest tower in riverclan history. i bet we can make it so even cicadastar could fit inside." coyotecreek wiggles his eyebrows and continues at his work. a pair of paws patters up next to him, and dual-hued eyes will find the face of chicorypaw. "hiya, lass, ready to help?"
@CHICORYPAW we castle buildin

*:・゚ (^˵◕ω◕˵^) although riverclan is her place of residence, chicorypaw has yet to befriend or atleast familiarize herself with most clanmates that live alongside her. the young apprentice can put names on faces but ask her anything else and she'll most likely be scrambling for scraps of information, pulled from overheard conversations here and there. as she ambles about camp searching for something to pass the time, coyotecreek's voice rises above the surrounding idle chatter as he goes on about a once in a life-time opprotunity to build a record-breaking tower.

inmediately intrigued, chicorypaw hops over with a smile. "as ready as i'll ever be!" she chirps, eying the progress the tom has already made and quickly begins to help by stacking a few more stones ontop of eachother. "this is gonna be the best tower anyone has ever seen! i bet we could build it to the stars if we get enough paws to help!" a giggle bubbles up with ease from her throat at the thought, if it really were that tall maybe starclan themselves could use it too. for what exactly? she isn't sure but she's certain they'd figure it out down the line.

  • 🟆
  • perhaps larger reference added here?
  • Untitled217_20230803181343.png
    ━━━ chicorypaw
    ━━━ 5 moons.
    ━━━ she/her ; apprentice of riverclan.
    ━━━ pansexual poly ; single & oblivious.
    ━━━ lh blue tortoiseshell w/ low white
    ━━━ "speech"'thoughts'attack
    ━━━ penned by cobatic
    ━━━ art by cobi

Salmon and Ratpaw had returned about an hour and a half ago to camp from their early morning training, a constant each day. Sal had found she had begun looking forwards to it, with what once was exhaustion bloomed a new reason to get up. She rises to her paws from where she finishes licking down a rough patch of wind-blown fur, a heavy sigh leaving her mouth as she makes her way to the apprentice den. Hopefully Ratpaw resides in there right now... She doesn't want to go on a wild goose chase.

She stops when movement out of the corner of her eye draws her attention. Paws linger in place as she looks between Coyotecreek and Chicorypaw. "...Why?" comes her quip, her voice slow but devoid of judgement. She cannot muster it up. "Whats the point of a tower?" she sniffs, already feeling her paws becoming restless beneath her. She itches to go grab Ratpaw and head out once more but her curiosity is getting ahold of her, blue eyes staring down where they're placing stones.

  • salmonfunny.png
    -> salmon ,, salmonshade
    -> cis female ,, she/her ,, 30 months
    -> warrior of riverclan ,, former marsh grouper
    -> fluffy & dainty chocolate tortie smoke with white, blue eyes
    -> “speech, ff91a4” ,, thoughts
    -> lesbian ,, single
    -> smells like warm flowers & freshly cut grass
    -> chibi by pin
THE HERMIT ─── While biting back the itching feeling of a cough crawling up his throat, the dark sable figure of Rookfang slumbered past, focused on heading over to find a nice rock to sharpen his long claws when he overheard the commotion of building a...tower? His velvety ears pricked and twitched toward the direction, causing the warrior to go to a slow halt and decide to place his attention on the peculiar task. As he followed shortly behind Salmonshade, his stormy blue eyes flickered down to look at the eager apprentice bound over to Coyotecreek. He wasn't used to finding anything outside of the given tasks of patrolling, hunting, and training. Ever since he could remember since he joined the clan as a stubborn youth, he had been snapped into being dutiful to the point of it impacting his health.

However, with the sickness that clawed at the edges of the camp, Rookfang decided not to overexert himself, saving his strength little by little in case anything came up if he was needed. He hummed softly as he halted beside the other perplexed warrior, his deadpan expression latched onto his facial features as his hardened stare skimmed over the beginning form of their tower made of stone. The question that Salmonshade brought forth was the one that had laced his tongue as well but he simply muttered "Well...just don't let it fall all over your heads." Last thing they needed was two unconscious classmates after they tried to make the tallest tower ever. He wouldn't really know if it was or not, he had never seen such a thing until now. ​