pafp A GOOD MAN IN A STORM ⁀➷ spar

ˏˋ*⁀➷ Fallowpaw has, unfortunately, accepted her conundrum - that being, Bravepaw won't leave her alone no matter what she does.

The little nuisance has stuck himself to her side like a burr to her pelt, and nothing she does seems to keep him away. She runs away without saying goodbye and he insists his StarClan friends lead her back. She calls him ugly and he starts letting kits decorate his pelt with twigs. It's embarassing.

At the very least, she can help make him less embarassing. He's finally catching prey now, which is a good start, but it's not enough. Her careful hunter's eye has caught onto the way he shies from spars like it's a bird's broken wing. He's weak. She needs to fix that.

"Hey. C'mon," the apprentice barks, mere days after she herself got out of the medicine den. "Move it." She nudges the other apprentice with her head. It's a rare display of physical contact from the tetchy molly, and not a particularly kind one. There is kindness in it still, in a rough and wild way. A form of protectiveness, though she'd be loathe to admit it. For once she is the persistent one, cajoling him into a spar and refusing to take no for an answer. She won't let him drag his paws on this. "Can't just sit on your tail like a little sparring's gonna kill you, y'gotta learn. C'mon." And with one final nudge she breaks from the other's side, sweeping broad feet across the sand. She takes her place across from him in the Sandy Hollow as she has done with many others, and levels him with an unimpressed stare. It's goading, almost - a silent plea to get on with it.

  • @bravepaw : ̗̀➛
  • 81827753_leXAOq98Ir3HT2X.png
  • FALLOWPAW ⁀➷ she / it, apprentice of thunderclan, ten moons.
    a scarred, pointed brown and white molly with shaggy fur and golden eyes.
    standoffish and solitary, always seems to have a dark cloud hanging over its head.
    baying hound xx npc, littermate to antlerpaw & doepaw.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
. ° ✦ As a child of the turning season, when prey was not so abundant and more warriors bared their teeth for food than fights, the concept of a battle was far more glamorized in youth. The valiant tales of glory, victory, justice, though shed blood had sounded righteous in their act.

Now he had seen too much blood.

His kin, his loved ones, he had seen them all torn and shred like bark beneath his claws. It was shameful, he knew it, and he only felt it grow hotter underneath his pelt when Fallowpaw brought attention to it. A rough, unapologetic push from it does not catch him off guard but his eyes watch like a doe caught in a trap as his denmate ushered him onward with another nudge.

His too-big paws stumble over loose sand and felt more like a scolded kit than an apprentice in the moment. He should be brave, as his name has labeled him. He shouldn't fall into comfortable cowardliness- but how is he supposed to fight himself in that regard?

"But you're better at it than me!" Fallowpaw has fought before, she always returned battered and bloodied from some sort of fight. Bravepaw didn't have that drive to throw himself at an enemy, he especially didn't want himself tangled in her claws.

"Freckle..." The weak call for his mentor died before he could even finish as he felt the heat of greenleaf's sun cover his face.

Fallowpaw wouldn't hurt me... Fallowpaw won't hurt me. Bravepaw's tail flicked anxiously behind him as he squared his shoulders, swallowing a deep breath. Fallowpaw can't hurt me. Fallowpaw doesn't want to hurt me. The chocolate tom lunged forward with flimsy confidence, aiming to only push Fallowpaw to the ground.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc: — mentor tag @freckleflame
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby with a white locket and deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to grow into long, wispy curls. Developing into an awkward stage of kitten uglies as the rest of his body grows and changes. Severe scars from owl talons stretch across his shoulders and another that starts from his back down his left thigh.

ˏˋ*⁀➷ Her insistence works, but of course he feels the need to whine about it. What a baby. His pleas go unheeded. "Exactly. 'Cause you don't even try." Fallowpaw is good at fighting because she has fought. Blood has soaked its way into her skin, violence runs in her veins. A soft kittenfluff tom like Bravepaw wouldn't understand - but at least he's lucky enough to have her help. It might keep him from getting killed someday. Owl-scars trail in a match of hers across his flank, and her stomach curdles to think about them. She doesn't know what to make of that feeling.

Stumbling paws meet no sympathy as she readies herself for a fight. He calls for his mentor, and she is silent. No one will help him here.

He attacks. Self-satisfaction curls in her belly. He's not too much of a coward then, at least. She stumbles, never one for defense, loses her footing. And then - she steadies herself again.

Her face sets back into a scowl, flicker of pride squashed instantly. What exactly was his goal there? A tufted paw shoots out to cuff him over the ears - claws sheathed. It's a rare show of restraint for the apprentice, but the baring of her teeth is clear indication that she can do worse. "C'mon, you got better than that," she grouses. It's hardly a spar yet; that attack was pitiful. Her violence remains leashed with a lashing tail, expectant and ready. He'll have to learn to defend himself before long, but she offers hesitance as a sort of mercy. It is as close to gentleness as she gets.

  • mentor tag @STORMYWING
  • 75847553_J54l2Gh8YgBMzwX.png

  • FALLOWPAW ⁀➷ she / it, apprentice of thunderclan, nine moons.
    a scarred, pointed brown and white molly with shaggy fur and golden eyes.
    standoffish and solitary, always seems to have a dark cloud hanging over its head.
    baying hound xx npc, littermate to antlerpaw & doepaw.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Soft herself is lacking in combat skills, and should she ever be thrust into a situation where she would need to defend herself, she could see the interaction going poorly. She'd sparred before and utterly failed by her own judgments, which was the reason she was now taking it upon herself to watch others' spars, hoping to glean some information from their tactics and skills.

With Honeydapple in the nursery, Softpaw felt like she had more time on her paws, even if that wasn't the case. Sitting to the side of where Fallowpaw and Bravepaw were sparring, Softpaw watched with an intense eye. Fallowpaw had all the more experience over Bravepaw, but perhaps Bravepaw had a size advantage over Fallowpaw - it could be an easy match, if they were equally matched in skill, but Softpaw's mind wandered more towards the idea of Fallowpaw winning this spar.


if he was being honest, he hadn't focused a lot on sparring. he could very well hold his own. he's a big cat, and he's bulky. using thst to his advantage could help him win, but he hasn't really focused on it. he wonders if he was to spar with one of the more experienced apprentices, would he still be able to hold his own? if his mentor didn't hold back, would he still be okay? even if he lost a spar, he wouldn't be upset. things like this just happen for a reason, right? if you don't do good once, you can do better the next time! that's what his mom always says. he misses her. as he sits to watch the spar his thoughts wonder to her. he's never really seen her fight but that doesn't mean she's not a good fighter. if she is, he has to be too.

. ° ✦ Pads find purchase against scruffy fur and Fallowpaw fell to his weight with ease. Bravepaw's maw dropped in surprise- for himself that he had actually done it, and that it had been Fallowpaw of all cats!

Does he ask if it's okay? He's unsure, he's only seen it occur at the end of a spar. Does shoving her successfully meant he won? Large tufted ears fall flat as they're swiped and he stumbled backwards as he got and eyeful of teeth. "Better?" Better than that? But he won! "Okay... uhm..."

Eyes flicker to where other apprentices watch and a sense of vigor burst through his veins. He had to be a good role model for his Clan! Especially his youngers. He sized Fallowpaw once more, gears shifting to understand his next moves carefully. Fallowpaw struck like an adder in a fight. Quick and vicious- he would have to take her down like he would for such a creature. He didn't have to be faster, just trickier to catch!

Another breath, and Bravepaw dove once again. This time he feigned darting to her right, only to spin left and swipe at her back legs.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby with a white locket and deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to grow into long, wispy curls. Developing into an awkward stage of kitten uglies as the rest of his body grows and changes. Severe scars from owl talons stretch across his shoulders and another that starts from his back down his left thigh.
Stormywing sits nearby, working on an advanced move with @THUNDERGLEAM when the beginnings of a fight catches her attention. She yanks her muzzle in the direction of Fallowpaw shoving along Bravepaw, the fur along her spine beginning to rise. Her maw opens, preparing to bark an order at her apprentice to stand down - after all, she thinks it's just getting into another fight again. But she remains silent, realizing Fallowpaw is actually trying to spar with Bravepaw. No fight! Relief floods her chest and she gives Thundergleam a glance before moving to take a seat. "Hey Freckleflame! I'll bet you a fresh mouse Fallowpaws got this one! No, a squirrel!" She hollers at the other mentor, grinning in excitement. Anything to liven things up a bit.

The clamour of a nearby spar did nothing to bother Thundergleam- it was normal in this hollow, surrounded by training apprentices and mentors honing the claws of ThunderClan's promising young. Her focus was on Stormywing, every ounce of her energy poured into memorising these difficult moves- she already knew she was destined to be ThunderClan's saviour, but if she could easily prove it, it would likely make her duty much simpler. Stormywing's eyes flitted away- anger was soon overwritten with pride, and a joke was barked Freckleflame's way. An ember, dead as quick as it had sparked, felt a longing again. A small loneliness, that which had bit at her like a tick since youth.

Oh, to have had Clanmates to grow up with... to be raised in this world. It was not the way the world was meant to be, she understood that with all the devotion in her heard... and it was selfish to wish, and yet, unstoppable in that fragment of a moment.

"Oooh, a squirrel." Amusement coloured her purr. "You must be confident," she laughed, a breeze in her voice.
penned by pin ☾