private a good thing will take good time [rabbitclaw]

Though she goes through her days with the same ease that she always has—perhaps digging a bit more than she needs to, making good progress on the tunnel toward RiverClan—Scorchstreak cannot shake the lingering feeling of annoyance that hangs at the back of her mind. The young calico at her side shouts and complains about seemingly every new aspect of tunneling that Scorchstreak introduces. She’s nearly at the end of her patience with Pinkpaw, so when she spots her lilac-patched sister idling in camp, she’s quick to stride over. "Good afternoon, Rabbitclaw," she greets her sister with a dip of her head. "I actually wanted to discuss something with you." She supposes that discuss is an inaccurate word for what she intends to do—complain or seethe may be better fitting, depending on how Rabbitclaw feels about it. She’s sure that the tortoiseshell will understand, though, considering the struggles that Scorchstreak assumes she is also facing with her own apprentice.

"My apprentice, Pinkpaw… she’s determined that she won’t be a tunneler. Can you believe that, not wanting to be a tunneler?" She recalls that Heathpaw had also been there when Pinkpaw had approached their smoky-furred leader to request that they be reassigned moor runners. Perhaps Heathpaw hadn’t realized what they were doing, or had somehow been mislead; the fiery calico doubts it, though. The apprentice cannot hear, but Scorchstreak has noticed her odd method of watching others’ mouths. Chances are, Heathpaw also hoped to be made a moor runner when her sister asked it of Sootstar. Scorchstreak is glad that they were denied; she will not have another apprentice taken from her prematurely. Pinkpaw will be trained in the ways of tunneling, and she will grow to like it.

It's not odd for sisters to talk with one another, but they both had their own life and sometimes they just didn't speak too much with one another. Although Rabbitclaw herself is to blame considering she keeps her distance not out of animosity mind you, but it is just how she is. That is not to say she doesn't initiate conversation with Scorchstreak or her brothers, it's just less common. When she sees her sister bound towards her and dip her dark head in greeting, she can't help but chuff and playfully roll her eyes. "You don't haveta be so formal, but!" She then proceeds to dip her own head towards Scorchstreak "Good afternoon, Scorchstreak." Little moments like these are nice between them. Where there is no talk of death or stress from whatever the heck Windclan is going through.

Whiskers twitch and eyes narrow in concern when Scorchstreak wants to discuss something with her. Did I do something wrong? I swear if someone complained about me I'm going to riot. I can't remember doing anything bad though... Don't tell me they got hurt. Guessing was doing little to ease her nerves on what possibly her sister wanted to discuss with her. She nods and answers "Go on." If this was to ask her a favor, she hopes whatever Scorchstreak got into was not horrible. She would never sell out her sister and would do her best to support her, but that didn't mean she couldn't question her sisters actions.

Turns out that this was not at all what she thought when the topic of Pinkpaw was brought up. Instinctively her face morphs into a grimace at the mention of her sister's apprentice. Before the apprentice in question tried to request to change her ranking, Rabbitclaw already had a poor opinion of her. She was nothing more than a brat who whined when nothing went her way. Mortal enemies they were. I wanted Finchpaw not you. After the whole request debacle, her opinion only soured and she felt bitter towards Heathpaw and Downypaw. Heathpaw may have lacked hearing, but she could read mouths. Without a doubt her own apprentice knew what was happening. Betrayal is what she felt when Heathpaw was there alongside her littermates.

Irritation laces her words. "I can believe it, if it's her. Pinkpaw has always told me that we're nothing but gross worm cats. Never had any respect for us tunnelers." Respect was something that was scarcely given to them compared to the moor runners. Isn't strange? How their job was more dangerous and so specialized, yet they didn't garner the same if not more respect than the moor runners. "Finchpaw was actually interested in being a tunneler and wanted to try it. There's some cats who can dream of being a tunneler, but Pinkpaw? She has no appreciation for us or what we do." I can't teach cats who don't love what we do or at the very least aren't curious at all. There's no point in it. Unfortunately, this is Scorch's apprentice. We can't leave her to rot.

She would sigh and shake her head. "Sorry, I know. It's out of line. I just... It makes me frustrated."

  • — rabbitclaw / windclan tunneler / feminine pronouns / 45 moons
    — pansexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — scar riddled short-haired lilac tortoiseshell with blue eyes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
Her sister responds in accordance with Scorchstreak’s epxecrstions, and the fiery calico allows a small smile to slip onto her face. "No, you’re right," she mews her agreement as Rabbitclaw rants on about Pinkpaw’s lack of respect for tunneling. She agrees wholeheartedly, of course; she’s been sweeping away her own disappointment since the day that she was assigned to mentor the younger she-cat. She clings to the hope that eventually Pinkpaw will find contentment in her position, and even come to enjoy it, but she knows that getting the girl to like tunneling will take significant effort on her own part. Scorchstreak is certainly not the most fun cat to be around, so it will be a struggle, but she’s sure that eventually it will all work out.

She sighs, tail flicking. "She’s a difficult one, that’s for sure. I’m not certain how I should handle her, truthfully." Perhaps her usual training methods will not work on Pinkpaw—an iron paw may not be as effective as a lax temper. Luckily, the calico tunneler is blessed with a reservoir of patience, so she is willing to work with her apprentice rather than against her. "How are things going for you? Are you and Heathpaw getting along well?" The snow-white apprentice cannot hear, she knows, and that could be causing friction between the two. She also recalls Heathpaw being at Pinkpaw’s side when the latter had requested they be swapped to moor runner mentors—does Rabbitclaw also resent her apprentice for being complicit?