A Greek who reeks of false righteousness ☆ PROMPT


Slave to self-righteousness
Nov 1, 2023
Asphodelpaw isn't fond of breaking rules- it makes him look bad to those he'd rather suck up to- but there comes a moment where an order given to him seems arbitrary and he struggles with whether or not to obey it.

Asphodelpaw was loyal to Riverclan and Riverclan alone.

Smokestar - and Cicadastar before him - could command the boy to do whatever they please, and Asphodelpaw held faith that he'd be doing the right thing beneath their command. Your leader's word is law, one of Riverclan's great rules that helped keep an entire colony of cats safe and promised their properties. It was one of the few lessons his parents taught him before they...well, Asphodelpaw was certain that by the time they came back, they'd find a son they could be proud of - one who'd never weaver, not once, from their teachings or in his loyalty to the clan they loved so much!

And yet, here he was.

Asphodelpaw returned from patrol with a vacant look in his eyes, confusion, and guilt leaving a rotten taste on his tongue. He should tell Smokestar immediately - or Crashingtide. But pausing in his steps, he found he could move them no further when his gaze fell upon his leader's den entrance. Smokestar needed to know - there was a loner within their territory, one who's presence threatened to steal their much-needed prey.

Smokestar's law had been set- loners were to be chased out, and none above the age of a kitten were to be accepted among their ranks.
A law Asphodelpaw believed in full-heartedly, especially after what Sasha and Deacon had done...

And yet, here he was.

All he could think about was those sad amber eyes, looking up at him with exhaustion no cat, not even the hungriest within Riverclan, could compare to. She was a loner, a trespasser, a danger... but calling someone who spoke with such kindness behind her tone, whose laugh rang like the birdsong they'd lost to the frost, and who trusted him with her injury that could very easily lead to her death if left untreated felt...it felt so wrong.

Suddenly, he didn't want to tell Smokestar that there was a trespasser on their land, but instead asked him - did every loner have to be turned away? Couldn't they make exceptions for cats hungry and weak and deserving of a chance?

But that felt wrong, too!

So here he was.
Hovering with his troubled gaze trained at Smokestar's den, trapped between his loyalty to the code, and this unshakable need to not betray the pretty orange and white tabby he'd caught on Riverclan's land.
Smokestar's word was law.
But what if that girl got hurt?

    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    8 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Mentored by Crashingtide
    Riverclan — Apprentice

    Physically easy | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #9fc3fc
    injuries: None currently

At least to Ferngill, from far away something about Asphodelpaw seemed... seemed troubled. He was lingering oddly in the spaces between, not vacant enough to catch flak for being idle, but... but noticeably lingering. If there was anything Ferngill was good at, it was noticing little changes in behaviours. He was personable, and he tried his best to be a friend- and he could still be friends with apprentices, even if he didn't bear a 'paw at the end of his name anymore. Especially the likes of Asphodelpaw, who he had shared a den with once...

Bright as blazing sunset, Ferngill wasn't good at sneaking- especially in the stark-white of Leafbare, the world bleached in entirety. Regardless, he tried to be subtle as he approached Asphodelpaw, a light frown on his fiery features. "Are you alright?" Voice soft and low, his ears folded backward in concern. Maybe he felt a bit sick? A bit overwhelmed? Was he worried about his training, perhaps?
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