It felt nasty to avoid him, and yet- equally as bad to be around him. Especially when he just kept... acting like everything was the same. Inviting him places, expecting them to hunt together and eat together and share tongues the way that they always had, as if he had not just thrown a boulder of a revelation directly at Twitchbolt's face. He knew, he knew he'd been colder than usual toward Quillstrike, freezing him out even if it didn't change how bad he felt. It was a lose-lose situation really. Ears pinned back against his head, he was prepared to go hunting alone once again; but, glancing over his shoulder, there was a tall shadow. Tracking him... seeming like he was attempting to get his attention. Indignantly, childishly, Twitchbolt turned his nose up and strode away into the forest. He knew it was mean. Knew it wasn't going to solve anything, and yet...

How was he supposed to move past this if Quillstriks just kept acting the same as he always had? The same cat that he'd- that he'd-

He was still there, approaching him. A rough sigh scraped through his throat as Twitchbolt turned around, mild irritation a green flicker in his gaze. "Shouldn't you be with Bananasplash?" The words had tumbled out more aggressively than he would have liked, but Quillstrike was just... not making this any easier.

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It wasn't hard for him to notice the change.

Quill was all about routine, was the kind of cat who enjoyed doing the same things with the same cats on a regular basis, and so it didn't take much for him to pick up on the fact that Twitchbolt was upset with him. No, that was the easy part. The hard part was figuring out why. As far as Quillstrike knew he hadn't done anything different lately that would have caused it- he was still doing the same things every day that he used to, only now, Twitchbolt didn't seem interesting in being around him.

Quill would ask him to go hunting, or would offer to untangle his fur for him and Twitch would always decline before coming up with some weak excuse as to why they couldn't stick around. At first he'd tried to shrug it off, had told himself that maybe Twitch was just needing some space from everyone after being cages in that place for so long, but it had become quite obvious that it wasn't other cats his friend as trying to avoid- it was Quillstrike specifically.

After that revelation, Quill hadn't been subtle about trying to close the gap that had appeared between them. The chimera was always watching for the other tom, would go trailing after them until he was noticed and then promptly given the slip. Rather than aggravate the warrior though, the raven found himself growing exceedingly anxious and eager to mend the rift. Did Twitchbolt not like him anymore? Was he done being Quills best friend?

The thoughts made his stomach twist with uneasiness, had made him ill-tempered with his clanmates and restless during work. He missed his friend, and the idea that Twitchbolt was done with him had him teetering on the edge of something dark and agonizing.

It wasn't much of a choice when he followed Twitchbolt out of camp that day. More like a compulsion, something he couldn't have denied even if he'd wanted to. A part of Quill was in full panic mode, because the only other time Twitch had avoided him like this was when he'd attacked that apprentice. Whatever the chimera had done had to be horrible- either that, or Twitch was just... done with him.

He thought maybe that last one would hurt the most. It dug its claws into parts of him that he'd hidden away the most, the soft underbelly that was his inability to be wanted. Not be his father. Not by his old friends. And now, not even by Twitchbolt.

"Shouldn't you be with Bananasplash?"

He visibly flinched when the other turned and snapped at him, stopping him in his track with drooping ears. His jaw clenched s he tried to reign in the wave of emotion that hit him solid in the chest, driving the air from his lung. Was this it? Was Twitch finally going to tell him to fuck off for good?

"But I want to be with you." he reasoned, not realizing just how the words might sound- how they'd wound his friend farther. But Quill was a blunt tom, and that was how he felt; like he wanted his best friend back. Things were fine between him and Bananasplash- it was clearly Twitch that needed his attention right now.

If only he'd take it hen Quill offered it.

"Just.." he stepped closer to them, craving the closeness he hadn't been allowed to have, burying his face into the messy fur of the others shoulder. "Just tell me what I did wrong. Please? Whatever it is, I'm fucking sorry, okay?"

Defeat and desperation clung to his words as he tried to convey how badly he wanted to fix this, how not okay he was with Twitch avoiding him as if he were the plague. He'd thought what they had was stronger than this, and the idea that it had all been in his head was making him second guess more than he could probably handle.

"I miss you."

skyclan - male - 14 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck. [/i][/i]

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He felt like he could have struck him and embraced him at the same time- looking at him like that, saying something like that, all while- while being with someone else. Technically. but he wasn't, now, was he? Physically. He was- here, in front of him. A sharp, forceful exhalation pushed through Twitchbolt's nostrils, loud and thus ill hiding his anger. But I want to be with you. Patchwork fur bristled, burned at being looked at like that, at being spoken to like that.

He was second best, he had to remind himself. Never the utmost anything, never worthy enough for someone's most. Or, at least- he was supposed to be, now that Quillstrike had a mate. He was meant to be pushed aside, meant to be lesser-needed because his chimera friend had found better company, had fallen in love, and oh it was so, so wonderful. And yet- yet, Quillstrike was still acting the same. Like it wasn't all different now.

He knew it- knew how unreasonable he was being. The jealousy, the envy, the rage that burned cold within him was a cocktail of emotions he had not felt for a long time. White-hot, burning- and yet, he couldn't raise his voice. Couldn't scream at Quillstrike the same way he'd screamed at his parents. He closed his eyes- jolted slightly as Quillstrike touched him, but did not move away. Even after all he had been through, he still did not have it in him to shove someone away when he did not want to. But- but, it had been Quillstrike who had taught him the benefits of standing up for himself.

"Sorry. That came out... meaner than I wanted it to be." He hadn't meant to snap, but... it was so often that he was on the edge of it, tensed from paranoia like a fraying rope. "It's just... you- you... you didn't even tell me, man."

A heavy sigh, again. He twitched, violently. "Y'know, one minute you're 'not even thinking about it', and the next- the next, oh you've gone and got a mate! It's confusing, and- and- you didn't even tell me!" He pushed aside what other selfish feelings had soured his mood. Feelings that weren't Quillstrike's fault, who didn't even like guys, after all. "I just- did you lie? Or did you just not trust me enough to tell me you loved her? It's a big deal!" Was he an untrustworthy friend? Someone Quillstrike didn't trust enough to not go blabbing to everyone?
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For a selfish moment he allowed himself the luxury of living in the moment with Twitchbolt, comforted by the familiar scent of his friend. He didn't understand why things had changed so suddenly, and a part of him was immeasurably relieved when an apology was awkwardly offered up. An 'its alright' was already on his lips, ready to be muffled into mahogany and cream fur, but Twitch wasn't done.

Just like that, it was all laid bare.

This was about... him taking a mate? Again, Quillstrike was left drowning in a tarry pit of confusion, because why would Twitchbolt ever care about something like that? It was no big deal.

"It' a big deal!"


"Of course I trust you!" he replied, head snapping up so he could look them in the eye, offended that they'd even suggest something so dumb."And I didn't lie." he added firmly, not wanting Twitch to think it for a second. There wasn't a moment in Quills career as a Skyclanner where he'd been dishonest. Vague, sure. And he'd tease and joke around, of course. But a liar? No.

"Twitch, I didn't plan to become mates with Bananasplash, dude. There was no secret plan that I kept you out of. We just.." he paused, because in truth not even Quillstrike really knew how it had happened.

"She just told me she loved me- that night- and... I said it back." he said, shrugging broad shoulders lamely, suddenly looking unsure. Had he somehow chosen wrong? Did Twitchbolt think that Banana wasn't a good enough mate? "I mean, she's nice and we get along, and I care about her. Saying it back seemed like the right move."

But for the first time since saying it, Quillstrike was uncertain. His best friend was pissed at him and actively avoiding him, all stemming from a decision he hadn't even really thought about. It seemed so inconsequential, and yet here it was threatening to rip apart the ground he walked on.

"I didn't think it would upset you like this. I'm sorry, okay? I want us to be cool again."

skyclan - male - 14 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.


It was adamant rebuttal, just like he'd thought. Quillstrike was the same cat he'd always known, had not shifted even when an aspect of his life had so drastically changed. It was admirable, really, the chimera's ability to stick steadfast to his mood and temper- a strength Twitchbolt did not have. Where Quillstrike was phlegmatic, even, cool and unbothered, Twitchbolt was forever the burning, pinwheeling opposite; choleric, flame and fright and fidget.

His jaw hung ajar as Quillstrike spoke, as if there was some interruption scalding the end of his tongue that never burst into firework fruition. Despite the tension, he kept his words barred behind his fangs and his tongue. It would be unreasonable to cut in, anyway. Unfair. What sort of friend would he be? Some untamed beast that wouldn't hear the other side of the story. No- no, he wasn't like that. Wasn't selfish.

Amber-dashed gaze still wildly wide, flickering with that sickening jealous flame, he stared. Appraised every little movement of Quillstrike's face to try and spot some betrayal, to... to set his flesh alight if he could just to see if he would falter. If he ever did. And- this was the closest he'd seen him. Stood there, asking- so close to him, asking for forgiveness.

A sigh heaved from Twitchbolt's lungs then, heavy and shallow all at once. Frustrated and relieved, if both could make magma-mix in a noise. It was a sound of released tension, and yet- not all of it. There still lay a bit there, squirming. Like the final bit of kindling left fluttering, sputtering at the base of his throat.

"We're cool." he affirmed first. Half-hearted, a shaky smile found temporary place on his face. "I'm not- I'm not gonna unfriend you, man. I just..." His breath hissed behinds fangs.

No secret plan. She told me she loved me... and I said it back. Seemed like the right move. "I thought you'd... lied." Not the whole truth, but he couldn't give the whole truth, could he? "It's okay. It's a me problem, too. As long as you're happy, dude." He swallowed. His smile dithered, but stayed.

"You know... most people normally realise they love someone before they tell them. At least, 's what I've heard." His tone took on a more jovial tone, then- still frayed, croaked, it being clear that there was still an underlying precariousness to his temper. "That's why I was so... yeah. Confused. But... you're not most people, are you?" Something he knew by now. Should have known, earlier. Should have accepted.
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""I'm not- I'm not gonna unfriend you, man. I just...I thought you'd... lied."

"It felt like you were going to." he admitted rather bluntly, a hint of betrayal in his voice.

That's all it had felt like, since the day he'd announced he and Bananasplash were a pair.

"As long as your happy, dude."

He was happy. He was going to be able to have a proper future now, where someone gave a shit about him enough to share their life with him. It was more than he ever could have asked of any cat, and he had no right to not be happy.

But the way Twitches smile failed to properly reach his eyes, faltering at every turn, left him feeling like something sickly was curling in his gut.

"I- I am." he replied, swallowing down whatever the feeling clawing its way up his throat was.

He hadn't expected any of this to be difficult- beyond maybe keeping Banana interested in him, of course. The shecat had a lot of options in the clan, and the chimera was well aware that she could probably have her choice of most of the toms, able to change her mind at a moments notice. But Twitch? Their friendship was set in stone, was a fucking mountain that Quillstrike hadn't even considered moveable, let alone breakable.

This sudden, unexpected fracture between them had proven otherwise though, had planted the seeds that maybe Twitch wasn't as happy with Quill as the chimera had assumed. And maybe, like Bananasplash, Twitch would choose to leave him for something better, too. Such similar situations, and yet where one only brought a sense of disappointment and self-deprecation, the other brought twisted, curling fear that lurched about in his gut anxiously.

The softer tone that was taken with him next, far more akin to the casual banter thrown back and forth, was a much needed relief in that moment despite the uncertainties still swirling within the oceanic depths of his heart, and he forced broad shoulders to shrug in that all-too familiar way before answering in his most uncharismatic voice yet. "Just another part of my winning personality."

He knew he didn't do things right. Most of it was simply because he didn't give a shit if he was doing things the conventional or socially acceptable way, but he'd be a liar if he said a part of it wasn't also a sheer lack of experience. Quills world had been so condensed for so much of his life that the only things he'd cared about were living to see the next day and then not getting kicked out his clan. All of the social developments that others went through as kids had been completely bypassed by the tomcat, and it showed in the way he spoke and acted and had difficulty connecting.

He wasn't entirely unaware though. Twitchbolt said he was fine with it and that he understood, but if he expected Quill to buy that he was sorely mistaken. The last week had revealed to the chimera warrior an issue he hadn't realized was there, and just because his friend had covered wound up didn't mean the tabby hadn't seen it. Twitchbolt had clearly expected him to communicate something like this to him, had expected to be privy to the decision, and now that he realized this was an aspect of their friendship he'd tread more carefully around it.

He could do that. Easy. And then things would really be okay between them again.

"I'm sorry if I confused you. But to be fair, it's not like I've ever been in love before." he defended, a small smirk tugging at his lips, desperate to repair and lighten things. "Kinda fits that my dumbass wouldn't recognize it until someone said it to me."

After all, it wasn't like he had people lining up to tell him how loveable he was- hell, even his own parents couldn't stomach doing it, be it out of disgust or fear of the consequences. The latter was probably worse, knowing he wasn't worth the pain even to his own mother. He couldn't imagine himself being a father, but surely Bananasplash would never treat their kits like that, right?

He shifted then to stand beside the other then, knocking their shoulders together fondly. "Come on. Let's do something. I want to hang out with you." he said, not caring what they did as long as they could do it together.

skyclan - male - 14 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.


Twitchbolt nodded along as Quillstrike apologised, his tongue idly clicking against his fangs. It was... immature of him, how he'd been acting, he knew it. Felt a sprawling flare of guilt for freezing him out like that, but... just as much, he felt a great deal of warmth that Quillstrike understood the bafflement that he had indirectly inflicted. Stupid- unwelcome warmth, really. What right did he have to tell his friend what to do?

And yet- some of this was for his comfort, wasn't it? Throughout his life he'd had to come to terms with the fact that it was not cruel to stand up for himself, to talk about his issues. And if he should be comfortable doing that with anyone it would be Quillstrike, wouldn't it? His best friend. Nothing more, nothing less. And- despite how jarring any adjustment would ever be, he would never lose that connection to Quillstrike.

It felt like you were going to. "You weren't getting rid of me that easy," he hummed light-heartedly, fondness easily identified in his tone. He was won over so simply, wasn't he? It was pathetic, really, but- if he wasn't unhappy with Quillstrike's company, with his actual want to make amends and spend time with him, why should he deny either of them that happiness? If- by some ridiculous, unfathomable miracle, Quillstrike still liked him after all this time- how could he throw it away? Over.. this?

He couldn't. And he never would, and never would have.

Croaky, quiet- the laugh that left him mostly when Quillstrike was around fluttered from his lips, then, as the chimera attempted to lighten things up. That self-deprecation mixed with confidence... effortlessly familiar, now. There was still a dull tension; Twitchbolt could tell that his acting was not completely on point, and it was probably a little noticeable that there were aspects to his tenseness that he wasn't delving entirely into. Still- he didn't want Quillstrike to think that he would cast him away. That he would find something- better. As if he could!

Quillstrike could. The tall chimera, effortlessly cool and calm and- handsome, for the love of the stars, though he'd never let himself think that last one before- had already found something more. Something better. But yet again Quillstrike had not abandoned Twitchbolt when the mahogany-and-white tom had expected him to. "It's okay. I'm sorry, too. I- I- I should've just told you what was bothering me." His eyelid twitched as he stuttered, but he was readably sincere. He still was not... entirely used to the idea that people could like him as much as he did them, and that they would... want to help him.

He laughed again as Quillstrike bumped his shoulder, that fraying but genuine sound. "I really am happy for you, man. Hey- how about we... find another jay? I think I'd like to- to have some feathers in my fur, as well. You think I'd suit them?" That splash of blue along Quillstrike's spine... it might be nice to have a go at looking just as nice, for once.
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