The day is clear and unremarkable as Bobbie leads a small parade of apprentices ( and any warriors who'd wished to tag along ) into the sweet pine - scented air of the forest. They're lucky, she thinks with a curve of a smile to herself. The weather's favorable. One day, I'll have to drag them all out in the rain for a real challenge. The day's fair weather is perhaps a contribution to her improved mood, along with the formidable task at paw . . . the heavy weight of purpose is enough to outweigh that of grief, swallowing the more painful burden whole, even if temporarily. That, alongside the golden flower drying in her nest and the question she'd put to Orangestar recently, is enough to drag Bobbie's demeanour upwards, if however briefly.

" Alright, have a seat for a moment, rest your paws, " she rasps with some measure of warmth, nodding for the group to fan out around her as she delivers her small lecture. With so many greater issues to worry about, a once - persistent fear of such presentation has made itself scarce . . . perhaps the dregs of the skills she'd attained in her brief tenure as a lead warrior still linger. Maybe she still has a chance at being useful to the Clan instead of the dead weight she'd been for so many moons . . . a hard shake of the head dispels thoughts she knows lead nowhere good. " So, I brought you all out here today for a little training challenge. "

" I went through here earlier and left some of the signs you'd look for when tracking a cat—whether that's a missing Clanmate or a wounded enemy. I'd like you all to try your best to find them and remember them. " The clues she'd left ranged from signs as obvious as scraps of fur and " blood " ( berry juice ) to finer details such as lightly scuffed paw - scrapes in the sun - dried dust of the earth and bits of underbrush tugged out of place . . . and stars knew how many more ( actually, she knew, having remembered them for the purpose of the challenge ). Now to motivate them . . . She knew from her time as a queen and a mentor that some young cats needed a little extra push to actually try when presented with these kinds of objectives. " Whoever finds the most gets the afternoon off, even if I have to hold your mentor at clawpoint, " she jokes. " I'll call you all back in a bit to report your findings to me. And . . . go! "

OOC : Geared towards apprentices, but also open to warriors! Using a d10 roll to determine how many signs your cat finds is recommended for fairness and fun! :-)
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Bobbie had assembled a group, for what? well with wide eyes and quick feet the kid was all but stumbling toward her with anticipation. The word challenge further rattling his nerves, he smirks and eyes the others with a competitive glance.

The former lead looked happy, and she was fun! previously, the boy would subconsciously avoid her- because he knew she was sad. Pressed by something he couldn’t fathom, dad explained it carefully and told him to always respect Bobbie and keep words at the surface. No prying questions. Grief, how it weighed but he was fortunate at the moment to be unfamiliar with it in practice. The tan tabby eyed the woman expecting it to show like a mole scratching out of the earth rearing an ugly head but she almost seemed, happy.

‘ tracking a cat ‘ Scorpionpaw’s ears are pricked, Bobbie had planted around the area signs to look for. An egg hunt of sorts. " the whole afternoon " he smiles, determined.

Go Scorpionpaw quickly pads away and puts his nose to the dirt and after several frustrating moments turns to a clanmate. " I’m having rotten luck… " he admits with a murmur.

  • — rolled dice - found nothing lol

  • TEN MOONS | ages on the 11th
    — apprentice of Skyclan
    Brother of Coyotecrest and Eveningpaw
    — mentored by TBA
    — muscled short 1/2 curly 1/2 spikey cream and white tabby with grey eyes.
    voice & accent
    OPEN for Dice battles | 🎲 stine#3004
  • qrHZneX.png

The lilac tabby warrior is super nice, and she’s also Hollypaw and Candorpaw’s mom, so of course Sangriapaw follows after her as she leads the group out of camp. The torbie hadn’t known Blazestar for very long, but she knows he was Bobbie’s mate, and that’s why Bobbie has been so sad for… a long time. Sangriapaw kind of understands—Figfeather isn’t dead, but she’s kind of gone and Sangriapaw doesn’t get to see her very much, so it kind of feels the same. But that just makes Bobbie so much more brave and strong, ’cause now she acts just like a normal SkyClanner! If someone Sangriapaw loved died, she doesn’t know what she’d do… if Coffeepaw or her mama or Hollypaw died, she’d probably be even sadder than Bobbie was. But there’s no point in thinking about that right now, because the weather is nice and Bobbie tells them to have a seat.

The older she-cat explains the goal of today’s training. She left behind signs that they’re all supposed to track down, and whoever finds the most gets the afternoon off of their training! If she asked, maybe Johnnyflame would let her have the afternoon off anyway, but earning it sounds even better. And no one could possibly say no to Bobbie if she asked. First, though, Sangriapaw has to actually find the signs that Bobbie left behind.

And… go! "Bet I can beat you!" She calls to the apprentice who stands beside her, a bright grin on her face. Then she turns and rushes off, her yellow-striped tail fluttering as she sprints as fast as she can into the woods. She’s gonna win, she’s gotta win! And she can do that by staying vigilant and keeping an eye on their surroundings, just like Johnnyflame has been teaching her. Quickly, she finds a spot on the ground that looks all scuffed up, like a cat had dragged something through here. Then she finds a tuft of fur stuck in a bush’s branches. Then, a stick that’s been broken like it was stepped on. Wide green eyes gaze about the forest, shining with amazement. There’s so much happening out in the territory, so easily missed if an apprentice isn’t paying attention.

At one point, Scorpionpaw turns to her and says he’s having terrible luck, and Sangriapaw frowns. He’s older than her, so why can’t he see the signs all around them? "Oh, it’s not that hard… look! It’s blood," she says to the older apprentice, pointing with a white paw at the single droplet of berry juice that’s dripped into the dirt. "Ya just gotta keep an eye out, y’know?"

  • ooc: i rolled a 10 😤 go sangriapaw
  • 78265045_tUGqQTyXuIRKc1K.png
    SANGRIAPAW ❯❯ she/her, daylight apprentice of skyclan
    cinnamon torbie with white spotting and vibrant leaf-green eyes. bold, bright, and curious.
    daughter of fantastream & figfeather ; sister to coffeepaw
    mentored by johnnyflame
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    penned by foxlore


While there were some cats who were very strict with not wanting their apprentices to be taught by other cats - less it interfere with the lessons they themselves were giving- Johnnyflame had no such qualms. It was good to see things from others point of view, and there was always the chance that someone would explain something better than him. And when it came to friendly little competitions like this, Johnny was always on board. Competition was the spice of life and there was nothing quite like testing your mettle against that of your peers in a bit of harmless fun. Besides, this way he could make sure Sangriapaw didn't turn into a poor sport when it came to winning or losing.

At Doeblazes words he let out a soft chuckle before settling onto his haunches to hold his paws up in mock surrender, like some kind of rabbit -cat. "No arguments here." he assured her as he let his paws fall back to the earth, settling in beside the other warrior to watch the apprentices go to work. Right off the bat he was able to pick up a a few signs himself, spotting about half of what Doeblaze had set out. Sangripaw seemed to be doing even better, stopping to note things that even Johnny himself hadn't spotted, and he couldn't help the small, proud smile that weaseled its way onto his muzzle upon seeing her do so well. It was clear she had the makings of a great tracker, and he'd be sure to pay special attention to that going forward in their training.

OOC- Johnny rolled a 5, just for fun to see what he could see. He's obviously not a part of this and is just watching from the sidelines with Doeblaze :)

Sillypaw is slow as it trails after the others, watching as Scorpionpaw struggles and Sangriapaw excels. Normally, tracking is a skill that Sillypaw can follow through on easily, leaps and bounds ahead of some of its fellow apprentices, but it hadn't slept very well the night before, and it isn't at its best as it lowers its muzzle to the ground, sniffing faintly, not really fully invested despite being interested. It can tell there's something nearby, but doesn't spot anything with a cursory glance. It wanders in a different direction from the other apprentices, taking its time, though not finding very much aside from that vague knowledge that it should be able to find something, that it knows that something is near.

[ rolled a 3! ]​
The wind whips pleasantly past her face, brushing warmly across her cheek and setting white - stained fur to rippling in the breeze. More than that, it carries the scents of those around her with it—Sillypaw, smelling of oaksap and moss, forest floor mingling with gentle lavender much like her own; the distinctive SkyClan spiced - pine of forestborn Scorpionpaw; Sangriapaw's strange artificial fruit mingling with Twolegplace, a mixture of the two environments from Johnnyflame; parked next to her on the sidelines. In the wake of her eye's sudden absence, adjustments have had to be made; the loss of her budding hunting skills, at least for the moment, the sudden difficulty in judging exactly how far that branch is, the constant motion to the right of others, and chief among them is a sudden forced improvement in tracking. Each Clanmate carries with them not only the color of their pelt, but their own scents, slightly distinct from the greater flock of SkyClan.

" And off they go, " she mrrows to Johnnyflame, watching the excitable bunch take off with some dim affection settling low in the jade basin of her eye. At his reply to her joking threat of clawpoint, amusement tugs at her muzzle, though it doesn't quite settle into a smile. " Good thing, because it looks like Sangriapaw's got a knack for this, " she mrrows, craning her neck a little to watch the silky cinnamon torbie bound between the trees, moving from sign to sign.

" You ought to be proud of her, " she notes, head tilting to follow Sangriapaw, who in a surprising show of sportsmanship now appears to be offering pointers to the struggling Scorpionpaw, her eyes wide with the thrill of the challenge. Doeblaze trills wordlessly, pleased to see the apprentice taking so well to tracking—so many cats undervalued the skill, unaware of all the ways the forest could reveal itself to you. She herself certainly hadn't paid the art of the thing much mind until her injury had pushed her in that direction—and none too softly, either.

Sillypaw trails slowly behind the others, sniffing at the ground in a way that reminds her of the Twolegplace puppies so long ago—though she bears no judgement, for she herself is prone to doing the very same in her arduous tracking efforts ( and often getting a muzzleful of dust for her efforts ). Doeblaze blinks, wondering slightly at its meandering pace as it wanders away from the other apprentices until she can't catch its distinctive pelt quite so well through the needles, though wisps of its mossy scent still drift lazily back on the wind.

" Looks like it's you at clawpoint, at this rate, " she jokes, brandishing a clawed paw with faux - menace as she glances at Johnnyflame.
