a heart between worlds | crying stranger



જ➶ Small paws trudge out of the slow and sluggish waters. Trembles streaking up their legs as they try and move through the snow that grips and gathers into his sodden pelt. Collecting into mounds that make it harder to move. Oddly he doesn't even remember how they ended up in the water in the first place. There had been panicking, running so fast away from all the scary noises before he remembers tripping and then the audible sound of ice breaking. Then sudden they were freezing cold. Now their whole body feels numb from being so cold and as they try to lift their jead up blue eyes become glossed over tears. "Y-you got this. Just-just keep walkin and y-you'll be okay." He doesn't even know where he is going but the need to break the silence is sharp. The pep talk a need for a driving force that is necessary because if not then what is the point? His upwalkers left him on the side of that stinky black line. He thought they loved him, but they left here there and it was so scary. Horrifying. He didn't know what to do so he just ran, his mind fumbling to understand.

Now he is here in the middle of the snow, in a barren place as far as he knows. His numb legs hit something and they trip, falling head first in a mound of snow. Paws lift to push and pull himself out and now he really his crying because he can feel pain now. The cold is hurting them, like pinpricks. A sudden realization pops into their head and he starts shaking violently. "I'm g-gonna die out here. I don't w-want to die. I'm sc-scared!" His paws come up to cover his face and he is so exhausted. From the cold, from the water, from the walking, from the snow. His shoulders tremble and even more so when he sobs, ears pinned back against his skull. It's not far, they were a good cat, a good boy. They thought they were and his upwalkers were so nice before they just left him. Now he is going to die out here alone and ij the cold.
A conspicious grey - and - white lump, flat faced in the snow. Call it a beneficial coincidence, that Dawnglare stumbles across them in this way. For a moment, he only peers closer, craning his head as if observing the behavior of some newly - discovered bug. To see if it could still run about with its head cut off; if there was something in the cold air that made it stronger, somehow. Or perhaps it was just an oddly - placed, oddly - shaped, oddly - colored stone, with thin points for crags and strange paw - lipe shapes shrouding it...

It moves, though. It cries, expressing the desire to live in the common tongue, which is not something that rocks commonly did, despite their origins. This rock was not a rock at all, but a cat with a new - moon for a face, smelling pleasantly of Housefolk. Few kittypets would willingly go wandering around in the freezing cold like this alone, though... Dawnglare himself is here much against his own will...

So, he prods them, in hopes that they'd see they're not lost in some desolate wasteland. No one needed icicles forming at their eyes, now. " He–llo? " Dawnglare blinks down at them, thick tail swishing idly so that it would not freeze, in this cold. " Your eyes will turn to icicles at this rate. He—llo? You don't need to die, now. "

  • geLHt4I.png

  • ( I'M AS ALIVE AS HER BEARD IS LONG ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    𓆩♡𓆪 He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    𓆩♡𓆪 Currently 60 moons old as of 12.05.23. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest.
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads
The has decided today was the day he would follow Dawnglare. And no, it wasn't because he thought the tom was doing anything bad or to supervise. Dawnglare was an adult. Someone who didn't need to be taken care of. Crowpaw decided to follow because he quite liked Dawnglare and wanted to see what the tom would do. Apparently nothing interesting was happening, and not going to lie it felt strange to be watching a little too closely. Only because he couldn't quite place if staring too hard was wrong because that was Mallowlark's job. The pair were mates after all. Thankfully, something interesting has happened and thus he wouldn't feel icky staring at Dawnglare.

Crowpaw draws near and is thankful that it is Dawnglare that does the talking. It is evident that the cat before them poses no threat. Even if they were supposed to be wary, it's difficult to do so when the white furred tom is crying. Like actually sobbing. Soothing someone isn't his strong suit. That is something his sister excels in, not him. "You're not gonna die. Just look at us." Again, soothing is not his strong suit. The dark tom would then turn to Dawnglare. "What should we do? Bring them home or get Blazestar?"
  • — crowpaw / skyclan apprentice / masculine pronouns / 7 moons
    — undecided / single / not looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes with polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
The wailing of a cat in distress always sends panic down the seal point's spine when he hears it, ears tilting back in a weak attempt to quiet it. His tail taps against the ground, eyes squinting closed and nose scrunching up in distaste- this one cries out with will to live, not wanting to perish in the snowy whites that littered the ground now. Every step crunches under his paw, sending discomfort down his shoulders and to his paws- and yet he trudges through, following idly behind his mentor. A moment of patience, listening to Crowpaw's question as he hums out his answer- short and curt.

"Not up to us. We will wait."

If She so desired, She would rot the toes from your paws and eat at them like a hungry raven, Her flurries as deadly as they are beautiful. His eyes blink momentarily in understanding, in soft poise as he scoops up a pawful of snow and lets it drop to the ground. Nonsense, to beg Her not to claim your life in times like these- he couldn't control Mother's grasps at life.

"...You will die alone out here, if you do not find someplace safe to stay. Do you know where you are, friend? This is SkyClan."
જ➶ It's like something sent down from the sky is brought to save him. He is a good boy! Those crystalline blue orbs of his pop open at the greeting, the gentle prodding. Their breathing quickens and he moves forward with little thought to anything else as he attempts to bury his head against Dawnglare's chest. Shivering body relishes ij the heat that is potentially provided as he tries to keep chattering teeth from snapping too hard. "I-I don't!? Oh, Oh, thank you!" They did not want to die. He had seen it before when other cats went so so still and just as cold as they right now. Soon his eyes lock on another figure and he stumbles his way over to the one that is similar in age to him. "Okay, o-okay. I-I be-believe you but I'm s-so cold!" His tail writhes like a snake as he tries to press himself against Crowpaw now, seeking that familiar comfort and warmth.

Yet there is another that they stare at, unsure of what they mean. Wait? Why wait? It's freezing out here. But he doesn't want to be rude and he lowers his head for a moment. Yet they too claim they will not die out here alone, well he won't if he finds safety. It's such a relief that he starts crying again. Little shoulders trembling before though watery eyes soon blink and he steps a bit closer to Fireflypaw. "What's th-that? Skyc-clan? I don't kn-know this place. I r-ran from the bl-black line and then I-I fell in the w-water." Twisting around he sloughs his way back to the first cat, again trying to press himself against the other. "Ca-an you help me? I'm Ma-Mar-Marmal-lade."
  • Wow
Reactions: DAWNGLARE
Orangeblossom shakes snow from her fur as she emerges from the trees, drawn to her Clanmates by the sound of voices and an unfamiliar wail. Their medicine cats are present, as is Crowpaw (odd combination, though @SILVERSMOKE is likely nearby), but with them is a drenched, trembling stranger who has very clearly just been hauled from the frosty, slurried river. The thought of her so-far failed hunt is chased from her mind by his strange words, ears pricking as she hobbles over to join the strange quarter.

Black line? Thunderpath, her mind supplies promptly. Or something similar, perhaps? If Marmalade had come from outside the territories, washed to SkyClan by the river, there might be something else that bears a similar description ... His question about SkyClan, however, is one she can answer.

"SkyClan is a group of cats, one of five in the forest." Orangeblossom explains, eyes settled upon the white-patched shape pressed close to Dawnglare. Strange choice in solace, but she supposes someone has to. No collar. Maybe a loner? "We hunt and fight to protect each other. How old are you, Marmalade? Are you a kittypet, or a loner?"


It was not difficult to hear the cries of a stranger and, when it was clear that his apprentice had gone to investigate, the spotted tabby was quick to follow, slinking out the shadows like a silver ghost. Met with sodden fur, the pink nostrils of the tom flared as he tried to determine the origin of the stranger, alas, whatever watery hellpit Marmalade had fallen into had washed away any semblance of identity. Tufted ears listened instead, twitching at the frantic way they spoke. StarClan, they were going to get sick if they had to stay outside. Odd eyes briefly scanned Dawnglare and Fireflypaw, blinking incredulously at their passiveness. Silversmoke remembered fishing Silverlightning out of the river, and the precautions taken afterwards - it was interesting that more care had been shown to a ThunderClanner than a loner. Silversmoke had no horse in the race though, SkyClan was no charity, it would be hard to take others in during the harshest time of year and not get something in return.

He watched Marmalade press against Crowpaw for comfort and felt his own coat bristle. Silversmoke would've batted at any stranger that came into his personal space, sometimes, he imagined his apprentice to be the same, the son he never had... or something silly like that. The Lead Warrior cleared his throat as he moved closer to the black smoke, lowering his gargantuan head to murmur to Crowpaw, "If you are uncomfortable Crowpaw, say so, the stranger can lean on me instead." He would be fluffier, and warmer in body, not so much in attitude. Being touched be painful if he wasn't expecting it, and with no clue if Marmalade would trust him, all Silver could do was lash his tail in anticipation. Alas, Crowpaw's comfort was far more important than his own. "SkyClan can help," his eyes flickered towards Orangeblossom as he spoke. "We take in a lot of cats, all weirder than you, you will be fine. Just answer her questions."

The wails have ceased as the stranger addresses them. Instinctively he stiffens watching the stranger attempt to bury himself into Dawnglare's chest. What are you doing?! This is far from protocol! He can't help but stare in disbelief because okay yes you never know what to expect from strangers, yet it was more normal for strangers to respect personal space. Unless that was unnatural and what this cat was doing was indeed the normal? Hazel eyes lock onto violet, narrowing. What do I do? They're coming here. Move! Stay! You can't be weak! Gonna let a sopping wet cat scare you?! Prickles he felt all over his body the closer the stranger neared him. Despite alarm bells ringing in his head, he allowed himself to be pressed against.

Marmalade would find the warmth they needed from Crowpaw, but not the comfort they may have wanted as well. Pressing themselves against Crowpaw was as if you were pressing against wood. Stiff yet warm. Displeasure was written on the inky apprentices face while he replied in a deadpanned tone, "I can tell." The dampness he felt was more than enough evidence to tell that Marmalade was not lying and telling the truth. A flicker of silver fur causes him to avert his eyes to his father. Neither he nor Silversmoke care of Marmalade could hear their exchange.

Silent Gratitude is given to his mentor when his gaze softens followed by a slow blink of his eyes. Silversmoke has made him less tense. He knows his mentor cares. Cares more than his mother nowadays, but I can't let myself be weak. I'll be running away if I let you take my place. He shakes his head with a faint smile, "I'm okay. Thank you, Silversmoke." As if to prove his point, the inky tom would shift and embrace Marmalade. The wetness isn't queasy as he thought before. Or maybe it's because his father is watching him that he feels protected, thus a little wetness is not too bad.

Crowpaw's spirits are further lifted when Fireflypaw is present. He feels kinship towards the tom, considering they both had conflicting feelings towards their parents being together. Fireflypaw is someone he wishes was his brother, although he's not too sure (nervous is a better word) saying that to the medicine cat apprentice. It was different from Silversmoke. Considering both he and Fireflypaw bonded over the fact that they weren't okay with their parents being together. Asking Fireflypaw if he could call him brother would no doubt be a conflict of interest. Nevermind that he curbed his desire by stealing a bit of the medicine cat bush and added it to his nest as a reminder of Fireflypaw. That's why his gaze softens as he looks towards the other apprentice's answer.


Hazel eyes return to the stranger that Fireflypaw is addressing. It is a fact that this cat who looks to be around the same age as him will die if they stay out here all alone. He is thankful that he is no longer used as a source of warmth when Marmalade decides to move onto to Fireflypaw. A sigh of relief escapes his maw while he relaxes. Orangeblossom and Silversmoke take the reigns from here.

While Silversmoke speaks, he moves so that he is beside his mentor. Hazel eyes would lock onto Marmalade. Personally, he has no preference on what happens to them. It isn't for him to decide anyway. If they bring Marmalade home then he supposes that he'll have a new nestmate. After all, Marmalade was too big for the nursery and they didn't scream grown up like warriors. We're going to be more full...
  • — crowpaw / skyclan apprentice / masculine pronouns / 7 moons
    — undecided / single / not looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — long haired black smoke with hazel eyes with polydactyly
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou
જ➶ He nearly jumps out of his fur as another cat appears and his water blue gaze widens considerably. So many cats and he has never seen so many before except his siblings though where they were they don't know. He keeps himself close to Dawnglare now though and slowly their body is slowing with the shivers. "Five, wow..." They breath as he looks at them all. Clans in the forest and if they are big like this then that is so so many cats. That's amazing! His paws twitch and shift as they watch another cat come forth, they keep close to the one that is near his age. Talking gently and he can't help but to crane his head. They want to know what it is about yet they fail to pick up words and so once addressed he makes a face akin to a pout. "H-hey, I'm not weird. Right?" They look up at Dawnglare as if the stranger will confirm his not weirdness before his grey and white form shakes a litrle and he focuses on those questions. Okay. They can do this.

It's just questions and...some words he doesn't know.

Squeezing their eyes shut he tried to formulate an answer. Kittypet? He has never heard of that before but loner kinda. Those cats he has seen walking around with no people to love them. "Not a loner, I had folks-" The sentence cuts off and his eyes start to water again as he remembers them. How they put them down on the side of that black line with nothing but his favorite blanket and then left. "Oh...yeah, I had nice folks..." He lifts a paw and wipes at his eyes furiously. Tired of crying but they can't help it. "I..I've seen 8 moons...but this stuff all over the ground. It's weird and cold." Taking in a shuddering breath he shakes his head then. "S-sorry, I'm complaining a lot. I've never fought anything but, but I did catch a l-lizard once..." His gaze shifts then toward Crowpaw, wondering at their tenseness. He doesn't get it but maybe later he could.
Never, no— never, was that meant to be an invitation for them to delve into his fur as if he were his mother. He had pictured… lavender. Lots of lavender. Heaps of it, however much it would take for Dawnglare to be left in peace. The Medicine Cat’s eyes blink wide open, reflecting the coldness of the very sky. Thank you, thank you, it’s the glorious praise he deserves, but in this form… Ah, what was he to really think? " Uh? I— y-yes? " He is closer to a statue hewn from stone than cat, limbs locking in their place, when really, he out to claw his ears, maybe take an eye… A leg. A limb…

His body goes slack when the stranger’s attention is captured by another. Namely, Crowpaw, who levels him with a question as well. For a long moment, Dawnglare does not hear it at all, gaze stationed blankly ahead in the aftermath of… whatever had just happened. The tom purses his lips, a thoughtful hum rumbling somewhere in his throat. He had not always been the keenest to strangers, but Blazestar certainly was, the majority of the time. Surely he’d feel some sort of kinship with this once… soggy and pitiful in the way that he often was. Even more surely still, he wouldn’t like them to die of cold…

Alas, he is doomed to a life of stillness once again, when the stranger winds his way back toward him. Fireflypaw answers a no, for them both. Dawnglare’s face drops into a frown, but he says nothing. Strange, how he acknowledges the risk of death, but seems to show no urgency.

Or was it stranger still, that Dawnglare did show some urgency? He was not certain, anymore.

His ears swivel so that the cold winds would pass by him, rather than blow straight to him. And as well— a hint of irritation, as well, as the decision is swiftly taken from his paws. He’s unsure why they yap about Crowpaw’s comfort when he was currently pressed raptly to Dawnglare instead, but, well, whatever… He screws his eyes against the cold.

I’m not weird right? The stranger asks. Dawnglare squints at the non - existent space between them. " A tad. " An understatement, as well. " You say you fell in water? "

Dawnglare glances to the warrior’s murmuring amongst them. Orangeblossom, then Silversmoke. To his own apprentice, he frowns. If he would insist that they get the word of Blazestar and Blazestar alone, he should’ve run to get him himself. Eventually, Dawnglare speaks up. " Any longer out here and he will freeze. Come, we’ll bring you to camp. " He’d flick his tail across the stranger’s flank. Marma… something, he was called. " If Blazestar likes, he can send him away once he is healthy, " he adds. Whatever happened after was none of his concern, anyhow.

  • geLHt4I.png

  • ( I'M AS ALIVE AS HER BEARD IS LONG ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    𓆩♡𓆪 He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    𓆩♡𓆪 Currently 60 moons old as of 12.05.23. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest.
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads