a heart of excitement | doomkit

Jun 30, 2023
Pearlkit is bored. And usually she'd go hunt Duskpool and annoy him for more stories, but he's OUT today! How DARE he! Now she has to find someone else to play with and Pearlkit doesn't like any of the other kittens cause they have cooties or something. And Plaguepaw is out doing big apprentice things so she can't comment on the color of his coat and bug him about it... So who was left? She didn't like most of the queens too cause they were scary and her mom was MUCH better!

AND THEN THERE WAS AN IDEA..... DOOMKIT! Bringer of doom! Pearlkit liked him. He was much funner than the other kits.

She quickly hunts him down, rapidly approaching his location as she crouches, something she has copied from various warriors. He is unsuspecting, or she hopes he is at least... Closer, closer now until... She leaps to pounce on him but overshoots, crashing right behind him instead of on top of him like she had planned. "Ouchie!" comes her quick yelp, shifting in the dirt below as her head spins. She's quick to scramble to her paws despite the world still spinning from hitting her forehead on the ground. She leaps again, trying to bowl him over with a large smile. She's not even sure if she connects with him cause she reels back once more, ears perked as she stares at him through wide eyes. "Hi, Doomkit!" her voice is chipper. "Can you play with me? Pretty, pretty please?" i'll beat you up if you don't! Is what she wants to say, but she clamps her mouth shut. He's taller than she is, though its not hard to be taller... She slightly puffs out her bottom lip. "You can be Doomstar! And I can be... Uh..." the medicine cats of Skyclan were WEIRD! She doesn't want to be like them! Or... Or maybe... "WE CAN SNEAK OUT!" she blurts out, slapping a paw over her mouth as she looks around. No one yet... "I wanna go to where my Mama left me. The other queens tell me 'NO!'" she blinks. Her and Doomkit can chase butterflies TOGETHER!

Doomkit is pouting. The other kits are out having fun without him, and again he’s been scolded by one of the queens for playing too rough. He doesn’t understand—aren’t they s’posed to be warriors? Aren’t they s’posed to be learning how to fight and kill and hurt? He doesn’t get it. He knows Blazestar and Johnnyflame and Slate and all them went to fight WindClan and he knows they could’a died. Shouldn’t they be ready for that stuff? But the queen had looked so frustrated, pointing to one of the empty nests in the nursery with a stiff paw. “Go until you’ve learned to stop biting too hard,” she’d ordered.

His sulking is interrupted by a crashing behind him. The pale kit blinks, turning to see Pearlkit rolling about in the moss and dust like a fool. By the time she finally manages to collide with him, he’s prepared for her, rolling about until he’s hopefully pinned her, though his claws would be sheathed. “Hi,” he said, and some of his bitterness drains. Pearlkit still wants to play with him. She doesn’t care if he bites too hard sometimes or if he uses his claws. She may be younger, but she’s not a squirrelbrain like some of these other softies, he thinks, drawing his paws away from her had he pinned her. “Whatcha doin’?

Her plan draws a gleam to his leaf-colored eyes. Doomkit’s grin is contagiously wide. “Now yer speakin’ my language. That’s gotta be way more fun than sittin’ here bein’ watched.” He scowls at the queen who sits at the den’s mouth. “But how we gettin’ passed them?” He shrugs, rolling onto his belly. “Yer mama?

Doomkit blinks, near-owlish. Her mother. She wants to find her mother. “Where’d ya last see her?” His ears begin to perk up. “I c’n help you find her. I’m the best tracker ever,” he promises her with absolute sincerity.

Hazily, a silhouette grazes the edges of his mind. Black fur speckled crimson, almost like Cherrykit’s, but… softer. Warmer. A milky, home-y smell. A tongue roughly caressing his head, like Orangeblossom’s but… but her scent had been like his.

Sparks begin to hop in a narrow green gaze. “Oh,” he breathes. “Wait a minute. We can blow this joint! I’ll find yer mama, and you can help me find mine—not that I need help,” he adds hastily, “and then we never have to get told off by no queens again!” The gears in his mind begin to whir. “Distract the queen… and I’ll run out of camp! And you can meet me. Yeah! Yeah!” He bounces on the pads of his paws, looking at Pearlkit with genuine excitement.

  • doomguy . doomkit
    — afab, he/him, kit of skyclan
    — unknown sexuality ; single
    — short-haired blue tortoiseshell with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
Soon as she reels, shes on her back just as quick. Her head spins again, eyes squeezing shut as she begins to giggle. WOW! He was FAST! She hopes she can be just as fast as him when she gets old, will she grow as tall too? Hi, he says in response and she beams. And he practically lights up at her suggestion, she feels pride light up like a fire within her chest. "Uh, Mama left me by some weird smellin place. There were lotsa butterflies! If we go, I'll recognize it." she promises earnestly, nodding as if its the one thing she will ever commit to heart. "We can make a run for it...?" her plan is risky... She thinks and thinks. Nothing else comes to mind...

Finally he offers to help find her, he promises to help her find her! She feels hope build in her chest as she nods n nods. Pearlkit isn't a good tracker, not as good as he makes himself out to be, but she can certainly help him find his own mama too! And then they can run off in to the sunset, sayonara suckers! Theres a trade off, though, she has to get Doom out of camp undetected and keep the queen busy for just a little bit. It's a better plan than just running for it. "Okay! I can do that. And when we find our Mamas we can have all the playtime we want! We'll never ever have to sleep n' Sparrowpaw will never ever make me say sorry ever!" she huffs the last part out, tail lashing as she remembers the scolding she had gotten. She was just trying to help! Apparently 'you're dying' isn't the right thing to say to someone... She swears she'll never get yelled at by them again! "I'll follow your trail out! Duh- Don't worry about me. Orangeblossom took us out, so I know where to go!" she grins.


Pearl flicks her tail, the go ahead as she prances up to the queen. "I'm hungry! I want food! Can you get food with me pretty puh-lease? I want food! I'm hungry!" she throws on her best temper tantrum voice, stomping little paws against the ground. She had been weaned since she could remember, which makes it even better. Their back would be facing Doomkit and his great escape, but they're not moving fast enough which makes her 'cry out for hunger', or however a kitten does it. Soon as the queen gets up to leave she sends one last glance to the tortoiseshell kitten that shes leaving behind. Something sappy, get out safely, it's life or DEATH for them! She only hopes he isn't caught. She disappears after the queen, prancing behind them.
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Pearlkit’s enthusiasm is contagious. Doomkit’s green eyes light with excitement, and he watches as his gray-toned friend streaks out into the clearing and begins pestering the first queen to pay attention to them. “Can you get food with me, pretty please,” she begs, blue eyes like shining puddles. The small white tom watches them leave, and as soon as the coast is clear, he streaks out of the nursery. He rubs himself on the bush he uses to escape through, hoping enough of his scent and maybe a bit of fur will coat the branches so Pearlkit can easily find him.

“A funny-smellin’ place, lots of butterflies.” He hadn’t seen anything like that when Orangeblossom, Howlfire, and Sparrowpaw had taken the kits into the forest. He’s not afraid, though; once he’s taken enough distance from camp to not be spotted, he sits and waits for Pearlkit to catch up to him. As soon as he begins to hear her paws patter against the ground, Doomkit will turn to her with a grin. “Okay,” he announces, “We’re going to find your mother, and then we’re going to go to Twolegplace so I can find mine.” He looks thoughtfully into Pearlkit’s blue eyes. “She didn’t go to the shelter with us… but I remember her a little bit. On the cold ground with no grass.” His gaze becomes unfocused, distant. He can see that dark tortie fur again, a belly white as the fur that makes up his body and Abysskit’s hindquarters.

Let’s see if we can find some butterflies first, ‘kay?

  • doomguy . doomkit
    — afab, he/him, kit of skyclan
    — unknown sexuality ; single
    — short-haired blue tortoiseshell with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
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Reactions: pearlpaw
Her escape away from the queen is easy, the she-cat overstimulated from a badgering nature and too personal of questions. Her steps begin as confident, sniffing her way towards the place he escaped at, where his scent is strongest and where white fur was pulled against. She follows after him, easily, as if it's something second-nature to her. As she walks, she keeps her nose up, a sense of panic rising as she briefly loses his scent. Pearlkit is strong though and would never EVER get lost, never in her entire life, so she keeps walking. Theres a rustle above and all of the sudden she's aware she's so painfully alone in the forest. Duskpool would be mad! But, truly, when had she ever listened to what other cats thought of her?

Theres something that tugs at her heart, sets off dull alarm bells ringing in her head- something she doesn't listen to, something that begs to be left unknown. She's not sure what it is, the feeling dissipates just as she rounds a corner to find the familiar tortie pelt of her friend. It's like there were no odd feelings at all. He sat, waited for her, she feels elated. She swishes her tail.

"Okay! Your mama didn't come with you? She was probably very tired! Maybe- Maybe shes looking for you, yeah, I buh-bet she's looking for you right now. She probably grew lotsa grass for you too, cause moms can do that. And then when she comes, she'll take you to the grass she grew and it'll be all warm from the sun!" Pearl nods to accentuate her words, as if it were factual and not just a guess. "Okay, uh, my Mama had long fur like me! And- And she was... Sorta like you! She had, uh, brown spots instead of gray, and she was more brown than white." she tries to explain helpfully, a big smile on her face. "And she had pretty blue eyes, but- but not like mine. Lighter, like- like the sky." her words come out so fast that she stumbles over them, eager to get their search party started.

As she shifts, she rushes forwards, trying to lightly brush against him in a silent thank you. She sniffs at the ground trying, even if just for a moment, to catch a scent of her mother. It has faded fast from her mind, filled with the sweet lavender hints of Bobbie and the sharp tang of pine sap from Orangeblossom. It's okay, she tries to reassure herself despite the frustration at the lack of a certain scent, i'll remember it soon!

Theres a butterfly that catches her eye, just at the corner of her vision. It's white and orange much like Orangeblossom is, but it's a butterfly regardless and she squeaks in surprise, excitement. "Found one!" she giggles, tiny legs striding forth to follow it. "When we find my Mama, I bet she'll be super happy to see me. And I can tell- yeah, I can tell her about you! And she'll like you too, and then my Mama can meet your Mama and we can play whenever." she beams matter-of-factly, giggling as she follows the butterfly in the underbrush. She waits for him, like he waited for her, as the butterfly seemingly waits for both of them on a nearby fern. If he follows, they both move (with what feels like forever to her), and Pearl recognizes the spot immediately. Beyond them, theres something familiar to her and she bounds forth. "This is where my Mama told me to play!"
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Pearlkit arrives, spirited, and Doomkit is quick to jump to his paws. “She didn’t… come with us, no,” he says, his eyes narrowing in thought. The memory is so tenuous, pale and watery like a puddle full of moonlit rainwater. When he grazes the surface, the depths are clouded with silt, and the moon isn’t visible anymore… but he remembers her lying on the ground without grass. And he remembers being hungry—oh, he and Abysskit were both hungry, but they couldn’t eat, there wasn’t any milk for some reason…

He stops in his tracks, her prattle becoming a white noise. “Your mother was here?” There’s no one here at all. A squirrel makes a chittering sound nearby, then scuttles up one of the enormous pines that surround them. “She ain’t here no more,” he says, puzzled.

And then something bursts just beneath the puddle’s surface—bubbles—and he flinches. The tortoiseshell queen on the ground had not moved when he’d nosed at her belly. There’d been an awful scent, the scent of rot, and something else that now he knows is blood—and she hadn’t moved no matter what, and they were cold and hungry, they were going to die too.

His eyes widen again, and he looks at Pearlkit as though she’s a ghost. “I’m… not gonna be able to find her,” he says slowly. He grips the earth, pine needles sifting under his paw pads. “I think… I think she’s…” He feels dizzy, why does he feel dizzy? He sits, his mouth open in a silent mew. “Your mom—when you saw her—was she moving, was she—“

  • doomguy . doomkit
    — afab, he/him, kit of skyclan
    — unknown sexuality ; single
    — short-haired blue tortoiseshell with white and green eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
"She has to be here." her voice is shocked, but doesn't believe it. Even as a noise unfamiliar to her sounds from overhead, even as she shoves her nose in to a fern. "She has to be. My Mama would wait for me here, I just know it." she reiterates, her tone laced with frustration now as a whine bubbles up in her throat. Why could she not remember her mamas scent? Something foreign to her, she remembers it smelling sweet. Thats it, thats all she remembers and panic grips her in a chokehold as she stops in front of a tree. She doesn't remember her fathers scent either. She doesn't remember Storm's scent. Why- How has it slipped from her minds, were there cracks? I'll remember it soon. This time, however, she doesn't trust it. She understands forgetting Storm's scent even if he was her favorite big brother, but her mama, but her papa?

She doesn't understand. She can't understand. Why is everything so messed up, why can't she remember?

She whips around with wide eyes as Doomkit speaks, her chest heaves for a breath in. Doomkit looks shocked, looks... Looks... She doesn't like this. She doesn't like the way he looks at her. "Whats wrong?" she'd mewl, tone shrill, high-pitched. Something haunts him. Did he see her Mama? Please, dread gathers in the pit of her stomach, let that be it. But he said he can't find her. "Wuh...? Aren't you the bestest? My Mama has to be here." perhaps he picks up on the doubt in her words, the slow acceptance. Her fur begins to bristle. "She was moving. She- She was, she said she would be back and then uh, Skyclan found me. Was your Mama moving? Do- Do you remember?" hesitant does she speak again. She's not sure she wants to know the answer as she thinks about her own mother. Her maw parts to say something and then promptly snaps shut. Why did she leave in the first place- "They- They're... Not..." coming back, are they? She cannot bring herself to speak anymore.
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