private A HUNDRED GOOD STORIES - howlingstar

There was so much commotion going on within the camp the past few days and the queen had been hesitant to speak, an unusual sense of unease filling the tabby the more she thought of things. The new code that had been implemented at the last gathering rang within her head over the past few days, the decision that Howlingstar made of not demoting the younger apprentices back to kits despite not being allowed to leave the clan until they reached six moons is the one thing that stuck out to her. When she had first gotten pregnant, Leopardtongue could not wait to go back out into the territory once more, helping alongside her clanmates to patrol the territory and hunt for those that couldn't hunt for themselves and yet now? Now she wanted to curl up with her kits in the nursery once more to protect them despite knowing it would annoy them, despite knowing that they were old enough to know that they wanted to run around outside the territory, despite the fact that they had their own nests within the apprentice's den now.

Ears pinned to head as she thought of this and quickly Leopardtongue found her paws moving her across camp towards the Highrock, a breath escaping her as she found her throat clearing quickly "Howlingstar?" She'd call out quickly, a warning that her head would soon be entering the entryway of the carved out cave beneath the place where the older feline called for meetings, and enter her head did as she looked around in search of the other. If she was within her den then a small apologetic smile would grace the moggie's features and no matter where Howlingstar was when eyes landed upon the tabby she would then continue speaking. "Could I talk to you for a moment? Mother to mother?" For though Howlingstar's children were long since grown and apprenticed, turning to warriors alongside Leopardtongue surely Howlingstar could relate to the issue Leopardtongue was finding herself in now, yes?
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    ⊰❣⊱ LH chocolate rosette tabby with yellow eyes
    ⊰❣⊱ 39 moons old; ages the 15th every month
    ⊰❣⊱ heterosexual - taken by Batwing
    ⊰❣⊱ mother of Bravepaw, Cougarpaw, Hazepaw, and Foxpaw
    ⊰❣⊱ easy to interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    ⊰❣⊱ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ⊰❣⊱ hard in combat, focuses more on defensive tactics/protecting
    ⊰❣⊱ peaceful powerplay allowed