a lesson in self-control [hunting patrol/open]



OOC- obligatory tag for @Glimmerpaw and @BRIGHTPAW but feel free to post before!

"I'm taking a patrol out by twolegplace to hunt if anyone wants in!" the bobtail called as he drew to a stop near the entrance to wait.
Normally he would let his bright yellow eyes scan the area to anticipate who might take him up on his offer, but today was a little different. Johnnyflame had not one, but two apprentices to look after now, and he intended to make sure that they both got the attention they deserved.

"Alright, pop quiz while we're waitin' fer the others." Johnny spoke, gaze shifting between the two cats. "Whats the clans newest rule when it comes to hunting?" he asked, curious to know if the pair had been paying attention during the last meeting when Blazestar had announced it.

Hunting was an EXCELLENT way of venting her frustrations without actually hurting anyone. Full of anger and hatred as she is, it's gotta be vented somehow. So, when hunting patrols are being formed, she always offers her assistance. She's beginning to wonder if she's the only kittypet with murder in her heart in this clan.

Which is a good thing, she thinks. To become so full of hatred and wrath is to be hurt beyond repair, to lose someone you cherished with your whole heart. She wouldn't wish it on anyone.....Except her enemies. Her enemies can suffer. She wasn't at the gathering, but she knows Skyclan has many enemies. And so, she also has many enemies on top of the street cats in the twolegplace.

Fortunately, she finds joy in ending the lives of small creatures that she may later eat. Can't do that to cats...Well. Technically you COULD....But she's not that crazy. To look upon prey and picture the necks of your enemies, it is therapeutic. She strides with the patrol, quiet so that the apprentices may answer Johnnyflame's question. She looks at them, waiting for their answer. There's just something so great about teaching the younger generation, watching them grow and learn, it brings a little joy to her wretched heart.​
Twolegplace wasn't somewhere she's been yet, so Glimmerpaw's excited for their venture, especially now that she's training with another apprentice. She didn't even know that was something that happens, but maybe it should more, since she feels a little less intimidated having someone around her age to train alongside. She's curious how the two of them will work together. Brightpaw didn't seem like a cat she wouldn't get along with, so she hopes it'll be a smooth transition.

When Johnnyflame quizzes them on the new law that was implemented at the last gathering, she's quick to recall it. It seems only natural for this to be something that is laid out, after all.
"You can't eat until those who can't hunt for themselves have eaten first, correct?" She doesn't have any doubt that she's right, but she tries to not appear boastful until it's confirmed.
☆ -- | Her first time out with Johnnyflame and it was hunting. Lucky for Brightpaw, hunting was something she knew how to do and she wouldn't have to worry too much about needing the extra attention - in all honesty, despite knowing why Johnnyflame was her mentor, she felt as though there were a lot of things she knew about and didn't need to relearn, and though she knew the codes - especially now that she had been reminded of them (the one she broke so fresh on her mind) - she understood why her punishment was what it was. Understood but was disappointed. Four more moons of apprenticeship, four more moons of being treated like a kit. You did this to yourself. She reminded herself as they walked out towards the twoleg place, Glimmerpaw's excited pawsteps distracting her for a moment.

She wasn't her normal happy self, thoughts of, well, everything swirling inside her mind only to be snapped back to then and now when her new mentor turned around, stating there was a pop quiz. Maw opened for a moment - she knew this, it was just announced - but the being pulled away from her thoughts caused her to flounder, and maw quickly shut as Glimmerpaw spoke the code. All Brightpaw could do was nod her head towards the younger apprentice in agreement and acknowledgement. She knew that, and hopefully Johnnyflame wouldn't think that she didn't just because she was unable to answer it first.​