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Jun 6, 2022
A copy of our announcement from discord:

Hey everyone. This isn't intended as a callout, but I feel the TT community needs a frank discussion right now. It has recently come to our attention that another tumblr blog regarding TT has been set up — this one with the intention of critiquing us as staff. We appreciate that there are rules in place asking for no harassment, but this is really, genuinely, too far.

To take off my staff cap for a minute, I cried. To be confronted with the reality that someone on this site set up an anonymous blog to air their issues on a public platform rather than reach out to us and discuss whatever's going on was really, deeply upsetting. I understand that you guys view us as people having a position of power over you. I'm sorry that the lives we've led have put us in a place where we have to be afraid of people in power. But guys...we're hobbyists. We have day jobs. I spend my days working with vulnerable people, risking my physical and mental health, and come here to relax and have fun with people I consider friends. Which, yes, I mean *all of you.*

The rules state that speaking badly of members will cause asks to be deleted, and then goes on to state that its purpose is to critique the organization and administration as if we're not included in the memberbase of this site we've put every free hour we have into for over a year now.

I really, truly hope that this was just an oversight on someone's behalf. That it was a case of someone simply not thinking about how their words and actions may affect us, and this wasn't malicious. If that was the case, all we ask is that you please take it down. If it wasn't an oversight, and the blog isn't deleted,,,, quite frankly, I don't know what to do. I won't be part of a community that thinks it's okay to target my team, and I can't allow this to continue.

I don't really know how to end this except to say thank you to those who do support us, and are willing to open dialogue face to face when something comes up. We hear you. We care about all of you. We just...want to build a safe site for you guys. And I think we have a right to be included in that safe space too.
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