private A LILY DROWNED UNDER WATER ✿ stormywing

✿ | the eagle had been driven away, with much spitting and hissing and fuming about her supposed ineptitude—it leaves a bitter taste in her mouth, that so many cats still treat her like some kind of glorified apprentice. all she'd been trying to do was catch some much-needed prey, for stars' sake! it could have happened to any of them!

it's no use sulking about it, she knows, but with every chilly breath of mountain air that buffets her newly released mane, she's reminded of the memories. of the memories lost with the twoleg artifact, sailed over some cliff and carried away by the screeching winds. mostly she's reminded sourly of the fact that if this had only happened before the journey, nobody would have ever known she used to be a kittypet—nobody would have ever had a reason to treat her like an overgrown kit or like she was still a softened kittypet.

moons ago she had been, yes, and perhaps she still retains some of the naivete of that life—but in so many other ways, she has changed. softened paws and a body that carries just a touch of flesh are gone alongside her collar, silky fur turned into a thick and sometimes rumpled coat from the work she completes every day. delicate slenderness has given way to lean sinew, and her paws are as rough and gray as any forest-born skyclanner's now. more than that, she carries new scars, the freshest of them scabbed on the back of her neck, a testament to what she has weathered.

and even more than that, she is far from the guileless and incompetent cat with the teary eyes and swollen belly who had come to this forest. she can hunt and patrol and drive away predators nearly as competently as her clanborn counterparts now, and she's escaped three of the journey's trials with barely a scratch to show for it, though the eagle had put paid to the hope of returning home uninjured. and yet—for her collar alone, some of her journeymates (and bitterly, some of her own clanmates at home) seem determined to behave as though she were a kit fresh from the nursery.

bobbie sighs sharply, feeling a slight soreness in her throat, still tender from the bird attack, and glances sidelong at the cat beside whom she has ended up walking. the gray-and-white thunderclanner, stormywing; one of the first to remark on her ex-kittypet status. bobbie has no interest in parsing out her own complex feelings on the loss of her collar—but stormywing's are surely more black-and-white. the warrior glances over once more, remarking with amusement that belies her seriousness, "i take it you're glad to see my collar lost to the wind?"


  • ooc: @STORMYWING !!
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    x she / her ; 40 moons.
    x mother to lupinepaw, crowpaw, & drowsypaw.
    x a small, pretty lilac tabby & white cat with a fluffy mane & sage-green eyes ; sweet, sociable, and somewhat naive to certain aspects of clan life.
    x currently in an era of self-assessment and trying to figure out exactly who she wants to be.
Seeing an eagle that up close had been terrifying. Stormywing had been too far back to really do much at the time. All she could do was watch helplessly as she thought a member of the group might be swept off on auburn wings, never to be seen again. Fortunately for everyone, that hadn't been the case. All that had been lost was that silly collar - why she'd ever kept it on so long up to that point, the tabby would never understand.

She ends up walking near the she-cat unintentionally. Her gaze is fixated on the ground as she makes sure to step carefully enough to miss sharp rocks or sudden dips. This terrain is much different than the forest back home and she doesn't intend on getting hurt, not when they've come this far. It's Bobbie's words that cause her to look up, ears pricking. The young she-cat hasn't had much one-on-one time with the older journeyer. They'd spent those miserable days in the cave, gotten to know one another a little better then, but to be perfectly honest Stormywing had stuck closest to Lightstrike and Iciclefang. Still, that familiarity is perhaps why her paws had subconsciously brought her closer to the SkyClanner - or had she come closer to her? Who knows.

She quirks a brow at the sudden comment, not expecting it. "Um, I don't really care," She offers in a neutral tone, failing to fully hide her confusion. Why would she give a rat's tail about a lost collar? Perhaps it's been weighing heavily on Bobbie's mind ever since she's lost it and she just wants to talk about it with the nearest cat? Okay, she'll bite. She cocks her head to the side, casting golden eyes upon her. "Are you glad it's gone?"

it's all bobbie can do to suppress a shudder at the memory of the eagle's attack. she thanks starclan all she'd lost was that damned collar and a little flesh and blood, as opposed to her life—those hellish few seconds when her paws had lost grip of the snowy ground had been terrifying. the bird's screeches and great wingbeats like the grating of death's claws, auburn feathers flying bloody around her, and those terrible golden eyes. they'd pierced into hers just like its talons had into her neck, whether they'd been mere whisker-lengths away or doing great pinwheels far above the craggy earth.

stormywing's reply is neutral and indifferent and instantly bobbie regrets her remark, bitterness disguised as humor. so the thunderclanner had made a comment or two about her collar, what the hell, it was hardly a crime. when did i get so bitter? bobbie sighs softly, then forces her focus back as stormywing fixes gilded eyes on her and drives a question into her like claws. a simple one, belying its importance—how did she feel about losing her collar? she'd been pointedly avoiding the subject in her own mind, really, whether out of avoidance or a lack of readiness to answer it she really wasn't sure.

"i probably would've taken it off on my own if i could," she admits, almost going to indicate the blank space on her neck where it once rested before she registered the uninterrupted plumes of lilac fur there. the tabby sighs again and clarifies, "i knew some kittypets whose would come off if you pulled it hard, or went with the slash of a claw. i tried it once or twice," she confesses almost shamefully, then continues, "but it wouldn't come off on its own."

"in a way i guess the eagle did me a favor," the tabby remarks wryly, one eye carefully on the sky at the memory of the death-bird. "it—it reminded me of old memories i don't want to lose, yes, but....i suppose it did more harm than they were worth." bobbie focuses on the sky and the path ahead as opposed to looking at her conversational companion. "it's not a great feeling, to be judged for something you can't control. even some of my clanmates judged me for wearing it, as though i could get it off."

except the clips left on her ear, she supposes, but those aren't as obvious and in-your-face as the brilliant red collar she once sported. bobbie smiles tentatively, amused, and concludes, "i suppose that's a lot of words to say: yes, i'm glad it's gone. i don't want to be 'the kittypet' or 'the collar-wearer' for the rest of my life."


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    bobbie ; warrior of skyclan
    x. she/her ; 40 moons ; tags
    x. small, scarred lilac tabby and white she-cat with green eyes
    x. played by dejavu
    bobbie is a kittypet-born skyclan warrior who would die for her clan regardless of whose blood runs through her veins. perpetually self-assessing, she often finds herself short of who she wants to be. skyclan gossip, if it's to be believed, hints at something more than friendship between her and blazestar.

Stormywing must stifle a scoff at the first words to come out of mouth. Instead, she settles for a blank, unexpressive look ahead of her as she watches where she's putting her paws. Any collar can come off, even if it must be yanked roughly over the ears. To her, it sounds a lot like she just didn't care enough to really try to get it off. And perhaps it is because of the mixed feelings she seems to have over it. She listens silently, judgmentally, thoughtfully.

But finally, she settles on her simple answer. She's glad it's gone. Her ears twitch as she looks at her for a moment, eyeing her shaggy form up and down. Her eyes narrow as if she's inspecting her. Well, at least she deserves some credit for not mourning the ugly thing. "Good," She simply chirps with a casual nod, even venturing as far as to touch her tail-tip to her shoulder in a small show of support. "You gonna get a real warrior's name then, too? You know, 'cause you don't wanna be the kittypet," The young woman trills, looking ahead of her once more. Bobbie is a pretty silly name, if you ask her. Some madeup word a twoleg calls you is no name to live by!