pafp a little bit happy — water fight


fate leads the willing and drags the unwilling
Feb 18, 2023
don't raise your voice . improve your argument .
A loud huff escaped the scarred warrior, mangled ear swivelin’ upon a scarred helm at whatever the molly had been sayin’ to cast a glance at the water’s edge some lengths deep. It’d been some time since he walked with Oakrumble, busier than a bear at a beehive trainin’ Crochet and spendin’ quality time with the kits ( that goes to say the times he spent with Palemoon in recent days ). Better than soakin’ in the blisterin’ sun till we’re dryer than a damn desert. He thought half-heartedly, optin’ to bump his shoulder against Oakrumble playfully.

Dippin’ his paws in the water was a better alternative than findin’ an upwalker to shave his fur before he died of heatstroke. The only thing stoppin’ him was gettin’ close to an upwalker. A low, guttural rumble vibrated, monotone timbre unprederbed, “Good time to take a dip, eh?” Without prompt, Duskpool attempted to push the molly into the shallow-deep water.

/ please wait for @oakrumble
thought speech
ᯓ⚘ "So I tell him..." Oakrumble's masculine voice drones on and on, chittering about nonsense from her first lover to nonsensical antidotes about her brother. Honestly this rambling was a method Oakrumble employed to wear one down. Oakrumble wanted to annoy Duskpool just enough that he'd divulge some information about Palemoon, out of annoyance. The torbie wanted to know what was goin' on between the two... had their friendship blossomed into something more? Always the third wheel... Oakrumble was, so surely out of pity Duskpool could give her a little microdose of inside information?

Ochre eyes are drawn to the water's edge and a gentle smile tips her maw upwards. "Looks refreshin, eh?" Oakrumble mews roughly, when Duskpool bumps a shoulder against hers she returns the gesture with a kind head-butt into his neck. She's peering over the slight bank that drops into the refreshing pond water, tail swaying passively as she spots little tadpoles. "Tadpoles! Wonder how they...!"

Her question cannot be asked as she's suddenly pushed into the water, too preoccupied by slimy tadpoles to be aware of her surroundings. It's a loud sound when her sturdy body makes impact with the still water, and there's a wide radius that would unfortunately be a "splash zone" for any bystanders. The pond is shallow where she had been shoved, chest high at the most on the rather short feline. Water weighs her long coat down, plastering dark brown fur against striped cheeks. "Ooh, Duskpool, you're on," broad paws prevents the stout molly from sticking into the muck underneath herself, allowing her to wade with surprising ease onto a bank.

Clumsily, as she's weighed down by her drenched pelt, Oakrumble bounds towards Duskpool, launching herself at the smokey tom, grasping his scruff. An act of self-sacrifice, Oakrumble flings himself into the pond with the weight of herself. The two tumble in with a joyous screech-like sound from Oakrumble.

  • ooc–
  • OAKRUMBLE —— skyclan warrior, she/her or they/them, 56 moons
Oakrumble's thunderous splash earns a shrill "EEEK!" from Cherryblossom as she launches herself out of the "splash zone." The calico is muderously tongue-tied for a moment, rage seething in eyes squinted against flecks of scummy water dripping down her porcelain face, ears pressed flat against her fire-crowned skull.

She hadn't been paying too much attention to the rest of the patrol in all this heat─something about tadpoles, slimy little sacks of StarClan-knows-what she wouldn't want within a tree-length of her─but now the two command all of her blazing attention. Half of her is focused on staying firmly out of the way of the two brawling beasts; the other half is hurriedly wiping a paw across her face and gagging at the stench of pondwater getting between her lovely pink pads.

"Have you mouse-brains ever been aware of your surroundings in your life?" she growls under her breath. It's mostly in (spiteful) jest: the two couldn't have made it to senior warriorship without having some degree of it, but still. The fact that she knows they wouldn't care only serves to aggravate her further, and she daintily scooches off into a patch of shade away from the waterside to sulk (if no one intercepted her in the meantime).

Not as playful as Duskpool or Oakrumble, but not as annoyed as Cherryblossom; Chickbloom was firmly in the middle, figuratively speaking. Literally speaking the coward was far away, having run for cover the second the two warriors went tumbling into the water. Amber eyes watched the pond fearfully from the safety of a low branch, waiting for a ball of tentacles and gnashing teeth to reveal itself as the cats’ captor.

When the shrieks gave way to laughter and playful jabs instead of the sound of two cats choking on their own blood, Chickbloom concluded that there wasn’t a giant monster living in the pond (at least not this pond), and came down. The coward didn’t get much closer than that, though, approaching the water’s edge to act as lifeguard. “B-Be careful, you two! You could - y’know - g-get hurt, or - or drown - or…” The baby bird’s squeaks trailed off into a mumbling mess as amber eyes flicked between the two play-fighting cats, sitting down and waiting for something to go wrong.

Chickbloom had shorter fur than most cats, but that didn’t make the heat much better. The butter staining his fur was liable to melt and boil off, leaving him looking more like a boiled egg than a scrambled one. Part of him wanted to get in the water, but the whelp was too nervous. Any nefarious cat could push him in, though.​
don't raise your voice . improve your argument .
At least he’d been expectin’ the backlash, lettin’ the molly drag him into the water with a rumbled oomph, wooly strands drenched and lookin’ worse for wear, but the coolin’ water did wonders to achin’ bones. ]Better than nothin’, ain’t it?

A watered-down snort escaped the warrior, attemptin’ to push the bulky molly off of him less he drowned in a damn pond like an idiot. “Get off, will ya?” His tone takin’ on a guttural teasin’ timbre, wooly plumage comin’ to playfully slap Oakrumble’s face in wicked glee, scarred lips peeled back to reveal sharp canines. ]Ain’t that a first. He thought fleetin’ly, already plannin’ his next attack with a thump, water-logged limbs comin’ to smother the warrior, muscles ripplin’ like calm water. “Two can play at that game, eh?” He snickered, pullin’ away to splash an unnecessary amount of water in Oakrumble’s direction.

Momentarily distracted, molten hues landin’ on Cherryblossom’s grumblin’ form and Chickbloom’s nervous chitter drawin’ a languid sigh from the older warrior. “Ain’t got nothin’ to worry about, kiddo.” He called, tone a leveled reassurance. They ain’t spring chickens just learnin’ how to swim, each backin’ their own strengths and age-long lessons into scarred, bulky frames. “Just two old fools havin’ a bit of a laugh.” He grunted, helm whippin’ to watch Oakrumble with distrustful hues, fully expectin’ a counterattack of some degree.
thought speech
Not as annoyed as Cherryblossom or cowardly as Chickbloom was, running away for cover. Rolling his eyes at the other calico's grumbling form. He lets out cheerful laughter escape from behind pale lips, as he gets splashed by water from the older warrior's playful tussling.

The once - clean calico lets the water soak into a pale coat, splattered with mismatched pastel blotches. He doesn't mind getting water on him, it feels refreshing paired with the miserable heat. A large ear twitches, letting a few drops of water be flung away.

He wasn't really paying close, attention to the patrol he was currently on. Oddgleam approaches the pond, siding up next to Chickbloom. Letting copper eyes peering down at the tadpoles swimming around, with a swish of his tail. "They aren't going to drown Chickbloom, that's so silly!" He chirps out, letting his head tilt to the side with a smile curling upon his maw. He takes a paw, poking at the rippling surface of the pond scaring some of the wiggling tadpoles. Flitting his gaze up at the older warriors, letting out a snort when Duskpool playfully slaps Oakrumble's face with his tail. "I think it's fun to splash in water and unwind." He hums towards Duskpool, while he drags himself onto his haunches with a curl of his tail.
  • temp oddgleam reference
  • ( LIKE HONEY IN WARM MILK ) ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ ODDGLEAM. ╱ skyclan warrior.
    ⸝⸝ non-binary ; HE / THEY ; 16 MOONS & AGES EVERY 7TH.
    bi-pan / polyamorous / mated to crowsight & owlheart
    pretty, long-legged medium furred sliver-cream calico with copper eyes.
    battle notesthoughts ; "Speech, ac7d88" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like caramel frappe & chilled stone
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone