private a little bit of tomfoolery | tw car death


Mar 18, 2023
જ➶ Time has been progressing, slipping along to no worries or no cares about the haggard thoughts of a paranoid cat. He can not get over what he has heard about that Thunderclan apprentice. The mere fact that they are related to that traitorous molly who could never call herself a part of the marsh colony makes him seethe. He remembers when she claimed they had all the food in the world and that they didn't need to fight that invading group that was overkilling and letting fat kittypets run wild. That cared more about her own kin than the group that sheltered and fed her every single day of her life. One such reason for this plan, this attempt at erasing a threat of her potential return is the mere fact that she attacked his family. Bone may be a traitor now, living in Riverclan but before she had been loyal to them. Fighting for the marsh colony and their medicine cat. Salamander had attacked her twice and deserved her punishment and exile from Thunderclan. No way was she coming back. Not if he can help it. The lilac tom lingers on the side of the Thunderpath with a grin on his muzzle. His eyes lock on the Thunderclanner with ease and he is waiting. He is going to try and be swift with this. If he can time it right and grab th, toss them into the path of a monster then it'll work well enough.

His paws shiver with the energy he is containing, shifting back and forth as he allows a light and soft breath to leave him. No kits for her to come back to. No need for her to come back and wreck havoc on the forest and threaten his family again.




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Ragwortpaw was out training with Little Wolf. Tracking a piece of prey, it seems she's chased the scent further than she had anticipated. Big paws are planted at the border and green eyes meet a tom, his own staring right back at her. In an instant Ragwortpaw recalls him from the recent border patrol to ShadowClan, she had made the mistake of bringing up her mother, revealing her heritage was apparently... something a cat like her shouldn't do. It had sparked an outburst, and this cat from ShadowClan had been particularly unfriendly.

Still, she doesn't expect he'd actually do anything. "...Hello." She greets, muscles tense. Her paws itch to walk away, all she waited for was one hostile comment.
જ➶ "Hello...." The tom almost mimics her tone, a grin stretching his maw wide as he steps forth from the brush. Something bright glints behind him but he doesn't address that yet. Instead he looks at the Thunderclan apprentice. Taking in her stance and also he is listening. Waiting for that telling sign that something dangerous is near. His eyes open wider for a moment and he turns his head to the side. "It's fate. Perhaps Starclan's will. I was hoping to see you again, kehe." His paws press against the ground, shivers running down his spine. It'll be over quick, no pain, no nothing. Not like how his mother died. Maybe how his brother died. They still haven't found the culprit for that but he desperately pushes back those painful thoughts and instead he takes in a soft and slow breath. Easing down to sit just in front of the thunderpath. "I brought something. A gift. Just for you. To apologize for poor poor behavior."

Though he doesn't think that the apprentice's own clanmates like to even mention the retched name of Salamander. To him she is not even fit for that clan name she had disgraced. "Come and see. Come." Turning he reaches into the bush and pulls out the funny looking rock. It is so light, bright silver metallic in the light. Aluminum foil all scrunched up, a twoleg thing, but he figures it to be just a strange and intriguing rock. Setting it on the edge of the Thunderpath he feels the rumbling in his paws, the telling sign of a monster's approach. But he still beckons the other to cross for their prize.



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Muscles are tense, Ragwortpaw feels unease seep through her bones. It's fate. Perhaps StarClan's will. I was hoping to see you again, then a peculiar sound of laughter. Her nose twitches… maybe, she's not sure what she thinks of fate- but maybe StarClan had put the two of them here. To forgive each other, to save their clans from unneeded bloodshed. This to Ragwortpaw, seemed reasonable.

The dual-eyed Tom reveals a gift, it glitters unusually in the sunlight and it makes an odd crinkly noise. Ragwortpaw does not suspect a twoleg object, she suspects a new type of rock foreign to ThunderClan lands. In an attempt to be kind, she picks up her own gift then and there, a gigantic leaf from an oak. It was simple, but it held a tremendous amount of good intentions.

Stepping onto the Thunderpath, she flashes a smile at the ShadowClan Tom. That smile remains until an indescribable force punches her side and blows her over into the pavement. Not a sound leaves her, not a frightful thought is created in her mind, there had been no time.

The leaf she once held is carried by a strong gust of wind, placed at the paws of Chittertongue.

Simple and full of good intentions, Ragwortpaw lays dead in the midst of the thunderpath. Her only crime being too trusting and naive for the dark and terror-filled world she had walked upon.
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