private A little lopsided (Cicadastar)


Mar 18, 2023
It had been altogether too long since he and his old friend had spent some time together. It was to be expected - Cicadastar's duties kept him busy in the best of times, and certainly the recent intrusions by other Clans had not helped the matter. Still, Riffleheart missed him, missed their conversations and the way the chimera's eyes would light up when he was passionate about something. Most of all, perhaps, he missed the feeling of camaraderie and of loyalty that blossomed in his chest whenever he got time alone with the RiverClan leader. He had never forgotten the reasons that he had followed Cicada here, nor had he ever regretted it. On some deep level, he found the mottled tomcat inspirational, and the story of their friendship had - perhaps - been that of their becoming equals despite this, if not in rank than at least in relation to one another. Thus with all of this in mind, the blue tabby had selected a trout he had caught from the river that afternoon and carried it to where Cicadastar had been spending his private time in their wretched temporary camp, his head tilted, his green eyes hopeful. "Cada?" he called out. "I thought we might have some dinner together, if you're hungry." he paused, his blue-tipped tail swishing, before adding in a quieter voice, "I've missed you. Wanted to check in, after...everything."