camp A little potpourri || A...A gift

The carrionplace is wild. What is this thing? What's that? Why's it smell funny? Feel funny? Why is everything here so crazy? Garlicpaw doesn't know, but at least it's fun! She's found so may cool things here, like a weird brown thing in a box that tasted really good, and a springy thing that was really fun to push down a hill. Sometimes she would find something particularly strange that she didn't have the words to describe it. The carrionplace might smell bad and be full of awful rats, but it was Garlicpaw's favorite place. Today, she found another treasure.

It looks like...Herbs? Dried up herbs trapped in strange webbing. It had a powerful smell to it, smells she has never smelled before. It was fun to bat around, but as she investigated the strange object, a thought came to her. Forestshade would like this! It's super smelly, and she sees the world through smells and sounds, right? This is perfect! But she had to be RESPONSIBLE. She had to finish hunting before she went home. So, she set about hunting the rats that prowled the carrionplace. The rat she caught wasn't as big as she would like.... But it was something.

Now, she could continue her TRUE MISSION.

When she comes bounding into camp to deliver her rat to the pile, everyone would likely smell the the little webbed bag she found. It was powerful and threatened to overwhelm her senses, but thats fine. She will suffer. Because She's totally sure Forestshade will love this thing. She drops her rat off and bounces into the camp clearing looking for her quarry.

"FORESTSHADE!" She shouts when she sees her, scrambling over to meet her with her smelly webbed bag of dead plants. "FORESTSHADE I FOUND A PRESENT FOR YOU!!" She skids to a halt just before Forestshade and places the object before her with big sparkly eyes. "I don't know what it is but it smells funny and I thought you would like it!"

(( Garlicpaw finds a little potpourri bag and decides Forestshade would like it @FORESTSHADE and mentor tag @MIREPURR ))
The screeching of one of the clan apprentices has Forestshade’s ears pinning to her skull in an instant, a grimace crossing her face. That Garlicpaw is always so loud, but her enthusiasm is entertaining. She irritably turns her face in the direction of the apprentice as she bounds up to her, a halfhearted hiss leaving her mouth, “Quiet down, the whole marsh can hear you.” But her annoyance is swiftly forgotten, replaced with interest towards the strong-smelling whatever-it-is that Garlicpaw brought her.

“What is- ACK!She had leaned down to sniff the bundle, only for her senses to be entirely overwhelmed. The strongest burst of roses and another scent entirely unfamiliar to her explodes in her nostrils and she gags at the power of it. Her head is jerked away so she can get some fresh air, a paw swiping furiously at her nose to try and clear it. “What in StarClan is that?!” She gasps, green eyes wide as they stare unseeing at the ground ahead of her. She’s not mad - she’s intrigued.

Smogmaw's ancestry reads as a blank slate. As per his limited knowledge, it's a haphazardly thrown-together web of nomadic loners and rogues. How many generations back would he have to unroot to find the source of his daughter's unbridled energy? Or, should the blame rest not in her paternal line, how ever did Halfshade conceal such a genetic feature so well? Garlicpaw is but a sapling restrained against the ground, ready to snap upward on the moment someone blinks.

If her chaotic whimsy cannot be outgrown, this iteration of apprentices will be lucky to reach warriorhood with their whiskers intact.

Ears hug close to his skull as a hullabaloo rises through the camp entrance. A beat, then garbled screeching resumes anew, ignoble and barely muffled across the hollow's open span. Bicoloured fur tears across his peripheral, coupled with Forestshade's name in a loud chorus. Smogmaw resists sighing, settling his fur at best as he turns toward the disturbance.

Cripes. Garlicpaw found something strange again. The tom decides then that he will sleep easier if he assesses the issue himself. Afterwards, a dry chuckle punctuates the moment, because he's well aware that sound sleep isn't in the cards for tonight. It never is.

He pads forth regardless. "Easy," mouthes the tom, eyes yet to befall his daughter's bounty. "Don't want to lose your voice now, do you? Save your screaming for bears or WindClan."

The object's smell takes precedence over Smogmaw's senses before it's given a glimpse of visual clarity. He does well to stifle a sneeze, but it swiftly manifests elsewhere in a prolonged shudder, fur raised with the discomfort. Garlicpaw stands proudly nearby, looming over the bag in tandem with its recipient.

"Eugh- both of you ought'a step back." Never has he known herbs to carry an odour so intense, and consequently, the deputy questions their safety. Or lack thereof. This could well be poison.

Instincts seize him right there and then, and Smogmaw delivers a swift smack unto the mysterious carapace. It is flimsy and crinkly against his pawpad, a feeling foreign and undesirable all in one. He retracts at once, lips pulled inward with a soft grimace, and a dumbstruck glance in Garlicpaw's trajectory.


You could ever ignore Garlicpaw as much as you tried to and please believe that he often did. Her voice was a shrill piercing cry through the entire territory, he was certain StarClan itself trembled as it echoed beneath their ethereal paws.
"We are grateful for your continued protection, deputy. In the face of such foul beasts it is your light that guides us." The medicine cat apprentice drolled out a low rumbling purr of a noise that was neither amused nor serious - a cacaphony of neutrality and quivering syllables as he ambled along onto the scene with his head dipping and raising in a serious of rapid nods as though in agreement. Smogmaw's efforts to make sense of the item through violence may have been amusing but unecessary - he knew herb scent when he came across it and while he doubted much value was to be gleened from this strange little sack it certainly had an enticing aroma. Magpiepaw paused to sniff it, hint of roses and bitter leaves, the faintest trace of more subdued florals and a touch of something sharper, more intense like a stab of pine needles. Garlicpaw said she had found this in carrionplace so who knew what its true purpose was but if he had to guess maybe it made that rat-infested swathe of land smell nicer to any who wandered in.
You'd certainly need a lot more of these little baubles for that though.
"It is safe, but I would recommend not permitting it near kits. There is medicinal scent, stale but present. It could make them sick."
If Forestshade wanted to keep her gift then he saw no reason not to allow it, the deputy had already 'killed' it so to speak.

  • OOC can go here.

  • dgjzb1y-75361c4e-601a-4b3f-a424-fe26a15fe6df.png
    —⊰⋅ MCA of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/They
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/a white throat and blue-violet eyes.
    —⊰⋅ Has mild cerebellar hypoplasia (Wobbly cat syndrome)

  • Dead
Reactions: smogstar

"oh, finally wanting to do something, smogmaw? why don't you go on and test it then?"

who knows if they're teasing or serious. the lack of inflection or change in tone from their base monotonous voice makes it hard to tell at all. they simply blink slowly with a small huff, moving to gently bump against magpiepaw in greeting before stepping back with a shake of their head. whatever it was, it was absolutely a potent scent. they cannot suppress their gag, as they shall keep their head and and step away.

"garlicpaw you never fail to amaze me with what you find. how did you even manage to deal with the smell?"

weird kid.