a little too eager .. fox fight !

It was no small threat to pick up a scent like this. As much as Lichentail didn't yearn for combat they dared not to ignore it when the call came for action. Their paws moved with a quiet precision over the swampy terrain as a wary gaze made passes at their surroundings. It was being addressed by a patrol, with any luck, which meant the odds of anyone turning up dead were slimmer than normal. Drawing in a small breath, the scent was hard to pinpoint... the watery area they lived in meant these kinds of thing became muted easily, washed away and distorted. It was an advantage RiverClan could revel in but also a great flaw when it came to tracking intruders on their own territory.

Passing several clumps of bushes and other foliage that obscured their sights, the mumblings of their clan-mates became a background noise in a few short moments... They were discussing a plan of attack, how to make sure this was handled as safely as possible. Words meant nothing when handling beasts as far as Lichen was concerned and all one could do was hope StarClan was watching with generous eyes. Didn't healers say something about signs and omens? Would they be spared death if they were careful enough to search for those kinds of warnings?

The way a couple of branches appeared sparse drew the point's attention and without a word or signal to those in her company, she veered off abruptly. She had all but forgotten the agreement previously established- she couldn't risk too many paws alerting the enemy anyways. It was an afterthought... that numbers held strength. A lesson her parents had made sure stuck; more was a burden. Being conservative improved your odds, fewer mouths to feed...

Why am I still listening to them? The distracting journey through lessons long since past was all the loss of attention she needed to find herself the hunted rather than the hunter. The rustling from the bushes behind made all the fur on her spine stand on end. She had been found rather than being the one finding. Careful not to make any sudden movements, her ears twitched as she struggled to pinpoint an exact location... How far away is the group? Is it worth shouting?

Panic set in as their claws sank into the dirt. Dirt... mud... Worth trying... Spinning in a rapid arc with her paws close to the ground, she dragged her claws into the muck and flung what she collected in the direction of the brush- "Did it work...? [7]

The sound of movement on her left confirmed the worst case scenario. Nope... she'd misjudged the location of her enemy.

Ah well... so much for stealth.

"FOX!" A yowl as loud as she could muster to alert the others somewhere nearby.... But not without consequence. The fox was already in pursuit and lunged at her with all the ferocity a creature of its hunger could muster. With only the hopeful thought that StarClan might yet save her hide, she backed up nervously in hopes of buying herself some time for reinforcements.​
As soon as the word "fox" was uttered, the tortie point dropped whatever they were doing and rushed into action. Foxes were just about the last thing the clan needed right now, and they were in healthy shape, which is why they offered to help deal with whatever the tracked scent may bring. But, if they were honest with themself, they were itching for a fight of any kind, as well. Maybe a brawl with a beast was just what they needed to release the bottled up energy, and it seems they would be getting what they wished for.

It takes a second to pinpoint the exact location of the wayward clanmate, and they groan internally because of course it was Lichentail, but that doesn't mean they would stand by and do nothing. The corners of their mouth curl even further upward as they grin viciously at the larger creature, ready for bloodshed.
"You have NO idea who you picked a fight with."

They hiss, making sure they're blocking Lichen as best they can, unsheathing their claws as they ready themself to leap on the fox's back, praying that the others in the search group come to back the two of them up sooner rather than later.
To be honest he wasn't really paying much attention to what the patrol was saying. He understood the importance of listening, but it became taxing when many things were being repeated or the whole patrol found that they ran in a circle of what to do. The reality is no matter how they were going to face whatever they were going to run into, they were going to attack as a unit. That much he was certain of because let's face it. If only one cat was required then a patrol wouldn't be sent and it would have been common practice for one cat to take care of threats, which also meant that communication wouldn't be the greatest. That practice would go against clan rules and honestly would bring more death in the process, and that's the last thing the clan needed.

What snapped him out of his haze was Lichen's yowl. I didn't even notice she went ahead! Before he could ponder why she would do such a thing or how none of them seemed to say anything till danger arrived, he saw Aspenhaze rush head. "Aspenh-!" DON'T RUSH AHEAD YOU! AH! Still, he would follow Aspenhaze as best as he could, a tail length distance as they rushed to Lichentail's aid. I know foxes are big, but I didn't think they would be THIS BIG! Panting, he takes his place next to Aspenhaze's side. He knows and is fully aware he can't fight as well as the others, but he would rather get hurt than allow another one of his clanmates to get hurt in the process.

However, when Aspenhaze goads the fox, he turns in admonishment to the warrior. "WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO MAKE IT MORE MAD?!" perhaps to Aspenhaze he is nothing but a whiny coward with his retort. After all, he hadn't unsheathed his claws yet nor did he even look like he was going to attack the thing. There was one thing Pike did understand though. When you make a fox go mad... It was not going to be pretty. Most things when angered become more violent, which meant that the patrol may struggle more to chase away the fox or defeat it.
  • Haha
Reactions: Aspenhaze

The call of fox made the patched warrior jump up from her fishing trip. Immediately, Petalnose sprinted to the source of sound in interest and intrigue. She'd not run away and hide from such call, she'd be just like Aspenhaze and find that this was merely something of a challenge. It was something to get her rush, additionally it would save lichentail and scare it off to teach it not to mess with her clan. Two birds with one stone. How perfect. It was just sad that she had help. Though, she grinned with thrill.

The she-cat would gladly take it alone but she supposed this would make her have more success. She heard Pikesplash's complaints as she got close, rolling her eyes before attempting to swiftly slash her claws at it's flank as she acted as if she was going to pass it. "And why would we let it kill our innocent kits! Hiding like pansies!" She retorted for Aspenhaze, giving Pikesplash an annoyed glance. The call to threat was merely a call to game for her, it was nearly hard to contain a purr in excitement. Wouldn't this be interesting. Wouldn't this be fun.

Awkwardly dodging to the side in an effort to buy herself some time, it (luckily, with StarClan's help) wasn't a long wait for reinforcements. Aspenhaze was probably the quickest to arrive, which proved only to amuse the blue point- they knew how to fight if their little tussle in camp had been any indication. A small smile of relief spread across her maw, eyes narrowing as she crouched low to prowl around the enemy.

The harsh snap of a warrior more keen on defense than offense reminded Lichentail she wasn't the only one with a tactical, wary mind. Looking towards Pikesplash, she gave a nod of reassurance- they had the numbers... they were sent out for this on purpose. They'd be fine, surely! And to encourage that fierce offense came an eager Petalnose.

"Divide and conquer," she called out, darting forward to offer a meaningful distraction. She waited until she was close enough to take a baited bite before hopping aside. "HEY UGLY! OVER HERE!"
Sometimes I just think you guys love using your claws too much. Aspenhaze and Petalnose are two offensive cats and there is nothing wrong with wanting to tear the flesh of the fox. After all, it's not like any of them go out of their way to fight foxes every day. We are doing this to protect our own. Petalnose is mistaken by what he is trying to convey to Aspenhaze, but now is not the time to correct her. He remains silent aside from huffing in frustration at her misunderstanding him. Whatever the case, he shakes himself to prepare for what must be done.

Lichentail's reassurance is met with a nod. At her order of divide and conquer he doesn't run too far from Lichentail. He may not be that much of a fighter, but he used other tricks. After she baits the fox, he quickly darts to one of it's hind legs and attempts to quickly claw at it. He is well aware that this is not enough to hinder the fox, but at the very least he can try and hinder it's movement. Of course, whether or not he manages to land a blow, he will dart off to the foxes blind spot.

His idea of divide and conquer is to be nuisance, which means confuse and overwhelm the fox. If the fox tries to chase for him instead, he would run away from his clanmates.