pafp a lonely stone to throw | stargazing

He wouldn't be making his nightly travel for a change, too shaken up by the knowledge that he was once again a mentor. Fear of losing Hollypaw or failing him in some way gripped the splotched feline like a vice. Rather than continuing to toss and turn, tortured by such thoughts, he slipped out into the darkness. Bugs droning on in the uncomfortably warm air.

The tabby had decided it best to sit restlessly in camp's center, looking up at the stars with a strained expression. Even though his mind craved the reprieve of familiar spaces outside of camp, he was frozen with guilt. After the nightmare of a gathering, there was no point in denying it. Starclan was real, and they were always watching.

They recalled the day he had seen Blazestar's body writhe and fall still with death. The panic that throttled him and the amazement when he rose from the grave like a pillar. Street cat knowledge at the forefront of his thoughts, as the reality of spirits existing, flipped their view upside down. In Dogbite's mind the leader had seemed invincible. Now he was nothing but stardust and memories. Time had worn the novelty of that moment down but the gathering revitalized it.

Dogbite had held onto his little thread of skepticism, intensified by the loss of so many friends and loved ones. Yet here he was, peering into the face of what he assumed were ghostly apparitions staring back. I'm sorry. Was all his tired mind could conjure as the waning moon climbed high. Most Skyclanner's would be fast asleep now, nestled away in their dens, flopping about to cool off in the dense heat of Greenleaf's nights. Dogbite hoped they would catch even a wink of rest.

To an outside view, he seemed comfortably folded into a ball shape, paws tucked securely underneath him and face illuminated by the moonlight. His supposed stargazing was in reality a silent plea for help, to quench his desires of running far from here and to anchor himself to home. Dogbite loved his clan beyond a shadow of a doubt, but how could he stand to watch any more of them die? How could Starclan only blink back silently now, and yet raise dark clouds another?

Sighing softly to himself, the Lead continued to sit and observe the twinkling twilight, his heavy emotions blocking out the sound of approaching paw steps.

  • @BOBBIE she'll be the one approaching - please wait for Bobbie before replying!
  • jLfE0mV.png

  • ✧ LH cinnamon tabby high white blue eye
    npc x npc ; sibling to crescent and bear
    ✧ skyclan lead warrior ; mentor to hollypaw
    ✧ 35 moons old ; birthday 07/01
    ✧ AFAB ; nonbinary ; he/they
    ✧ pansexual ; polyromantic ; single
    "speech", thought, attack, powerplay
    ✧ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✧ penned by tasmagoric
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