private A LONG PETAL OF THE SEA \ sablepaw

Fishing, again. It had become more difficult since he'd lost his eye- judging the depth as which the fish swam was a lot harder with only one working eye, for some reason. He'd expected to lose some periphery- and that had happened, narrowing his world to the scope of one working eye- but, what did two eyes have to do with working out how far away something was? He tensed at every hunting patrol, knowing it'd be a hard trip- but, like Smokethroat had said, he was already getting used to it. Success had been slowly washing toward him, like waves on the shore-line... and he'd been bringing a little emotional support with him, too. Stupid to many, but it made Fernpaw feel better.

A pile of three caught fish sat beside him on the riverbank- and, beside them, the beautiful blue-and-green stone that Sablepaw had given him after he had failed his warrior assessment. Among the emerald grass, made more verdant by the greenleaf sun, it shone in the light, reflecting a pattern onto the ground. A good-luck charm... the cat who had given it to him might recognise it, though Fernpaw failed in his concentration to notice her approach.

\ @Sablepaw
penned by pin
In every situation you give me peace
After breaking away from Cindershade's side to attempt fishing along the bank in a new location she came across the familiar tabby hide of Fernpaw. An impressive stack of fish lay by his side with scales still glistening from river water. With such a pile someone might find it hard to believe he had previous difficulty with his sight. Her gaze trails down further when a sparkle captures her attention. Sablepaw's features soften with surprise immediately upon recognizing the little blue green rock she gifted him some time ago. She expected the little stone to be tucked away within his nest somewhere. But it genuinely interested her as to why he toted it all the way out here. "Hey Fernpaw, that's a really nice pile." Sablepaw called out with a friendly wave of her tail in greeting. A smile easily graces her features as she takes a seat beside him, sparing another glance at the stone. "What made you bring your rock way out here?" She asks whilst canting her head.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead

An aquamarine eye lit with surprise as he heard his name, recognising the voice near-immediately. From that flash of surprise, a smile bloomed- kind and warm, a little soothed that if anyone was going to approach him, it was thankfully Sablepaw. He was often quite at ease in her presence, and that hadn't changed despite how much more effort Fernpaw had been putting into his training recently. "Thanks! I'm... getting used to everything again," he murmured, casting an eye to the water once again. Distances being off, claustrophobic vision... to catch up and become a warrior, he needed to overcome those obstacles. And it was beginning to work.

He followed her gaze to the rock- and his grin glowed even brighter when she recognised it. "IAt first, it was just kind of something to encourage me, like you did." Voice bright, he admired the glimmering thing, and the light-pattern it cast upon the ground. It reminded him a lot of the kindness she'd shown him "And then I started getting better at stuff, and... getting used to my eye-thing, so... I think it's become a good-luck charm."
penned by pin
In every situation you give me peace
Her smile lengthens after hearing the words that come tumbling forth. It did her heart good to see the ginger tom slipping back into his usual state of infectious optimism. Although he gives a humble answer she believes he is exceeding his prior limits and building an even stronger foundation than he had previously. He was doing more than getting used to it, he was perfecting it. But the words that continue to spill after cause soft baby blues to widen with genuine surprise. ", I never thought it would have grown to become so special to you." Her gaze drops back to the stone as a low purr resonates within her throat. "It was certainly meant to help bring you encouragement. But, to know it provides you so much more than that makes me happy. I'm glad I stumbled across it that day, Fernpaw." She admits, lifting her gaze again. Her attention then drifts across the lazy river before piping up again. "I wonder if there are any more lucky stones out there. I sure could use some luck on my side. Or maybe I could just rub yours and hope to gain a little for myself" Sablepaw chuckles.
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead

He'd become used to seeing Sablepaw consistently calm, seeming wise beyond her moons- especially in comparison to Fernpaw, who was a new soul if there had ever been one- that when he saw that flicker of genuine surprise in her clear-sky eyes, he couldn't help but giggle lightly, a twinkle of a sound. It was easy to trust her words- that she didn't know it'd become a cherished thing. "I didn't, either. But... here we are," he said with a shrug, smile more persistent than it had felt in days.

I'm glad I stumbled across it that day, Fernpaw. The ginger tom's face lit up, teeth showing in a lively grin. He was glad, too.

He followed her gaze as she looked out over the river, and he sighed at the sight of the daylight dancing on the water's surface. More lucky stones- if there was anything Fernpaw had truly perfected over moons and moons of practice, it was sifting through the shoreline for notable trinkets. The idea of borrowing his stone's luck might work... "Sure, but... what if you can't find me?" Gasping as the realisation struck him, his head swivelled, verdant eye settling upon Sablepaw's face. "I know! I'll search for a lucky stone, just for you." There was a tangible air of confidence in his voice, mind fully steering itself toward this vision, now. "What's special about this one is that it was a gift. So- yours should be a gift, too!" Maybe it was rose-tinted logic, but it was clear from Fernpaw's voice that he wholeheartedly believed it.
penned by pin
In every situation you give me peace
The level of surprise he displays leaves her chuckling as his head swivels in her direction, a single ebony paw hiding ivory teeth. "Well yes, that is true. There are some days where you or I wake up sooner than the other." Especially on the days when Cindershade decided to pull her early for supplemental training. But then the ginger tom's head swivels in her direction at breakneck speed, leaving Sablepaw to place her paw upon the ground again. Her very own lucky stone? The gentle smile she wore blossomed into something brighter, head nodding along in agreement. "I would love that." She'd never received a gift before. The thought alone fills her head with so many possibilities. What would it look like? Would it truly grant her bouts of luck like Fernpaw's did for him?
Don't gotta be afraid because you're in the lead

The brightness of his grin sustained at her acceptance; he knew a lot of cats weren't entirely fond of trinket-collecting. Though most Riverclanners were more welcoming to the idea of collection than other Clan's might have been, he'd received many an odd look for the pile of sentimentalities that he slept beside, like a wyrm guarding its hoard. Sablepaw had been observant enough to notice that he loved shiny rocks, and now she wanted one of her own- specially picked out. He was honoured, even if it was a silly thing to feel honoured about.

"Okay," he said, whipped up in a clear blaze of thrill at the concept. Though he was closer to warrior hood than ever, he couldn't let go of the satisfaction that collecting brought him. It made it even better that it was for someone else, someone he cared about. "Okay. I'll find you the prettiest, luckiest rock I can possibly find. You can count on it." Fernpaw did not fondly break promises.

A flame-hued paw pushed one of his caught minnows towards her, then. "In the meantime... want a snack?"
penned by pin