private A LOSER IN HER HEART ✦ wrathpaw

Feb 29, 2024
The forest was unusually quiet that sunhigh — the occasional chirp of a cardinal echoing through the trees, its call confident and sharp. Paws thrummed against solid soil, soft in their landing yet messy enough to create noise to drive away whatever creatures may be billowing away in the brush. For the first time in moons, Adderpaw felt at peace in ThunderClan's forest alone. He didn't care about the noise that he emitted, the rustling in the branches that could signify any sort of wolf emerging from behind him at any second. Though he would never admit it, something about being vulnerable about his feelings in front of his clanmates made him feel more powerful. So many of the (metaphorical) stones that had piled themselves on his shoulders crumbled away to leave him feeling as light as a feather; and he didn't even know such a feeling could be possible. The tabby rolled his shoulders in response to the thought from habit as to shake those stones off, but instead heard the loud crack! of his joints popping with a sigh. Somehow, that sound was more tolerable than the weight he had burdened.

Slowing to a stop, golden narrowed eyes lifted up towards the leafy scenery above him to search the branches with intricacy. It should be around here somewhere, he thought as his eyes turned to slits, focusing as much as he could on each individual branch in his sight. It was then when he noticed the flash of red, hues now widened with glee at the sight of the cardinal. Allowing himself to stand there for a moment in the splotchy sunlight, with the cardinal's song ringing in his ears, Adderpaw began to hum to himself as tucked his legs into a seating position. He rested his fluffy tail over his paws as he tilted his head to the bird, mimicking his call with the boy's own call. "Where's your mate?" He whispered to the cardinal, noticing that he seemed to be alone the entire time that the feline had been tracking the call down. It was a lonely song, one that seemed to cry out so longingly only to receive no answer. His tips twitched downwards a few times before frowning, looking down as he dragged his claw through the bare patch of soil in front of him. It was finally peaceful.

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    an apprentice of thunderclan, adderpaw is one of the oldest in his rank at ten moons. he is being mentored by leafhusk, and is on track to graduate as a warrior later than his peers. displays a similar looking pattern to the adder snake, with a reddish-brown coat sporting splatters of white to compliment dark tones. often smells of fresh soil & musky wood. 
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*+:。.。 Wrathpaw had never actually known about the harsher side of Adderpaw. To the cream and white tabby, the older apprentice was someone cool and mysteriously aloof, with an interesting hobby centered around bird-watching. It was always a joy for Wrathpaw to witness the umber tabby in his element, staring at the birds with all the fascination of a man with a beloved hobby. Seeing how much happiness it brought Adderpaw to know and learn about birds honestly made Wrathpaw want to learn more, too! So you'll have to forgive the younger of the two for his insatiable curiosity, following after Adderpaw as closely as he trailed after his birds.

"How do you know it has a mate?" the boy asks in a whisper. Sneaking up on Adderpaw hadn't been Wrathpaw's intention, however, to ensure he didn't interrupt whatever Adderpaw was doing, he had to ensure his steps were as quiet as possible. Crouching low to the ground, he squinted against the blotches of filtered light through the canopy in an effort to find the cardinal Adderpaw had been chasing. Despite the vibrant greens, browns, and patches of yellow light, the bird's red plumage wasn't too hard to catch. "If it has a mate" Wrathpaw begins thoughtfully, before letting out an excited gasp, "Do you think it has eggs, too? When do cardinals have babies? Do you know?"

    DMAB— He/Him
    6 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovelight, Joywing, Giggle-
    Thunderclan — Kit
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically easy | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #4a59ff
    injuries: None currently
If he could, Adderpaw easily would have jumped out of his skin when Wrathpaw's words hit his ears, getting to his paws to whip around to face the apprentice with hackles raised. His claws had unsheathed and dug into the ground, ready to have lashed out to attack if it had been someone there to harm him. Once the pink-ish frame of Wrathpaw finally unblurred from his vision, the tomcat adjusted into a more comfortable position; though his fur still stood on edge from the shock. Clearing his voice, he tried to act nonchalant as he slightly deepened his voice when speaking to the younger apprentice. "When did you— how long— how long were you followin' me?" His words did not reflect the act he tried to put on however, eyes darting left to right as he tried to read Wrathpaw. How did he not smell his scent, detect even the hint of feeling that someone was following him?

Shaking his head, the long-furred boy scratched again at the ground for a moment to try and recall what Wrathpaw had even asked. "How do you know it has a mate?" It came back in a rush, making him shut his eyes and take a deep breath before replying. "I dunno," he admitted, "but he seems like he's callin' out for someone." Maybe family, The thought popped into his mind before he burst the bubble, chewing on his lip as he twisted his head back to the cardinal.

Adderpaw let out a "mmm" in agreement to Wrathpaw's comment, glancing over at him before looking to crimson feathers yet again. The silence between them was not long at all, and he could help but let out a small huff in annoyance as his tail-tip flicked back and forth. Adderpaw hadn't thought of Wrathpaw all too much since their last interaction, though whenever he made eye contact with the other the pride flooded back into his veins like a rushing current. To know that someone was intrigued by his interests made him feel seen, appreciated. He found himself silently wanting to look out for the young boy, but he tried to manipulate himself into thinking that it would be better to have him almost as some type of... Sidekick.

"Uh... I dunno." He shifted yellow hues to the ground, pausing as a hiccup forced its way from his throat. "I haven't thought about it much, but it'd be cool to find out." The dark feline hiccupped again before walking towards the tree the cardinal had stay to rest in. "Wanna find out?" Adderpaw stuck his claws into the bark of the tree without waiting for a reply and began the ascent upwards towards the nest.

  • 81132332_4jL8ZbnUE0G9PGJ.png
    an apprentice of thunderclan, adderpaw is one of the oldest in his rank at ten moons. he is being mentored by leafhusk, and is on track to graduate as a warrior later than his peers. displays a similar looking pattern to the adder snake, with a reddish-brown coat sporting splatters of white to compliment dark tones. often smells of fresh soil & musky wood. 
*+:。.。 Wrathpaw only blinks when Adderpaw whirls around on him. Although his den-mate is considerably larger and far more experienced than Wrathpaw is, the boy feels no fear when the tom looks at him. Still, Wrathpaw mews apologetically, "I'm really sorry, I didn't want to scare the birds," he explains, shuffling his paws. He waits with a hung head for Adderpaw to tell him to go away - deservedly so, seeing as the last thing Wrathpaw would want is to be interrupted by a sniveling younger clanmate when following a dream of his. However, when Adderpaw instead asks him a question, the cream tabby beams with joy. "Since you left camp! I figured you could use someone to watch your back, a-and I was gonna call to let you know but you seemed super focused on the didn't even hear me when I stepped on a twig back there" he meows with a mirthful smile, pointing with his tail the way they'd come. It had actually bee quite fun trailing after Adderpaw. He felt like he was following one of his older siblings, or stepping on the same paw steps of a good friend, finding a joyful peace in quiet company.

Adderpaw turns away, and while he paws at the ground Wrathpaw waits with bated breath to, again, be cast away. The boy can barely hold back his trill of joy when Adderpaw once again chooses to instead talk to Wrathpaw, an unofficial invitation to stay. " you can tell it's him calling out? Do you know the different calls birds make? That' cool..." Wrathaw eyes are twin orbs of deep blue water, glittering with fascination as he looks from Adderpaw to the cardinal and back again.

The silence between them is nice. As they watched the bird hop and flutter its wings, content in its safety far from their grasping claws, it felt like the two were glimpsing into a world that few hunters ever get the chance to see. The bird's cry for someone sounds melancholy to Wrathpaw in that context. He hopes that, if they keep watching, they'll get to see a wonderful reunion.

Wrathpaw jumps when Adderpaw speaks again, only then recalling he'd asked the older boy a question earlier. It takes Wrathpaw a moment to put two and two together, staring pleasantly at Adderpaw for a befuddled moment until..."Oh boy would I! " before hopping after Adderpaw. He watches the umber tabby climb, streaking up the trunk of the tree with quick bursts of strength. Wrathpaw crouches, wiggling his rump, before leaping as high as he can to get a good head start. When it comes to tree-climbing with a missing leg, you have to put a lot of strength into your remaining claws. His hind one takes the brunt of the effort, being what propels him forward while he holds on tight with his front claws. He's much, much slower than Adderpaw, occasionally even slipping when he doesn't time his kick right, but he does his best to keep up.

"Are you..sure...we're not...gonna" he pants, exhausted but still all smiles as he catches up to the tabby tom.

  • i'm sorry this is a million years late </3333333333

    DMAB— He/Him
    9 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Brother to Lovelight, Joywing, Laughblossom || Pridepaw, Merrypaw
    Thunderclan — Kit
    Mentored by Wildheart

    Physically mediocre | mentally easy
    Attack in bold #4a59ff
    injuries: None currently
/ mobile + sorry this is late also :OUUUGH: backtracking a bit at the beginning 2 reply to everything wrath said <3

Hackles slowly softened like downy feathers, resting on flushed skin after Wrathpaw’s words of solace. Adderpaw had been the mousebrain who hadn’t picked up on the scent of the younger apprentice so he couldn’t fault Wrathpaw for his actions. Mmm, ‘t’s al’ight, I understand,” he tried to offer some sort of comfort in order to keep the other from possibly bursting into tears. He didn’t know Wrathpaw all too well, but the boy struck him as the ‘overly—emotional’ type. Looking over to see the boy’s head hung low, he rolled his eyes at the pitiful sight before him. He wasn’t going to just kick the kid out — he needed to have someone he could kind of trust other than Leafhusk.

After the boisterous Wrathpaw began to answer his shakily—given question, the tabby could slowly feel his tail—tip lowering to brush the ground with each passing moment from the embarrassment. He really hadn’t noticed for that long, even ignoring a twig snap? How disappointed Leafhusk would be in him. Adderpaw gave a grimace as he forced a cocky smile, white canines glistening in the sunlight as his eyes followed Wrathpaw’s point towards camp. ”Uhh. . . great to know m’ spacial awareness seems to be in workin’ condition.” He chuckled with shoulders slacked, shaking his head back and forth slightly in disbelief. "’Hanks for, uh, not interrupting me. I uh—ppreciate ‘hat." Not many of his clanmates would share the same courtesy.

Adderpaw perked up his tufted ears after raising his head from looking at the ground, warmth flooding his cheeks at the. . . compliments that flooded from the lighty—colored feline with such ease. Was it really that impressive to be able to have some sort of knowledge on a bird’s call? Straightening his slightly slouched posture in hopes of seeming subtle, he hiccuped before furrowing his brows in annoyance to the disruption of his breathing. "Y— yeah, yeah I can!" The chocolate colored tabby paused for a moment with starry eyes to admire his own skills before realizing Wrathpaw had posed another question. "Hic— \ ‘m don’t know all of ‘em, but I guess I know a few. I. . . I could teach ya sometime, if ya’d like." He blinked in surprise to his offer, glancing uncomfortably to the side for a moment with slight distress lacing his features. What was he thinking, trying to get someone into his hobby? Yet couldn’t help but think that maybe bird watching wouldn’t be so bad with someone else to enjoy it with.

Making his way towards the large oak after his suggestion to Wrathpaw, his paws were placed delicately against bark to allow his claws to sink into the bark to bring him upwards towards the red—plumaged bird. Sure, what he was doing — and dragging the younger apprentice into — was perhaps reckless and idiotic, but who was he to pass up an opportunity to see some cardinal eggs? Though he willed the thought from his mind once it showed itself, Adderpaw couldn’t help but wonder if perhaps the eggs were edible.

Balancing on a branch a few mouse—lengths away from their bird—watching target, Adderpaw looked down to Wrathpaw with a cock of his head at the struggling boy. "Do ya need any help down there?" Why was he talking so much? Why was he actually trying to get this. . . this nothing apprentice to like him? Exhaling the stress that was building in his chest, the tomcat lashed his tail as he looked to the right with a firm expression gracing his features for a few moments before looking back down to Wrathpaw in wait of his answer. Once the cream tabby took his place next to him, he let Wrathpaw catch his breath before answering. "I really hope not. ‘Hat would kinda suck," Adderpaw’s voice was monotone and serious despite the words meaning to be lighthearted and a little laughable. Staring back at the cardinal as it tilted his head towards the two, observing them with watchful eyes, warm hues turn to Wrathpaw as he faces the boy with a slight turn of his head. "Nice clim’ in’ up with, erm, your. . . yeah." He quickly tried to change the subject before possibly embarrassing himself. "D— uh, do you wanna see if ‘here are ‘ny eggs, or do ya just wanna watch from here?" There he goes again, giving the other an option now to do what he desired. Was this what it was like to have a friend? The idea made Adderpaw feel a bit giddy, more than he cared to admit.