Nov 17, 2022
The weather seems clear tonight. While Ravenpaw enjoys his solitary time, this is the first time he is making the journey without Beesong. Snakeblink's lean form does not match his deceased mentor's. It is useless for him to pretend that it is Beesong beside him—even more disingenuous for the senior warrior to be used as a prop for Ravenpaw's grief. His escort is hardly the most intimidating warrior RiverClan had to offer. If it were physical protection Ravenpaw needed, he would have chosen Cindershade or Petalnose.

"I made the right choice." Ravenpaw's voice was a soft whisper as the cave of the Moonstone loomed before them. He swallowed thickly, eyes dilated as they tried to search through the yawning darkness of the pit. The young medicine cat apprentice pulled his head back and cast a glance at Snakeblink. There was no smile worn on his face, but his words were humble for once, and free briefly off the weight that he had to hold because of Beesong's death.

"You seem like the cat most likely to keep a secret well." If he was misjudging Snakeblink, it could not be helped. "WindClan also usually brings a warrior escort." He murmured. "They are not here yet, it seems. But they know not to pick a fight at a ... holy place." The words felt strange on his tongue. "Until we see again." A final nod was given to the tabby warrior before Ravenpaw vanished into the darkness.

Once again, claustrophobia clenched at his heart as the passage narrowed and deepened. His breath sounded against his whiskers and delicate ear-fur, clouding the entire space with the sound of anxiety. With a note of despair, he realized he would never get used to it. Nose pressed forward, but he could not feel the comfort of Beesong ahead of him.

Out in the open now, with the large shining rock before him, Ravenpaw slunk against the wall, waiting for the others to arrive or get settled. He would not have to recount the news—Beesong's death had been announced at the Gathering. Shrouded in mystery, but still not feeling quite right.

"Tonight..." He rasped before lapsing into a choked silence. His words echoed, bounced in his skull. His paws felt dizzy. He tried to conjure up the image of his mentor in his mind, but Beesong existed only in fragments of memory and fantasy. It did not feel real. It's not fair. It was not meant to be like this. Anything more and he would dissolve into tears in front of his peers—cats he believed who were personally strange, but cats with knowledge that he respected. "Tonight," He continued. "As you know... I would like to request some time of our meeting for my name." He was not prepared for what would happen—other than that he would be expected to press his nose to the stone as he did on his first initiation. "I understand..." He sighed shakily. "That we also may have another... initiation." Redirecting the attention away from himself was a welcome relief—he knew from the Gathering that Chilledstar had admitted that Starlingheart had taken on Magpiepaw. That, however, was Starlingheart's jurisdiction. His jaw snapped. Ravenpaw fell silent.

@STARLINGHEART . , @Magpiepaw , @BERRYHEART , @LICHENPAW , @DAWNGLARE , @Fireflypaw ( @Snakeblink )


Snakeblink has been uncharacteristically quiet on the way to the moonstone. Lack of familiarity with Ravenpaw as well as unwillingness to disturb the strange atmosphere of the night trap any words behind his teeth, and any appropriate conversation topic he might have found is quickly cast aside as he focuses hard on peering into the dark in an effort to make out more than the faintest shapes of potential obstacles. But his being quiet should not be mistaken for disinterest: his pricked ears are as attentive to Ravenpaw’s whispers as they are to the sounds of the moors.

”Your secrets are safe with me: I will leave them here, and bring you back safely,” he promises in the same soft tone, inclining his head respectfully. He is, more than anything, acutely aware of the trust placed in him by the medicine cat-to-be. To his retreating back, already invisible in the darkness, he whispers: ”Good luck.”

Curiosity burns in his chest at the thought of what hides in the depths, but he resolutely pushes it aside. If he made for poor company on the way there, he at least can be a better guard now. Sitting primly next to the mouth of the cave, Snakeblink stares into the night and settles in for a long night.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 42 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

  • Angry
Reactions: DAWNGLARE

They have lost one tonight, but gained two. Freckles and Quills, apprentices of ThunderClan and ShadowClan respectively. But Bear-tail... their absence would not go unnoticed by any of them, Berryheart was sure. The RiverClan medicine cat had been a rock- a reliable face, one Berryheart had become accustomed to meeting each moon. As he did not intend to forget what Bear-tail had taught him over the moons, he too did not plan on forgetting the adjustment Midnight was left behind to deal with. A soft sigh left him as he approached the Moonstone, knowing the absence he would be faced with- but a glance at the speckled figure at his side soothed his soul, if only a little. The world kept turning.

"We're here," he murmured. The escort was paid no mind, offered a simple dip of the head as they passed into the holy ground. RiverClan, not WindClan, for once. Curious.

Taking his place and leaving extra room at his side, Berryheart assumed his usual routine of greeting each of his colleagues with a silent nod and the slightest quirk of a smile upon his crooked maw, a barely noticeable expression. When Midnight began to speak, Berryheart's jaw slowly closed, thoughtfulness brewing in grey-green eyes. In acceptance, he nodded, and agreement hummed through his lips. It would only be right; Midnight needed his name, of course. He still held an apprentice's title, and was without a teacher. Graduation was the only solution- he was familiar with that circumstance.

Another initiation. "Two," Berryheart clarified. "My apprentice has yet to contact StarClan." He glanced to Freckles beside him, attempting appraise their expression.

In finality, he fixed his gaze upon Midnight again. "I'll greatly grieve your mentor." Perhaps it was little condolence, but it was all Berryheart could think to offer- honesty. Bear-tail had been stable, benevolent, and a great aid to Berryheart- and by extension, ThunderClan. He could only hope that tonight, Midnight might see him for a final time.
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————— ❁ —————
If there is anything that could make Lichenpaw question his decision to train under Berryheart, it is this. A journey to the moonstone, to commune with StarClan, to ask their acceptance. The other apprentices spoke of StarClan with ease at the gathering; Magpiepaw even insisting the bears plaguing his Clan were called by them. It was a reminder that Lichenpaw does not belong, no matter how much he tries to pretend.

Smile and fake it. That he can do.

Lichenpaw follows after Berryheart with perhaps not as much eagerness as he normally would, trailing through the seemingly endless passage with a growing sense of claustrophobia. It does nothing to help his already frayed nerves. Lichenpaw emerges into the Moonstone's cave with a subtle cringe at the brightness of it, eyes blinking rapidly and tail lashing fitfully. Though he takes his place by Berryheart, his motion does not cease; a curious head swivels as he takes in the cave, a restless paw fidgets with pebbles beneath his feet.

Ravenpaw speaks, and Lichenpaw's blue eyes lock to him. Ravenpaw will be named this meeting. He gives a little nod. It only makes sense. And another initiation... Berryheart corrects before they can. "My apprentice has yet to contact StarClan." An already shaky smile falters. There it is. Berryheart expects it.

He knows that this role puts him in service to StarClan, the Clan's ancestors suspended high above them. A fairy tale, a comfort for young kits and grieving loved ones. It was easy to skirt by as a warrior apprentice, carefully not mentioning his own opinions on the matter, shooting knowing looks to his brother when the subject came up. Now, though, he is expected devotion, communion, to these ghosts he knows are nothing more than imagination.

Smile and fake it. He'll lie if he has to, no going back now.

The pause before Lichenpaw speaks is noticably too long. "Yep, me and Magpie!" He affirms, cutting himself off before he can start rambling. It feels wrong, in so serious an atmosphere. Berryheart's condolences are not echoed — he does not know Beesong enough to miss him, so instead he quiets in a rare show of restraint, letting his mentor's words sit.
————— ❁ —————

  • //
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 11 moons.
    — thunderclan medicine cat apprentice, mentored by berryheart.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • 66645992_9XglqEnKXn6q8TJ.png
Fireflypaw is acutely aware of the sound of the wind around him, listening to it whistle past his ears as he walks beside his mentor. The seal point is held close to the lankier tom, hefty paws carrying him forward up the hill to Mothermouth. Idly, he wonders if Dawnglare has calmed from their brief confrontation, but he pays the thought no more mind seconds after it passes. When they reach the entrance, there's a cat there he's never met before- someone who isn't a medicine cat or student, and he pays him no mind as he slips past him.

"Is the guard necessary?" Fireflypaw inquires as he enters, his voice soft with confusion. He'll never fully understand why cats needed guards in this holy place. He'd heard the gossip about ShadowClan's past medicine cat, the fight that broke out here. His mentor had been involved with that, from what he'd heard. Though he soon quiets as he joins the rest; a ceremony would happen tonight, he was sure. He finds his paws kneading the ground, listening to the new apprentices voice their excitement. Was this what it felt like, to be excited for ones future? Fireflypaw blinks, ghostly gaze staring off into the distance as he falls into thought.

He wondered.. Would they talk with StarClan tonight, after the ceremonies?​
His maw is held tight as he makes his way to the holy place. Pleasantries and jibber - jabber, things hardly ever changed here, and yet, they still changed too much for his liking. In a mind like his own, the blue of face and shapes is far from a pressing matter. But tonight, the presence they are lacking is a far grander one. 'Found,' Dawnglare recalls the oddity of this announcement. River leader draped in curls, head dipped in what he believes is sadness. Found hunting with StarClan. Wasn't that something? He is not so deftly curious about it, as the thought may imply.

He supposes the loss is so shaking that it has driven RiverClan to paranoia. Spotting no less than a stranger at mother's maw, he would bristle at once. " Oh, another, " A low voice drips with cynicism, and he only refrains from ripping off the warrior's ears out of respect for Her. Bloodshed had no place here, and yet, some of them seemed persistent in inviting it. First WindClan, now this. Will everyone take up arms when their beloved Medicine Cat dies? Perhaps it was that the ones they put their faith in were never meant for it, to begin with.

It is sad to admit, that Beesong was just another one of them. He hopes that he is having a grand time, up in the sky. Dawnglare is not discreet with his hiss, but he moves on regardless with an annoyed flick of his tail, mumbles coming from under his breath. He agrees with Fireflypaw, but for once, keeps these thoughts to himself.

When they reach her center and the moon is bright and full, Dawnglare only looks at how the light shines against Beesong's chosen one. It nearly seemed impossible– made of shadow, as they were, Dawnglare nearly thinks he ought to melt away entirely, banished along with the darkness he came from. He does not, though. He is moonlit, and for once, has something to say.

Dawnglare blinks, slow. The qualms with their accompaniment are banished by regret. " Certainly, " he says, though whatever else the apprentice is referring to, Dawnglare hasn't a clue, any intentions of listening thoroughly snuffed after the reveal of such an untimely demise. Another appearance by ThunderClan is also much a mystery to him. Dawnglare scrutinizes them briefly. " We will share tongues with StarClan " he declares.

Pools of blue linger would linger on Beesong's pupil whose name evades him, but for once, he feels that he should know. Lips ever-so-slightly pursed, he regards the condolences from ThunderClan with the flick of an ear. Perhaps a favor was in order.

Feathery tail sweeps across the cavern floor, and Dawnglare would step forward to come beside the shadow - clad apprentice, eyes regarding him, before finally, he nods, looking to the stars. " I, Dawnglare of SkyClan, " The words feel bitter on his tongue, for not even his leader considered him as such. So why should he? For consistency, he says it. " –come before StarClan in Beesong's stead to look down on this apprentice. He has trained hard to understand the ways of a medicine cat, " he hopes, others among them had not been so fortunate to, before their full acceptance. " –And with your help, he will serve his Clan for many moons. "

He gazes upon the moonstone, sweltering light goading them all into stepping forward. He remains with lips thin - pressed and reaches into the confines of his mind, something not feeling quite right. Work left incomplete.

" Ravenpaw, " It comes to him, and he'd look to the apprentice in question with an assessing gaze. " Do you promise to uphold the ways of a medicine cat, to care for your Clanmates, forgoing any personal grievance? "

The trip to the moonstone is never easy. It is a trying journey but it is still one she must make every moon and she is glad that she no longer has to make it alone. She is glad to have an apprentice by her side, especially when that apprentice was Magpiepaw. "N-next moon I-I may not be able to-to make this journey" she informs him. It all depended how far along she was with her kits, if they were born yet or not.

When they come to the entrance of mouthermouth her green eyes flick nervously to the warrior at the entrance. Another warrior escort. For a moment she feels a pang of guilt. Her aunt was the reasoning for this, in a way, everyone becoming paranoid after she was attacked by the other medicine cats. She could never imagine acting in such a way herself. Her claws would never be turned against the others, at least not unless they turned their claws on her first but she has a feeling that she is safe among the cats that were here now. Well, perhaps with the exception of one.

She lets out a breath she didn't know she had been holding when she enters the cavernous space, dipping her head in greeting to the others who were gathered here. "I-I hope despite-despite the obvious that everyone is-is otherwise well met" she says quietly, a forlorn look on her face as she eyes the spot that Beesong had once occupied. He would be missed greatly.

She nods at Ravenpaw's words, agreeing quietly. His medicine cat name. Beesong should be here to give it to him but it is an unfortunate cirumstance. She can only hope that she is around long enough to one day see her own apprentices ceremony. She goes to sit next to Berryheart, offering the tortoiseshell tom a friendly smile while she sits and curls her tail around her snow-dipped paws, listening to Dawnglare speak the ceremonial words


It is his first medicine cat meeting and he wonders if his lack of excitement is perhaps dulled by the relief of finally getting here. He'd been aware of it approaching in the back of his mind, familiar with the times Starlingheart would leave them briefly and return before sunrise and now he was finally seeing where she went not just as an escort but as a medicine cat himself; or one in training, at least.
He thinks about how he must go on this trek on his own next moon perhaps and finds he is a lot more forgiving than Fireflypaw is over the idea of a guard; at the very least Starlingheart's figure next to him helped guide him on a straightforward path without wavering despite his bobbing motions and tipping head, he can not imagine coming here on his own-it is far more daunting than he expected.
"Me and Lichenpaw!" He agrees cheerily, then catches himself and glances down, worried he might upset the despondent RiverClan healer; he did not know his mentor and had never met the cinnamon figure who once stood in Ravenpaw's place but losing someone so close to you sounded agonizing and he gives a sharp look in Starlingheart's direction. Would she ever leave him so suddenly? He hoped not, he didn't know how he might manage without her at all, disregarding their duties he just wanted her to be safe and happy because that is what brought him joy.
Dawnglare begins to speak, chanting onward some series of words heavy with meaning in what he can only describe as a ritual of some kind and he stares intently from the side with blue-violet eyes wide and confused.
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"Not a guard," Ravenpaw mews dismissively to Fireflypaw, grief-laden eyes hardening for once as he turned to the SkyClan medicine cat. He wondered briefly if Fireflypaw had seen the wrong cat—perhaps WindClan had arrived. He doubted anyone could look upon Snakeblink and think the slinky tabby would be proficient at any sort of battle-hardened defense. It was not a slight against the lead warrior—Snakeblink served him well for the secret purpose that Ravenpaw only knew to bring him here.

As the others file in, WindClan stench is noticeably absent. And yet, the gathering goes on. While Ravenpaw holds no care for WindClan in his heart and knows historically the Clan had skipped on a few gatherings, he cannot help but think that this is a bigger omen looming over his special day. It is special, he tells himself firmly. A naming ceremony, his full graduation. Everyone should be here to witness it. The fact that WindClan decided to skip out made his fur bristle, frustration taking over his melancholy until he could not discern which emotion was which.

Then Dawnglare steps forward, begins speaking ceremonial words and Ravenpaw feels his heart flame up. A flash in his eyes, his ears slightly lower as his voice echoes throughout the cavern. It was not meant to be you. He seethed. It could have been anyone but you.

Again, he had been slighted by a stand-up, and by the badly-tempered SkyClan medicine cat. Ravenpaw was not convinced that Dawnglare held a high opinion of him, and immediately that perception dissolved his sense of wonder and anticipation.

No cat was saying anything. They would not speak for WindClan nor would they intervene with Dawnglare. Ravenpaw supposed that was to be expected, as he was the senior medicine cat of them all. He glanced at the others, gaze lingering on Berryheart, before he closed his eyes and bowed his head in a show of reverence for at least a moment.

With his eyes closed, he could imagine it was Beesong, alive and well, like he ought to be.

"I do." He rasped, and he thought of Dovepaw.

Tufted ears swivel towards ShadowClan. The one she brings nearly looks identical to herself, only his mittens and jaw being cut clean off in opposition, and eyes closer to Dawnglare's own than their mentors. What the molly herself says is none of his concern, Dawnglare only hopes that a ShadowClan warrior would not crawl here in her stead. Not a guard, the tom does not press it despite himself.

Dawnglare is not blind to flare within the shadowy thing. Something like frustration, perhaps. Dawnglare continues on without mishap– he does not relent, his word, nor his eye. And unlike the tortured gaze of the one who'd come before him, Ravenpaw's eyes are much like Dawnglare's own. At least, that is what he sees before the bug flutters his eyes shut. He is struck with a sense of something strange. Silence flits betwixt the space of their word, and at last: I do.

What other answer could there be? Only now does he let up, so that he may cast his eyes to the center stone's beating heart, and thus, StarClan's gaze upon them all. " Go forward then, " Dawnglare urges him. " Touch your nose to the moonstone, and be born anew in StarClan's name. " He would look to the other's then. Scraps left behind by mentors undeserving of them. He prays that Beesong's legacy would be a strong one. " We welcome you as a full medicine cat of RiverClan. "

In he breathes, and he would cast glances to ShadowClan and ThunderClan alike, before resettling his gaze on Ravenpaw for the last time. This should not be part of it, he doesn't think, but... " Should you need anything, you may come see me. " Beesong deserved as much, even if they were indeed a fool to die.

  • OOC:
  • ( 𝙒𝙃𝙔'𝘿 𝙄𝙏 𝙏𝘼𝙆𝙀 𝙎𝙊 𝙇𝙊𝙉𝙂? ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    —— He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    —— Currently 54 moons old. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest.
    Currently in an era of questioning; upset and uncomfortable by things he should not be.​
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads

The cheery chorus of Quills and Freckles sent a small puff of air through his nose, one slightly curved-crescendo in amusement. Enthusiasm was a contagious think, the most pleasant of infections... he could not deny, slumbering beneath his ever-tranquil breaths, was a buzz of thrill. The honour of teaching, of committing his apprentice to the stars in a ceremony that Berryheart had almost tasted, was an unseen destiny- and, for once, that uncertainty excited him rather than unsettled him.

Now was Midnight's moment, though- accepted by StarClan, the first among them to join their ranks with the rest present. He sat silent, still, watchful- though there was no shudder of doubt beneath his skin. Familiar with StarClan by now, Berryheart could not imagine a world where they would cast away the young healer, chosen personally by Bear-tail. A soft sigh slithered silvery through crooked lips- when Midnight met his eye briefly, Berryheart offered him a nod of acknowledgement, of silent encouragement.

As Midnight's ceremony concluded, Berryheart hummed his approval, dipping his head in respect. He had briefly met Peepers' gaze- had known it was time to give the other apprentices their ceremonies, their official anointments. Once his head lifted, a flick of his tail beckoned Freckles forward- he looked to Pebbles for a moment, just a moment, before his attention shifted. He knew what his mother said when appointing apprentices- this would not be so different. Lopsided green eyes settled directly upon his apprentice before his crooked lips parted to speak. "Is it your wish to walk the path of a medicine cat?"

He waited for a response- one he had heard before, an acceptance he had faith in, before continuing. Green eyes almost glowed blue in the refraction of the Moonstone. "Ancestors, I present you with my apprentice. They have chosen this path. Grant him your wisdom and insight, so that he may understand your ways and heal his Clan." Berryheart glanced back toward Freckles, motioning toward the moonstone with a snow-dipped paw. It was time for them to commune.
————— ❁ —————
Magpiepaw's cheer is more than welcome to Lichenpaw; they feel a bit less out of place with the wobbly apprentice here. A familiar face. He's glad that they will be starting their training together. The excitement almost drowns out the doubt, the worry that draws his body to restless movement. Almost.

Ravenpaw's ceremony comes first, not too unfamiliar; similar enough to Howlingstar's ceremonies for Lichenpaw to feel more at ease. The feeling of walking in on something with far more weight than he's privy to persists, however. A haphazard ceremony, Dawnglare standing in the place of a cat Lichenpaw never knew, the anger that flickers across Ravenpaw's face foreign.

He waits, though. He is quiet, and he tries his best to be still. Ravenpaw accepts his title, and Dawnglare does not declare a name. Strange. It seems he is to be given one by StarClan.


Everyone speaks of communing with StarClan so enthusiastically, sycophantically. More and more the divide between Lichenpaw and his new peers becomes obvious. Part of him just wants to get it over with, to not have to go through this whole song and dance of pretending he needs acceptance from long-gone ghosts. It's disrespectful, though, he knows. He knows that Ravenpaw is grieving; imagining he is receiving his full name from his mentor must bring him some comfort.

Then, as Dawnglare's words finish, it is Lichenpaw's turn.

They face Berryheart with a smile, nerves easily mistaken for eagerness. He strides forward on unsteady ground, takes his place by their mentor. A different ceremony, for him. "Is it your wish to walk the path of a medicine cat?"

"It is," he breathes, voice echoing off the cave walls. This part, at least, is easy. There is nothing but truth to these words. Berryheart's words, spoken to StarClan themself, ring hollow in Lichenpaw's ears. They know their mentor means them genuinely, but there is a tension as they listen.

And then — a beckoning to the Moonstone. Their paws move slowly, eyes blinking shut against its brightness. Communion. He knows it won't come.
————— ❁ —————

  • //
  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 12 moons.
    — thunderclan medicine cat apprentice, mentored by berryheart.
    — bears a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • "SPEECH"
  • 66645992_9XglqEnKXn6q8TJ.png

She watches as ceremony after ceremony is dutifully performed and the entire time she is silent. A part of her is sad that Bonejaw- Boneripple now, had never done the same for her. She had missed out on so much because of one fateful turn of events. No matter, her ceremony had been performed by her mother, she had gotten to see the spiky-furred black she cat again in her dreams and that was everything she could have asked for and more. She hopes Lichenpaw and Ravensong get the chance to meet someone they loved and had lost in the stars again too. It was one of the gifts of being a medicine cat.

"Our turn" she says quietly to her apprentice, her voice barely a whisper but it echoes in this cave, her words bouncing off the walls, and it amplifies her voice, makes her feel bigger than the mountain itself but also small, she is like an ant to their starry ancestors she is certain. As she passes him, she flicks his ebony shoulder with her tail, a soft but excited smile pulling at the corners of her mouth.

"Magpiepaw, is it- is it your wish to walk the path of the med-me-medicine cat with all of its-its myst- mysteries and cha-cha-challenges it- it may bring?" for there would be trials, she knows. This way of life was not an easy one. But he had seen her struggle and still he had agreed to train under her. She does not doubt him one bit.

When inevitably he says 'I do' she would continue on "Then step forward" she waits patiently for him to do so and then tips her head to the sky. Are you watching StarClan? she wonders to herself. No doubt they were. She returns her gaze forward, blinking away moonlight "Warriors of StarClan, I - I present to you this apprentice. He has chosen the path of a medicine cat. Grant him- grant him the wisdom and insight so that he may understand your ways and-and heal his clan" she tries her best not to stutter in this important moment, concentrating on every word that comes out of her mouth. It slows her speech a little, but the effort is worth it.

When the words are all spoken she does the same as Berryheart, she steps aside and motions for the black and white tom to join the others in pressing his nose to the moonstone. If he would pass her though, she would press her nose to the top of his head and give it a quick affectionate lick, smiling encouragingly and hoping he was not afraid.

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No one else comments on Ravenpaw's sudden promotion, the words spoken by Dawnglare effectively sealing his fate as RiverClan's new healer, and so Magpiepaw too holds his tongue. The ceremony must be sacred then, he does not hear the idle chatter or congratulations one might here murmured through a crowd of cats at a normal clan meeting, the silence is almost deafening in response; it hums in his head and rattles like loose bones scattered across the ground, he thinks it sounds like letting go. Though he maintains his silence he can not help but wriggle in excitement for his friend's following decorum and he smiles toward the tortiseshell in the hopes Lichenpaw can tell he is excited for him-the ritual is much more subdued from Berryheart's quiet tone and much quicker in process, the older medicine cat speaks just as much as necessary rather than the way the SkyClan healer seems to try and claim as much of the air present as he can in each flourishing delivery. Our turn. His mentor chimes in softly, continuing the trend of voices like whispers singing through the luminous cave in stark contrast to the velvet tom's theatrics. Magpiepaw shifts in place, his anxiously moving about from before has put his fur all out of order but he hopes StarClan doesn't mind, he was never good at remaining tidy anyways.
She asks him once more if this is what he wanted and he is nodding before she finishes; he'd already said yes once and he repeats it in the same determined tone as then, "I do."
He steps forward, lifts his head upward to join hers in peering through the opening above to the blanket of night stretching endlessly outside, the stars are hard to see here but he knows they are present all the same. Magpiepaw hopes StarClan is approving, he finds they are not as easy to read as the birds are.
Lowering his gaze back down he offers a smile and moves to join the rest of them gathering at the rock and pushing their noses to it only to pause briefly as a tongue rasps over the top of his head, maybe it is breaking the quiet protocol set for them but he turns to lift his head and bump it affectionately against Starlingheart's before settling down to take his first look at the starry fields of their ancestors.
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