sensitive topics A MATCH INTO WATER [ ❀༉ ] ACCIDENT


Mar 14, 2024

Tw: drowning

Meadowpaw doesn’t mind the RiverClan border as much as she had thought she would when they first came here. The way the sun shines on the pale gray stones, the grass swaying softly in the leaf-fall breeze unfettered by trees and the way the river babbles nearby, it all sets the scene for a peaceful late afternoon hunt. Or at least it would be, if Meadowpaw ever learned the quiet part of it.

She had her sights set on a mouse as it scrabbled around the base of sunningrocks, its little whiskers twitching, tiny paws clutching at a seed it found moments earlier, totally oblivious to the apprentice who stalks forward on silent paws. Her mouth waters as she imagines biting into soft flesh, and she swipes her tongue across her lips as she settles into the customary hunters crouch just waiting for that perfect opportunity



THERE! In a sudden jolt of movement she bursts forward and, despite her best intentions, a loud squeal of excitement passes from her lips as she does, alerting the mouse to her presence. "AH BRAMBLES!" she curses loudly as its tail slips right out from under her paws "Dont worry I still got it!" she calls back to her patrol, looking over her shoulder with a big grin. She doesn’t see where she was chasing it until it was already much too late.

So different from her earlier squeal of excitement is the noise that leaves her throat now. This one is no joy and all fear, a cry of pure terror as she feels the ground slip out from under her feet. The slick moss on the rocks at the edge of the riverbank, that’s what she had slipped on. Her back legs go right out with a splash. The water is freezing, as cold as the icy panic that now runs through her veins. Eyes wide and movements frantic, she scrambles for purchase on the slippery surface but she’s no match. "HELP" She screams, but her patrol is too far. They don’t make it in time before the current is yanking her free like a burr.

Instinct takes over. Meadowpaw thrashes and fights with every ounce of her strength, but it’s not enough and before she knows it the waves are closing in over her head and there’s no escape. Water fills her nose, her lungs and as she watches bubbles rise to the surface. my last breath.. she thinks with a twist of her heart. Already, the surface is fading, sunlight replaced by the shadows of her fading vision.

She closes her eyes so she doesn’t have to see the sun she loved so much leave her behind. im sorry Scarletpaw, Mottledpaw..

// open for posts but please don’t save her!
Mentor and fellow apprentice tag @PALEFIRE @ivorypaw


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  • 84967382_V32sMk7nP8HRBgb.png
    A large fluffy red tabby she-cat with a white chest, stomach, tail, muzzle and stripe running along her back. Her eyes are a deep, forest, green and in her pelt one can usually find flowers woven
    easy in battle + little formal training
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// RiverClan patrol members @FERNGILL @splashdance @Snakeblink

Cragpaw had been minding his own business near the riverbank, keeping his gaze trained on the water as it glistens in the late afternoon sun. It was a peaceful patrol, a calmness he is grateful for after returning home from the Beech Copse. His clanmates are further ahead, leaving him to enjoy the sound of the flowing water by himself as he searches for any shadows of fish, when suddenly he hears a shriek of terror that pierces the tranquility like a claw through moss.

His head snaps toward the source, his heart already racing. A mismatched gaze flits to and fro, searching the opposite side of the river when his eyes catch sight of the ginger and white shape being swept away by the river, and recognition strikes him like a lightning bolt.


It’s the ThunderClan apprentice he'd met at the last Gathering - the one he hadn't been able to stop thinking about. Her confidence, her laugh, the way her green eyes had gleamed in the moonlight…That very cat is being swallowed by the merciless current now, her thrashing form barely visible above the waves.

Without a second thought, Cragpaw dives into the river, the icy water shocking his system as it grips his scruffy fur and pulls him under for a heartbeat. He fights the instinct to panic, focusing on his training, on the countless times he's swam through these very waters with Ferngill. This is nothing, He tells himself, even as the cold saps his strength. His powerful legs kick out, driving him toward her struggling form. She’s going under again, her head barely breaking the surface before it’s swallowed by the river. Fear shoots through the apprentice’s veins like fire, spurring him forward with a burst of speed he didn't know he had as he dives below the surface after her. She can't drown!

Finally, his teeth catch her scruff, and he pulls. It isn’t easy - though she’s gone limp, he’s never had to pull another cat’s weight through the water before. The tom summons every ounce of his strength to drag her up to the surface. As soon as their heads break the waves, he takes in a gasping breath but doesn’t lose his grip. Hauling her towards ThunderClan’s shore, every muscle in his body screams as the current tries to rip her from his grasp.

With a final heave, he breaks them free of the water. Cragpaw collapses on the riverbank, his chest heaving with the effort of swimming against the current, but Meadowpaw is safe. She’s alive. Panting, he lifts his head to meet her eyes. " alright?" The tricolored apprentice manages to rasp, his voice rough from the effort. His heart is still pounding, but it isn’t just from the swim. Breathless, a small, incredulous grin begins to form on his maw. "You've gotta be more careful around the river, ThunderClanner."