Softpaw's childhood had been a very exciting, turbulent one, from being born in the midst of a sickness outbreak to having been driven out of her home by rogues. If there was one shining point in the very dark times that had paved the way through her early moons, it was the memory of interacting with kits from across all the Clans - including her own, of course. Since becoming an apprentice she hadn't talked much with her peers, but she wanted to be closer with them - friends were a natural want in life, as embarrassing as it was to admit it.

Softpaw had taken it upon herself to reacquaint herself with her fellow 'paws, and what better way to ingratiate herself than to ask about what it was like outside of camp? Softpaw had only ever been out briefly, to go to the gathering where it was announced that kits would have to be six moons olds before they were apprenticed. It made her one of the last four moon old kits who were apprenticed, yet another snag in Softpaw's tumultuous youth.

"Pigeonpaw, it's been awhile," Softpaw greeted the tom with a polite smile, her voice as soft as ever - perhaps even a bit quieter than usual, out of nerves for talking with someone that she hadn't spoken with in moons. "Do you have any stories that you could share with me about what it's like being an apprentice? I'll be starting my out-of-camp training this coming moon, and I haven't really an idea of what to expect."