A MIMIR |☀| bunking up

WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
By the time night fell, the group had already chosen a sheltered spot to spend it. Hardly a day's walk, but far enough from the caves for it to become naught but a bad memory. The last rays of the sun were leaking across the horizon as it vainly maintained its feeble scarlet grip on the sky.

The strongest of the reunited group had been tasked with hunting, to help regain the energy the cats had starved off in the caves, while the weaker and the injured worked on constructing nests and cleaning away debris. To the surprise of some, Lightstrike had not insisted on joining the hunting party.

It was here now he lay tucked away to the side of camp, eyes half lidded and paws curled beneath him. He felt better—not good, just better—than he had in days. It had fortunately turned out that he hadn't lost his eye after all, even if he could still barely see out of it for the poultices slathered upon his face by Magpiepaw. A start, if nothing else.

Lightstrike had, naturally, gravitated toward the other ThunderClanners, still near breathless with relief that they had all survived. The tom was nearly pelt to pelt with Nightbird, gazing down idly at the half-eaten crow he'd been given to share while conversation flitted in one ear and out the other.

The camp was smaller than their past ones, he had noted after a while, if only to make sure everyone was out of the draft and wayward snow that was beginning to crop up more and more. Cats of all Clans were gathered together, many mingling, sharing warmth and experiences, but he found that he didn't quite mind.

Finally stooping his head to swallow another bite of prey, Lightstrike nudged it to someone else before tucking his paws back beneath him. "Feels like the beginning of leafbare out here," he commented somewhat sleepily. "You'd think we were stuck in there for moons. Sure felt like it." A pause. "Hard to tell if it's colder out here or in there."

[penned by its_oliverr - ]
The red tabby was also nestled in a ball in the group of Thunderclanners. Her front paws her tucked under her chest, and she had her fur fluffed up to try to keep herself warm. A patch of poultices were slapped on her back, covering the deep scratch that she had gotten in the tunnels. The fur along her spine twitched every so often as it stung here and there. Despite her sore paws, she had insisted on going out and hunting again. A bird and a couple squirrels had fallen victim to her, and she could see a couple other clan cats eating them now.

Her eye lids were drooping every so often as sleep begged to come, but she wanted to spend some time talking to her clanmates. She had missed them so dearly...all of them. The lead warrior had been so afraid that they hadn't survived, that now being here with them felt like a dream. A crow was pushed towards her, and she graciously took a couple bites from it. It felt warm in her belly, and she began to purr thankfully. "Thank you Starclan for this prey." she said, lifting her gaze to the stars. "If I had to eat another lizard, I think I would've started growing scales." her voice was light and she smiled.

She took in a deep breath, still enjoying the freshness of the air. "I used to not understand why Windclan sleeps out in the open, but I understand now. It's cold...but I would much rather sleep under the stars than in those cursed tunnels again."
  • flamegal.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Lead Warrior of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormpaw & Falconpaw
    — 24 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse
    — funny guy art by waluigipinball​

Interestingly, ThunderClan seems to have regrouped after the tunnels. Iciclefang watches them become their same conglomerate of oak-scented warriors, nesting together and sharing prey and chatter amongst themselves. The tortoiseshell looks for a gray tabby pelt and wonders if Stormywing would prefer to bed down with her Clanmate for the night. She could hardly blame her if so—but she finds herself feeling uncomfortable at doing the same for reasons she can hardly explain. Fernpaw is still sulking, of course, and Dovethroat has never been her friend. Hazecloud and Lakemoon are senior warriors, but how close is she to either of them? Lakemoon is her sister’s mate, and she respects both of the older she-cats, but… there admittedly no warmth between them, just the same Clan loyalty she extends to everyone. Mosspaw is an apprentice, and though Iciclefang finds her promising and brave, they aren’t any closer.

There’d been warmth with Stormywing, warmth she can’t account for among her own.

She sighs and turns, searching for the gray, tawny, and smoky pelts of her fellow RiverClanners. She approaches the first of them she’d spot, lowering herself a comfortable distance away from whoever it might be. “I’ll never take the stars for granted again,” she murmurs in quiet agreement with Lightstrike and Flamewhisker. Iciclefang’s belly rumbles—she’d found no streambeds today, and her land hunting leaves a lot to be desired after the blow she’d taken to her shoulder.

  • looking for @hazecloud @Lakemoon . @Mosspaw but open to any interactions <3
  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin
Even as a ShadowClanner, one of the few most suited for the dark, Honeyjaw can only agree with the rest of them– being out here is a gift he's not going to shun. Being beneath these stars...his clan had taught him to be nocturnal, but even if they hadn't he thinks he would have struggled to sleep anyway. They're alive. Sharppaw had brought their attention to the disaster quickly enough that they could survive it, and his clanmates had guided everyone to safety. It felt good, then, to be from the marsh. To have lived in mud and muck for all those moons. Pride is probably an unfamiliar thing to feel for any ShadowClanner, given to grief and grudges the way that they are, but his chest positively glows for it now.

He joins the others fearlessly. Not a moment of hesitation, just this once. "Hey," he laughs a little bit, "you'd be missing out if you gave them up! It's a delicacy back in the marshes. Not nearly as stinky as the rats." His gaze glitters. It's awkward but genuine, the way he nudges his shoulder into Iciclefang's, softening it at the very last second so as not to disturb her. "Kind of like fish with legs, huh?" After a moment, he sighs and edges in on the rest of their conversation as well. "We're always busy at night. Sleeping with the rest of you guys and only moving during the day...it was strange. In a way, the caves were more familiar than anything else out here."

  • OOC.
    ——  a short-furred dark chocolate point tom with the smallest splashes of white on his forehead, front paws, and tail tip. well-built, but overall average in size and unremarkable aside from his lightly curled ears and the magnetism of his smile. seems to show signs of aging earlier than expected with a salt-and-pepper dusting.
    ✦ NOTICE honeyjaw is currently on the journey and will not be active outside of retro threads, or finishing those he had previously posted in! please message me on discord for plots or interactions between journey cats.
  • "speech"
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Reactions: Marquette

Prey had been more scarce than she had ever experienced before in those caves. The winter had them starving, fighting over scraps and stealing whatever they could get their paws on. Hazecloud had known hunger then, known it better than herself. Those days they had spent in the darkness, though, not even a glimmer of what was around them or where it could be... It had been unending. Hazecloud was certainly weaker when they finally escaped the depths, and after her countless failures catching anything in the dark, she found herself useless facing against land living prey.

Those that were either not finding success in a hunt or unable to were settling down and she would count herself among them. One of Flamewhisker's squirrels had found its way between her paws where she rest, but she did not take her fill yet. Her sights flickered between faces until they found Iciclefang's. She smiled at the white-speckled she-cat warmly, and gestured for them to share. You first, her posture said, for the other was in much worst shape than herself.

"Fish with legs? That just sounds like a frog." Hazecloud piped up to Honeyjaw, her tone light to match his. She paused as he described the familiarity of the caves to their ways in ShadowClan, her tail curled closer to her body. "I suppose I made the right decision choosing RiverClan, then. I don't think I could ever do what you and your Clanmates did, hunting and leading in complete darkness."
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Reactions: iciclefang
One of the ShadowClanners approaches, bumping her shoulder gently enough so that she is amused rather than perturbed. He settles near her, and she finds herself grateful for the warmth. He comments that they’d all be grateful for the rats if they lived in the marshes, and Iciclefang’s nose bridge wrinkles with sarcastic mirth. “Fish with legs? Hardly.” She gazes at the sky, the slowly-appearing stars, and exhales softly through her mouth. Her breath plumes in the clear, cold air, and although her lungs ache with the sudden change in temperature, she relishes every breath. “Lizards are a little drier… much quicker, too, with very little meat on them. I don’t know how you ShadowClanners survive off lizards and rats.

She catches a glimpse of plush gray fur. Hazecloud. Iciclefang blinks gratefully at the older warrior’s offering, and she is just as grateful for the warmth of her pelt. “Ah, you came from the marshes? How did I not know this?” She stares at her Clanmate incredulously, then relaxes. After all, Cicadastar himself had lived there once… she still finds herself surprised by these revelations sometimes, though. She’d been born in the riverlands and had never known another home. “I certainly can’t blame you for choosing the river over rats and lizards and mud.” Her tone is playful, rather than sharp.

  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin
Iciclefang joins them, and she offers the younger she-cat a small smile. There had been a time when she had hated the other Riverclanner, but over the course of the journey, she held no ill feelings towards her anymore. She had saved Stormywing's life back at the river, and she couldn't thank her enough. Honeyjaw and Hazecloud come next, two warriors that she did not know very well. She had heard their names over the course of their travels, but she had not spoken to them yet. Unlike some of the others, she had been sticking close to her clanmates. The only clan before now that she didn't mind the company of was Skyclan.

Honeyjaw claims that lizards were like fish with legs. Her nose wrinkles as she imagines that, and she shakes her head slowly. If fish tasted anything like lizards, she would definitely not be trying them any time soon. "I've never tried fish, but I can't imagine they taste any better." she said, chuckling softly. Some days back at home, the river smelled so badly of fish it made her want to gag. She couldn't imagine having to eat something that tastes like how it smells.

She turns to Honeyjaw, "Do you do everything at night? I couldn't imagine not being out and about during the day time. There's nothing better than feeling the warmth of the sun on your pelt." She would be lying if she claimed to not get a thrill out of a night time walk or hunt, but living like that all of the time did not sound like any kind of fun.
  • flamegal.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Lead Warrior of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormpaw & Falconpaw
    — 24 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse
    — funny guy art by waluigipinball​

Hailstorm had fortunately been one of the few that hadn't been severely injured so he had assisted on hunting bringing back a two mice and two squirrels, he had made sure not to get spotted by either prey considering his snowy coat but he was gradually getting better at it. He distributes the prey before finding a place to settle down tucking his legs underneath his body and enjoying that they were beneath the sky once more, he knew that he wouldn't have lasted another day in that cave. Both of his ears perking up at the conversation of lizards being fish with legs and his snout creases with amusement before nodding to what Flamewhisker says "Maybe fish is good who knows." He muses quietly letting himself relax and lose all tension in his muscles.

Doing everything at night seemed exhausting but he would simply listen for Honeyjaw's response, he couldn't imagine doing everything at night but to see the moon out, the stars, and the cool air... It wasn't such a bad thing even if he didn't have particularly good sight in the dark like the Shadowclanners.

  • 5_by_caviesh_dg4bkw8.png
    ✦ 47 moons old
    ✦ thunderclan warrior
    ✦ bisexual demiromantic; single
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✦ semi-difficult in combat; relies on strength and his burly build
    ✦ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✦ penned by bosstaurus

She does her best to make sure they're both comfortable as they settle beside one another. Just as her namesake her form brought a brush of cold air between them, but her thick coat began to compensate for the two of them. It was nice to enjoy the shared warmth between another cat, especially after trudging through the dark for so long. Hazecloud may not ever say it, for fear of appearing weaker in her Clanmates opinion, but she felt without them her part in this journey would be impossible. She relied on them just as much as they may have for her.

Iciclefang's shock to her origins is an equal surprise to the molly. She was so used to it being common knowledge from her peers that had left with her to the river, Hazecloud never thought to share it. She had been in those marshes the moment she could walk, her parents fashioned their kittypet heritage into a secret.

"Well, I don't think I ever imagined having to tell someone. Now that we've lived through every season as the Clans it feels more... natural to just say I'm a RiverClanner. I think I was always meant to be one." Her maw split into a proud smile. "Oh, but you'll never find such beautiful mushrooms like the ones in the marshes.." She glanced to Honeyjaw in a quick assessment for any recognition before deciding there was none. Curious, she wondered when he had arrived to the forest.