A New Chapter = Intro


This world makes me dizzy
Feb 25, 2023
six feet tall and super strong ✧°.☀ ———————————— A deep breathed was inhaled into the black nose of Stumpybounce. The air was just nearly tasting of newleaf and Stumpybounce was pretty ready for the change. Newleaf brought a certain joy and freedom that leafbare couldn't compare to, and joy and freedom were kinds his thing. The handsome tom shook his large tufted ears and let a yawn escape his maw. He had been working in the morning it seemed the afternoon was begging to be napped through, but he wasn't stupid and knew it would probably be the worst use of time.

There was only so much time and he planned to use every hour of every day to completion so, something needed to be done. So his sturdy frame started tracking around camp, looking for maybe kits to entertain, or other warriors to practice tussling with. He really didn't know. This is when he started to feel a little stupid and useless. He felt like he could never make his mind up on his own.
[penned by user - [tags☀]]
———————————— ☀.°✧ we'd always get along
"If you're looking for something to do," a voice drawls from behind Stumpybounce, "maybe you can take one of my apprentices out for me." Raccoonstripe sidles up to stand beside the other tomcat, an almost-sleazy grin on his white muzzle. He does not bother to mention his only apprentice who can do any work at the moment is Moonpaw; Wildpaw, still, is recovering from his idiot display with the dogs. "I'm just so busy..." He trails off dramatically.

Owlear knows the eagerness for a season's change almost as well as he knows the desire for duty. His paws may ache on some mornings, but they ache with equal parts soreness and energy. He would put himself to good use throughout the camp and sleep well when the time came, and it is pleasing to know that so many others are willing to do the same. Raccoonstripe, of course, does not really count. Resting after a long session of grooming his dense fur, it is the dramatic way he speaks that calls him to Stumpybounce's plight. The senior warrior snorts loudly, the sound rolling into a laugh. "Pay him no mind," he calls. There's no rebuke to his smile. "He is only so busy as he is lazy. Let your opinion of one shape the other." Still, he pulls himself to his paws in a slow, mighty heave. "If your apprentice needs something to do, we can always go for a hunt together." Yes, Raccoonstripe, you are included.

  • ooc:
  • owlear_clangen.png
    ──── owlear. senior warrior of thunderclan. cis male.
    ──── approximately 90 moons old, yet still youthful.
    ──── pansexual and single,   though with past flings.

    ──── a chocolate tabby with long, thick fur and a broad-shouldered build. despite his age, he is still a strong, imposing tomcat with clear, attentive eyes. though they are a muted hazel, they seem to twinkle with silent wisdom and a warm, deep-seated joy.
  • "speech"
six feet tall and super strong ✧°.☀ ———————————— The tom's mouth drew to answer with an affirmative, but he happened to be cut off. His mouth turned to a grin with the ribbing of the other warrior. He would never turn away the watchful eye of a more seasoned warrior and honestly the things Stumpybounce would do if asked was a startling long list.
"I'll have to be more weary of slackers," he teased the striped tom "But, either way a hunt would be the right thing for me right now." He flexed his claws into the damp earth and could feel that familiar restlessness that plagued him when he was tired. Like he had to keep moving or he might just never move again.

His paw then moved up to try and hurry the other two on "Where's your apprentice? We are burning sun." He said with a jovial tone.
[penned by user - [tags☀]]
———————————— ☀.°✧ we'd always get along