border A NEW DAY [☼] TC dawn patrol

ROEFLAME — I fell in love with the fire long ago.

While Roeflame had gotten to be at the head of border patrols before, this would be her first as a lead warrior.
Perhaps, it would be wise to take this opportunity to show her more professional side, to earn the authority her new role called for. Yet, with Freckleflame accompanying her, the idea of being stern or authoritative was tossed out the window rather quickly with both her friend and her peer.
"…I’m just saying if you slip, I can’t not laugh, I’ll still help you up afterwards, though." The lead warrior hums in response to whatever their light hearted conversation had been about as they break the tree-line, where the soil formed a pocket filled smooth faced pebbles.
"How do you think they fish when the river freezes over? You think they cut a hole in it?" The warm-hued tabby prompts her patrol as they’d begin to spread along the shoreline, brushing their muzzles against stray landmarks. Despite the drop in temperature being so close to the river, Roeflame finds herself grateful they would not have to venture far along Skyclans border this morning, remembering the odd tom who had spent far too long staring at her with a small twist in her stomach.
Creepy guy.

[ @FRECKLEFLAME @SHININGSUN — no need to wait! ]
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Dragging frost-touched paws through normally dewy terrain, Lichentail found herself lost in thoughts of the unforeseen trials of the long winter that laid before them. The river had already started to freeze over... snow dappling the territory without hesitation. Fishing would grow more and more difficult as the waters got colder, and dangerous to boot with the chill seeping into soggy fur- they had no easy solutions for food now like they did in the summer. Glowering across the river, it is a sour reminder this would be their first full leaf-bare without ownership of Sunningrocks... and while it was certainly no great haven for prey, it was still a loss they couldn't afford.

Her broken tail lashed in a sign of agitation, remembering how Smokestar had mentioned that they aught not to start fights when their medicinal supplies could not easily be replenished. How infuriating... how many times RiverClan had been slighted within four unforgiving seasons. StarClan was playing some sort of sick game- surely there was no more suffering in store for them, they could finally have a break?

Distant conversation carries much easier now that the rapids have slowed by the chill... The ThunderClan patrol approaches with idle discussion of how the river-cats must be hunting through the ice. It is reassuring they seem entirely clueless to their hardships. Turning to others on her patrol, the lynx point gives a small shrug, "Come along... About halfway done for today and then you can all go share tongues and warm up."

She knew the situation on WindClan had worn their resources a little thinner to be sending extra patrols that way... any rest she could give them would be well deserved.

-- apprentice tag @brookpaw and @DIPPERPAW


” and i’m sayin’ i’ll cuff your ears for it, i — shiningsun, do you hear this? “ she whips her head around towards the older warrior, snow - frosted cheek fluff flying haphazardly after her. despite her tone of exaggerated exasperation, she beams brighter than the early morning rising over slow rippling waters. it paints the land around sunningocks in pale pink, the cold, sticking touch of large stones stinging well - worn pawpads with each step. it’s cold, now — snow falls lazily along the ground, only icing still. it did help wake her for dawn patrol, she’d admit ; but the cold seeps beneath her fur, drawing her close to her friend and patrol mate to preserve what warmth they have.

but they must split, freckleflame heading towards the stones closest to the shore, using her short muzzle to rub thunderclan scent along the water - corroded edges. what do you think they do when the river freezes over? roeflame asks, and she hums something thoughtful into the frigid air, ” dunno, must, since they’re always stayin’ so fat. if they’re lucky it’ll flood again, bet their lazy tails just looove when th’ fish come to them. “ she snickers despite the tinge of reality clinging to the forever teasing lily of her voice, lifting her lips with it to briefly reveal short teeth. there is movement along the reed on the other side and, well, if they were eavesdropping, she could only hope she taught them a lesson their mother should have long ago.

she sees them, a oddly furred molly and two youths, the former of the three glowering across the shore as if she could take the stones back by will alone. she flicks her tail, and takes the moment to rub her entire flank along the side of sunningrocks. she knows what they want, was there when thunderclan stood against them to take this strip of territory for their own, taking for granted the mice and vole that skirts along the inner crevices for their own lazing wants. she sniffs, and looks back towards the water, nostrils flaring.

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    f. she / her, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. large cream - ribboned tortoiseshell with seaglass eyes. larger than life! shades of vibrant russet, dousing swathes of shadow and interwoven with ribbons pale cream come to drape like licks of flame over a thick, broad - shouldered figure.
    unspecified maine coon heritage born of sunfreckle's kittypet background shows itself in large, round paws and tufted, long - furred toes set upon thick, tabby - splotched limbs. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers, all while bearing a wide, bright - eyed grin. she seems to sing confidence from every laugh, every word.. that can't all be for show, can it?

    ——— ˙⋆ — prone to bouts of explosive emotion. all opinions are solely in - character and during these times, often untrue or said only in anger.

Eelcackle is happy to go on patrols to the clans that Riverclan doesnt like. Personally, he hates Windclan more than Thunderclan. Thunderclan doesn't have as many transgressions as Windclan, and at least they're more cordial and actually use the territory they stole and aren't an affront to Starclan themselves. This does not remove them from his shit list, however. It just means they're a little lower on it. And wouldn't you know, here they are on their stolen territory flapping their big mouths. He hopes somebody slips so he can laugh at them.

"UGH it's Thunderclan..." He says, dramatically throwing his head back to cry his woes.

Freckleflame's words REALLY grate his nerves and he finds himself unable to hold his tongue. He looks to Lichentail, stretching out his slender, slinky form. "Lichentail, do I look fat???" He asks, sounding genuine but with a hint of humor. "Thunderclan thinks I'm fat and lazy and I've never felt so wounded in my life~" He continues, draping a paw over his forehead and clutching his chest fur with his claws.​

Shiningsun found himself looking at the river for the most part as he walked along with the rest of the patrol, only really half listening to Freckleflame and Roeflame. "Hm? Oh, yeah, I'm hearing this alright." He wasn't really, in fact he wasn't sure what they had been chatting about. Briefly his ears burned with embarrassment but he tried to keep his cool as he tuned back into the conversation as it continued on. "I suspect that some of the river avoids freezing." He mused with a shrug as he laid down his scent markers as he went. Though he soon paused and looked across at the opposite bank as a few RiverClanners appeared. The tom made the decision not to provoke the neighbours, instead he raised his tail and gave a wave of greeting towards the other clan before he returned to his route.