A NEW SUNLIGHT [ tigerkit ]

The new kit in the camp. It was the buzz of people's words. Howlingstar's conversation had gone over with him, and lingered still in his mind. But, regardless of what happened, he was still going to visit the kit and make sure she grew up okay. He owed that much to the kit's mother. A breath left him, taking a piece of prey with him and he headed towards the nursery. "Tigerkit?" He called out.

Not long after calling the kit, he sat, settling down the piece of prey between his paws. He didn't want to barge into the nursery with every queen and kit in there. He was sure Tansyshine had an issue with him right at the moment. Did she? He hoped not, but still.

Being here was a bit weird, she missed her mom, and everyone seemed really busy, but she was doing her best. Emberkit seemed to get along with her well, which made the days go by a bit quicker. She also wasn't allowed out of camp, which kind of sucked when she was used to limitless lands to roam and run around in, even if she couldn't go far from her mom.

A familiar voice made her perk her ears, and a grin spread across her face as she bolted out of the nursery and flung herself at the darkened warrior in an attempt to hug him. "Batwing!"

"What have you been doing? Have you been feeling better?" Her eyes dropped to the prey and she grinned. "Is this for us to share?"
Tigerkit came bounding- no, rushing?- out of the nursery, and Batwing staggered as a grin hit him. Despite how he was feeling, and the cloud that had hung over his head the past couple days, the kit seemed to brighten his mood. He tilted his head down, nudging her gently with his nose. "Tigerkit." He meowed in greeting, his tail swaying behind him. His vision shifted towards the prey he had brought.

He nodded his head, a warm smile on his face. "Yep, it sure is! You go ahead and dig in first, okay?" He instructed, nodding his head towards it. All kinds of questions would come in time, but first, he was going to let Tigerkit speak first. Eat first, too. ​
She would nod her head, pulling the prey closer so she could sit next to batwing in the comfort his shadow would produce. The comfort she felt with her pelt against another was enough to distract her, to make her feel not alone in the crowded nursery of cats she barely knew.

He had found her, and so did Flamewhisker, and they seemed the most comforting besides tansyshine and emberkit. She had adjusted the quickest toward them. She would take a bite, unused to how much chewing it required versus the berries that her and her mother would normally eat.

"Are the petals as fun as they seem?" She asked, more so talking about patrols, but not exactly remembering the words. "Flamewhisker said I can't leave camp by myself and I'm soooo bored."
Batwing settled as Tigerkit did, allowing the contact with a tiny smile. Having kits would be nice, he found himself thinking, but he didn't have a mate. And after what happened to his parents... he wasn't sure he could put another cat through that. Not yet. He found his eyes shifting across camp to look for a certain cat, but as Tigerkit spoke, he looked back to the kit.

She had dug into the prey already, which relaxed him a little bit. She's going to be fine, Batwing. She'll eat, grow, and be strong. The thought caused him to relax, a breath leaving him, but an ear twitched at her statement. "Petals?" He paused, blinking, before snorting to himself. "You mean patrols, kiddo. Yes, they can be fun, but they're mostly.. work." He knead the dirt beneath his right paw, before speaking again. "You're making sure other clan's cat's don't cross borders and steal territory. Territory which we use and hunt on to feed the clan. The very piece of prey you're eating is supplied by the land we live on." He explained. He'd patiently answer any questions she had.

A tiny smile graced his face. "Flamewhisker is right, because it's dangerous for you on your own. You won't have to wait long to become an Apprentice, though. You can go out with your mentor then."​
She seemed fascinated in this "patrol" thing. Her eyes looking wide in curiousity as she chewed. A gulp, before she offered more questions. "But if every.. clan... has borders and territory... why do they want more? Isn't that..." She seemed to stumble on the word. "Gritty? Cause then they're taking more then they need, and that's super not nice." She said softly. "Are the other clans mean or something?" She asked, flattening her ears. What if she had found another clan, and they didn't help her? She liked Thunderclan. They were nice to her.

"I don't think it's that dangerous! Me and momma were out there for a long time and we were okay! But, I hope I get a nice mentor, like you and Flamewhisker. One that'll let me pick flowers! And then play with me," she purred.

As her belly was full though, she would push the mouse towards Batwing, shaking her head. "Momma was trying to teach me to hunt, but she couldn't do it very well. She always told me, put your butt down, but it's more comfy that way. And, mice are so very cute. But they taste yummy."
Tigerkit had more questions for him, to which he nodded his head to. "Greedy? Yes, it is." But his shoulders shurgged and lowered. It wasn't like Thunderclan was free of that sin, but really, they had no code. "But cats need space to survive. The more cats, the more prey the need. It isn't unusual to try and press the borders." Batwing really had no idea why he was talking politics to a kit, but that was beside the point. His head itlted towards her.

"Other clans can be mean, yeah. That will all be taught to you in time, though." Batwing clarified. His heart warmed at her next statement however, and he leaned his head down, nudging at her. Her mentor, huh? Batwing picked his head back up a moment later. "Y'know, Apprenticeship isn't just about having fun. It's about learning how to be a warrior. Which does include learning how to keep your rump down while hunting." He grinned to himself, his tail swaying gently. "The better you do that, the more mice you'll catch."​
Darlin' dont quit your daydream

"Oh! I get it, i think," She said, growing a bit bored of the topic at paw. But she was curious and she definitely still had many questions, but shell find out more about these clans later. like batwing said, in time, and she would nod her head approvingly.

"Hmmm, but can you do both? Have fun and learn? Like, is there games to learn?" she asks, her green eyes wide in curiosity as she sat up and pawed the ground in thought. "Oh! Maybe you can show me how to hunt! And ill be a little bunny hopping around! And then i can hunt you! And you can be a... a... i dont know! A fox. I dont know what a fox is, but yeah! Emberkit was talking about a fox, a thousand in specific i think!" she said, giggling at the idea of a thousand foxes, even though the animal was a mystery, and she couldn't imagine how many a thousand was.

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