backwritten a new way to survive / softsight

They've come alone. It's unusual for Rumblerain to venture far from DuskClan camp now, often sticking close between their hollow home and the ragged peaks of Highstones in avoidance of the Clans, but on their own today they have travelled in the opposite direction. They intend to hunt on the way back, bring something back to cover their tracks, but it is not the primary goal of their trip: while WindClan and ShadowClan offer nothing but enemies, the other Clans of the forest may have some small kindness to share. Rumblerain seeks to take advantage of that.

Thank StarClan they've happened across a single warrior, possibly separated from her patrol. While she seems suspicious, she doesn't immediately try to kill them, so the skinny DuskClanner makes a show of recoiling.

"I'm not here to trespass," tumbles from their jaws, as if uttered before they can stop themself speaking. Indeed, their paws haven't crossed the border. In the silence that follows, Rumblerain's paws shuffle in a careful act of awkwardness. They look around with a couple of blinks before refocusing on the snowy-pelted warrior, blue eyes meeting peach with a mew of, "This- this is ThunderClan, right?"

  • // @Softsight & retro to sunningrocks battle<3
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    [ art by antiigone ]
  • RUMBLERAIN ✧ they/them, leader of duskclan

    — "a lanky, scruffy seal and white point with blue eyes."
    — single ; mentoring berrypaw
    — speech is in #858AC0
    tags | penned by mercibun, contact on discord for plots.


As cold winds begin to creep into the forest, hunting becomes more and more important - getting prey while its still out and about to make sure that the Clan makes it through the winter moons with as full of stomachs as they can get. Softsight understands that, and so she's taken it upon herself to go hunting solo when she finds the time, especially since the nursery was inauspiciously full at the moment.

She's just found the trail of a mouse when she scents something else, something that is distinctly another cat, but from what Clan, she can't tell - she assumes it to be a rogue or loner, and her fur rises against her will. Rogues had been a thorn in ThunderClan's side for moons, and she wasn't going to let another walk all over them as if they owned the forest. Especially not with Leafbare right around the corner. She comes across the stranger, but before she can warn them off, they speak.

"Yes, this is ThunderClan." Softsight answers bluntly, eyeing the stranger warily as they meet gazes. They seem to be a bit nervous, awkward, and Softsight takes note of that. Not often would you find rogues who came across that way, and this one seemed only to be a bit older than herself. "If you're not here to trespass, you should keep on your way. You can't hunt here." She said firmly, hoping that they wouldn't come to blows if it could be helped.

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You can't hunt here. Assets the pale-furred molly, and Rumblerain can't help the short laugh that escapes them. It's involuntary, a huff more than a purr, creaking beneath the strain of the outburst as if she'd told a rather good joke. The Clans would never allow a stranger to hunt on their land, ThunderClan least of all.

"No, I ... I have a favour to ask, actually. Not prey." They shuffle on their paws, a glance thrown over their shoulder as if followed. It takes them a moment to form their words, carefully chosen as if deciding how much to reveal. That facade is not entirely a lie. "My kits and I ... we live close to Highstones. It's dangerous there, but they have kin in Twolegplace. If ... would ThunderClan grant them a safe escort to your other border, if they were to arrive without me? They don't have to stay, they just ... the forest is dangerous, warrior."

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    RUMBLERAIN ☼ penned by wren
    — they/them, duskclan leader
    — speech is in #858AC0
    — a skinny seal point with distinctive markings. pale blue eyes, tense demeanour.
    — single ; parent to mizzlepaw, berrypaw