a new year, a new me🌸 joining




She had seen cats come and go from her two-leg nest out into the surrounding woods. Some came back dirty or disheveled but they all had the same story to speak of, cheerfully introduced themselves with odd names and spoke of the forest cats who lived in a clan in the wild with not person to take care of them nor food delivered in a bowl. She was skeptical, of course, that cats could live in any other way than how she did with her attentive owner and delicious meals; her comfy perch in the window to watch the world. As time went on an itch had begun in her mind, however, on wanting to see this new place for herself and witness whether the stories were all true, would she get to see what it was like to live wild and free with no rules about clawing furniture or not sitting on the counter. Could she sit on every counter out there in the woods, could she yowl as loudly as she wanted without being hushed and scolded in sharp noises to cease? Eventually came the day that the desire to know the unknown was too strong and she wriggled herself free from her home through the gap in the downstairs window often left ajar for air circulation but would now become her portal into adventure.

The solid white she-cat jauntily marched along in the direction of the wood she had seen cats loitering about on more than one occasion; the collar around her throat jingling a small bell and adorned in pink petals to match its equally pink loop of leather; it was the only burst of color upon her say for both pink eyes opened wide and enthusiastically as she crept ever further into the territory. The new smells all hit her at once and she did not even notice what a sensible cat might see as a barrier to not enter; an invisible line drawn. In her excitement the idea of trespassing had not even crossed her mind.

"OHAYO, FOREST CATS! Are you in heeeereeeee?" She sang shrilly, greeting the empty wood as her owner would often to do upon returning home. She was sure it meant something like 'I'm here, come let me pet you!' which should be plenty of incentive to find her new friends.
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"So loud.." Fireflypaw mumbles from above, though his resting position is compromised by his own talking. Sightless blue eyes flick open, though remains upwards as he waits for more cats to show. He is unsure of the molly below, unsure of her intentions- after his own attack by Rogues which blinded him, it was only inevitable that he'd be hesitant to greet more strangers. He waits for someone else to arrive before his head hangs low from the branch.

"Hi there." He chimes with a sing-song tune, hefty paws gripping the bark he rested upon. "I'm Fireflypaw! What's your name?"



♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Figfeather launches forward, her paws reaching out for a bird when the call rang through the forest.


Several seconds before it even should’ve, the bird is alerted to the presence of cats and begins to flap its wing. A feather nearly bats the new warrior in the eye before it takes off into the sky, leaving the cream she-cat to stew on the ground. Who had made that shrieking noise?! Was it one of the new daylight warriors? That would explain why the voice didn’t immediately register… Still, she’d have to give whoever that was a stern talking to! That costed all the cats who didn’t go home to pellets of food a possible empty belly.

Yet when she arrives she knows she’s never seen this cat before, the medicine cat apprentice is even asking her for a name! She knows Fireflypaw hasn’t trained in warrior duties for quite some time, so she makes it her responsibility to ensure the kittypet knew she was crossing a border and was not welcomed. ”Whoever you are, this conversation can continue quietly at the border. This is our territory, and you’ve already costed me my kill!” Figfeather is far from hostile but she’s stern, not as instantly welcoming as Fireflypaw.
" Hear her? You've costed her a kill, " Dawnglare says with a pout on his lip. He his pushing his way past the undergrowth alongside his apprentice. A willowy form pushes past the gloom and into midday light; sky the color of his eyes. The same gaze rakes across the kittypet's form. They are ivory white – unatturally so. Sickness spawn, or perhaps something more sinister. Whatever tongue she speaks lends evidence to the latter. Dawnglare glowers with a critical eye, slight frown twitching upon his maw.

He more readily aligns himself with the golden tabby, who bristles, speaks of her kill. Her kill. No blood on her claws. Sadly, they remain is sadly pristine as the stranger's pelt did. Dawnglare wonders if she does any killing herself. She'd be cleansed of it so much more easily than the other one could.

" You lend yourself too easily, " he drawls to his apprentice. A large paw utters a few raps against the ground, annoyance. He is an annoyance lately. A foolish step and he'd found himself bound and broken; cursed, hexed, more of the like. The loss of one witch gives way to another, this pearly thing. " They could be dooming you, and you've already lost. " His eyes narrow upon the figure in silent question.

Cradled by the pine-needles did Twitchbolt lie upon a branch, kind tail hanging loosely like a stray arm of the tree. His hunt so far had been fairly successful, and he had resolved to give himself something of a reward by indulging in a pastime, even if it was only for a few moments. To get up high and view the entire territory from the top of a tree- it never got exhausting. Oddly, being so close to airborne tended to ground him; to help him remember what he hadn't lost to the ceaseless and razing class of death and passing days.

Still, he was a warrior. With warrior duties to get back to- so, he pulled himself to his feet, balance careful and masterfully placed, preparing to-


A rustle of verdancy sent a rain of pine-needles descending from above; and yet another yowl broke the air, though this one was a screech of startled panic. Twitchbolt's claws fastened with the fervency of a fox's jaws to the bark, and he clung precariously to the pine-tree in an odd position, the aftermath of his astonishment. Patchwork fur stood like quills upon his back, and he stared incredulously at the intruder whose voice had startled him so. Jumpy, as ever... a reaction he'd never truly break.

With birds-eye-view he peered, eyelids twitching. The anger of his Clanmates (and Fireflypaw's friendliness) would hopefully prompt her to explain herself.
penned by pin ✧

The quiet atmosphere of the forest never seems to last long, these days.

Usually, it's the song of birds chirping that fills the air, the rustling and small talk of a patrol. But, with all these rescues running around, the pine forest only seems to have gotten louder.

Though, none of it is as loud as the "OHAYO, FOREST CATS!" that cuts through the air, a shout so loud it brings a startled jump to Greeneyes' paws, a viridescent gaze growing wide as he looks around for the source of the screeching.

A shower of pine needles cascades down from the canopies and into red fur, giving way to the presence of those above him. A crooked tail twitches in annoyance as he shakes out his pelt, a gaze finally catching sight to the sky-white feline strolling into the territory.

Greeneyes nods at his sister's words - at her attempts to get the cat back to the border, instead of in the depths of their territory. Away from where she can scare any more prey off. "We'll definitely be able to hear you across the border, that's for sure."
.anger makes you stupid ———


——— stupid gets you killed.
———————— ————————
DUSKPOOL SLITHERED OUT FROM BENEATH THE UNDERGROWTH, molten amber optics narrowing at the sight of the stranger and his fellow clanmates, tail twitching. Can you be any louder? He wanted to voice, scowl ever so present on his darkened maw.

He’d been out getting items for Yukio, who wanted to see if he could braid anything else other than flowers. An odd request, but Youkai wasn’t one to deny the queen anything.

The large obsidian-hued brute grunted, gaze lingering on his clanmates, wondering just how many cats they were willing to accept after having accepted so many previously. No doubt they’d become one of the largest of the four clans. Molten copper optics narrowed.

His tattered ears twitched, listening to Figfeather with a raised brow. Sure. He understood the bubbling annoyance of losing one’s catch, but it wasn’t as if the stranger knew what they’d been doing. Of course, the fleabrained stranger shouldn’t have shouted, knowing damn well there had been a clan living within the canopy of pines.

Better wait for Blazestar. He remarked in annoyance, whiskers twitching, as he stood away from the rest, barely being concealed by the undergrowth. “Best not to shout. Might alert some … unwanted predators.” He called, tone deadpan.

The brute snorting at Greeneyes comment, rumbling in agreement. He wondered how no one noticed the stranger traveling this deep into Sky’s territory.

thoughts speech