a nightly stroll | intro



Shadepaw loved when the sun sank behind the horizon, casting the marshes in a soft blue glow as the moon climbed into the sky. Her energy seemed to come alive then, all of a sudden eager for a hunt or just a trek through the lands she'd been born in. Tonight is no different. She's mentorless though but itching to get out. She guarantees her brother would give her a tongue-lashing if she left camp at night by herself whilst being such a young apprentice, so her eyes scan the camp for a willing participant in her late-night shenanigans.

"This one desires a hunt," she declares, eyes landing on the first cat who happens to walk past the perch she'd found near the edge of camp. She doesn't even bother to study them, consider who it is she's addressing. She isn't one to seek out others so blatantly and direct but nothing will stop her from the adrenaline rush she gets hunting in complete darkness. She will follow the rules, of course, and not venture out when she cannot be supervised, but she will pull someone with her, even if they would rather be sleeping. Sleeping could wait for when the sun is up. Now is the best part of the day cycle. "She asks this cat to accompany her. We will be quick if this cat desires sleep." She adds the last part to seem polite.

  • SHADEPAW —— she/her, 6 moons, shadowclan apprentice.
    —— a small black she-cat with amber eyes.
    —— link to bio, toyhouse. penned by regina.
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more often than not, the felidae finds that sleep evades them. it's not something that is a good thing, no, but it does help when apprentices find themselves wanting to venture out for a hunt. it is good to see the young so enthusiastic about it– unlike their own apprentice who constantly complains and whines about being exhausted. their cold gaze snaps over to the apprentice, brow raising. ah. younger sister of pitchstar. guess it makes a lot more sense now on why she wanted to go out. stretching, chilledgaze nodded their head, with a twitch of their nose.

"yeah, alright. Lets just see if anyone else wants to go. we need all the prey we can get."
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Night hunting was always Lemonpaw's preferred option when embarking in pursuit of prey- it was challenging and not something he found easy, but frustration was much preferred to boredom. When Shadepaw's level tone reached his ears, Chilledgaze's reply declaring their compliance, the chimera's ears raised to attention- were they going, already? Springing to his paws he made quick progress as he strode forward, mismatched eyes wide in inquisition.

"Can you take one more?" It was a hurried ask, but no without reason! Today Lemonpaw had eaten, but he had not caught anything and the guilt of it was beginning to writhe in his gut. What was he doing if not providing- some dead weight? How did that make him any better than a moocher if he couldn't just toss a tiny mouse into the fresh kill pile? He needed something, anything, before the restless justice in his soul soothed.
"I suppose I could tag along. Though I doubt I'll catch anything." Hemlocksight wasn't the best hunter, he was much more of a scavenger and opportunist. Still, he guessed he should try to help all the same. It wasn't like he was particularly busy at that exact moment. "Where do we plan to hunt on this occasion?"
So her request, as demanding as it was, found Chilledgaze first but was swiftly overheard by Lemonpaw and Hemlocksight. Their willingness to accompany her into the woods pleases her and she dips her head gratefully to them. "Thank you," she purrs, turning on her heels to lead the way out of camp. It does not even cross her mind that her deputy should be the one heading up the patrol. She's too eager to hunt in the shadows and escape their stifling camp to consider the right way of doing things. As if she had ever been one for doing things correctly anyways. Shadepaw had always been an odd one.

Hemlocksight's question causes her steps to falter for a moment before her pace resumes after careful thought. "Avoid the Carrionplace, yes? Much sickness there. Only when we are desperate. The charred forest near the Burnt Sycamore will be a futile attempt. And the Thunderpath... too dangerous unless we want to end up like this one's poor mother - rest her soul," she mews though her voice does not quiver when she mentions Briarstar as it should. She had buried those feelings far beyond reach. "So that leaves us the marshes in the center of the territory. Bountiful. Lots of shadows to hide in." It is now that her burning eyes find Chilledgaze, seeking his approval of her decision.

  • SHADEPAW —— she/her, 6 moons, shadowclan apprentice.
    —— a small black she-cat with amber eyes.
    —— link to bio, toyhouse. penned by regina.