private A NUISANCE // 'PATROL'

Oddly enough, he waits. The meeting is dismissed, the kittypets leave, and Skyclaw waits. He lets his apprentices chat and mingle, Mottledpaw to make her nest and relax with her new denmates. "Tomorrow," he promises her. "Tomorrow, we will explore the territory. You will have memorized every landmark before even sunhigh." She slips into her new bedding and sleeps, Fadingpaw surely acting as a dutiful 'guide' to their new lives as apprentices - and Skyclaw takes his leave. He gathers a few friends for a quick 'patrol,' claiming to those that can hear him that they'll need new prey. Most of what they had was torn apart or tossed away due to suspicion. "We cannot be afraid of eating," he says, guiding them out.

Only when he knows that no one untoward is listening, the tom turns on his patrol. The moonlight filters through the trees and lights him from the back, but his expression is still clearly seen - and he is far from joyous.

"This is not a success," he says, his teeth clicking together no different than a dog's would. "Some of them are gone, but Howlingstar intends to return them once again. This is not permanent to her." And if they let her have her way, all of the work he and his warriors have committed will be undone. Kittypets will continue to devour their food yet struggle to keep pace, curl up in their beds only to return to their twolegs when the snow falls. They each treat this life as a game, but to Skyclaw, to the others - this is their lives. It is pathetic that any of the Clans have let it get this far, but moreso Howlingstar and her rule. His body tenses but he does not loose his gaze from anyone who dares to hold it. His amber eyes remain lit ablaze, the realization long incoming and hardly a surprise.

"We have to be rid of her," Skyclaw says, certainty in his tone. He tilts his chin up slightly, "We have to kill Howlingstar."
The patrol moves out, the second Sproutpaw is through the entrance of camp and out of eyesight of others he's happier, almost bouncing on his paws. For the moment he doesn't care if his plan from this morning hadn't worked, if the kits weren't dead, but it's the second best thing for now - they're gone. All the kittypets are gone, out in the loner lands where hopefully predators would pick them off one by one and they'd never have to hear from them again. He knew Howlingstar wanted that hope that they'd be able to be brought back one day, she'd said as much during the meeting, but that wasn't going to be possible because they weren't going to get caught. StarClan was willing it to be so.

SkyClaw had other plans though, stopping after they had traveled within the territory, turning quick to face the cats that walked side by side with a snap of his teeth. "If we don't get caught then they can't come back right? She said that once the murderer was caught." Little did she know that it was a group, working together to make sure ThunderClan was brought to the glory that it so deserved to be. Besides, what were they meant to do now that all the others were gone? There wasn't anyone left to kill in Sproutpaw's eyes, not unless they wanted to kill - "H-Howlingstar?"

It's practically choked out, confusion at the idea of SkyClaw wishing to kill his own kin. The more he thought about it though, the more he realized that it had to be done. She was the one making decisions, she was the one allowing them in, letting the kittypets come into the clan and stay there taking their resources and sleeping in their dens. "How are we supposed to do it? Now that everyone's on high alert and watching for anything?"

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  • 79619874_hcUKvDlxKSRuDI7.png
  • SH chocolate tabby/lilac chimera w/low white, heterochromia, folded ears
    rarely talks, listens to conversations
    9 moons old; ages the 20th every month
    bisexual biromantic ; interested in no one
    currently being mentored by Bigfang
    not easy to befriend/interact with; slow to anger, slow to calm
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    easy in combat due to age
    peaceful powerplay allowed

ˏˋ*⁀➷ Unease curls itself around Fallowbite's neck. It can still taste copper on its tongue, still feel the way that its mother's flesh tore between its teeth. It seems that a bloodlust has wormed its way into all in this small group. She had made her place here for protection, twisting the hissed words of outsider into kittypet.

She can defend herself, of course, if they turn on her. Her siblings cannot.

These cats have proved that they are not above killing kits. Not above killing everyone. Every day, a new kittypet turns up dead. She had hoped it would never go that far; it was pure naivete, in retrospect. Even with blood upon her own paws, she still feels a coursing of fear at the knowledge that it is murderers she walks with now. Murderers of clanmates who never did anything to harm them. Who is next once the kittypets are gone? Will they turn their teeth upon the rogues next?

It is quiet. It keeps its head down. Skyclaw's hunger is not satisfied, it seems, not even with every kittypet driven out. She is beginning to see less of herself in him every day. Or is it more? That twisting shame is turning into something bloody, and for once she does not relish in the violence.

He issues a death sentence upon their leader. It holds no love for her - but its sister does. Doepath has already lost a mentor, and it cannot bear to watch Antlerbreeze do the same.

And yet - it cannot speak dissent. The second that it marks itself against - instead of with - these murderers, they will close in. She has made her home in a den of wolves, and she knows that she must tread carefully. She must prove herself loyal. "...Sounds risky," is all she offers, voice measured. "Whole clan'll be against us if they find out." One tired eye watches Skyclaw warily, awaiting his solution. He must have a plan, she knows. She wonders if this has been the intention all along. Killing his grandmother just as she has killed her own mother, a pitiful solution the shame of tainted blood. She knows now that it will not bring satisfaction.

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  • FALLOWBITE ⁀➷ she / it, warrior of thunderclan, twelve moons.
    a scarred, pointed brown and white molly with shaggy fur and golden eyes.
    standoffish and solitary, always seems to have a dark cloud hanging over its head.
    baying hound xx npc, littermate to antlerbreeze & doepath.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by SATURNID ↛ saturnids on discord, feel free to dm for plots.
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