because faith is mine
Jun 30, 2024
  • eaqbmL3.png
    name given to him upon birth- "copy" in italian; pronunciation: co-pee-uh
    — skyclan warrior, ex-member of a small rogue group
    — cisgender male, he/him; heterosexual, monogamist
    — doesn't know about starclan, but will lack faith in them; believes in his own religion, but won't be open about it unless asked.
    — created 6.30.2024 at 32 moons / born on October 1st 2021 / ages once a moon on the 1st / 35 moons
    ↳ penned by @vvinsoli
  • black smoke with low white and one green & gray eye / TOYHOUSE
    Copia is a black smoke feline that stands at 10 inches at the shoulder, with a body length of 16 inches, and approximately weighs 11 pounds.
    ↳ lh black smoke w/ low white. gen 1​
  • chaotic neutral / hufflepuff / sanguine
    Intelligence ●●●●●●●○○○
    Confidence ●●●●○○○○○○
    Charisma ●●●●●●○○○○
    Creativity ●●●●●●○○○○
    Empathy ●●●●●●●●○○
    Humor ●●●●●●○○○○

    (+) energetic, sociable (/) clumsy, awkward, occasionally childish (-) mysterious, apprehensive,
    ↳ mannerisms Copia is an... interesting tom to say the least, heh. He is a little awkward at times; the older tom often involuntarily & vocally stims when stressed— mostly through his 'hmm', 'heh', and 'eh's. He is a nice fellow, but he often has difficulty understanding a cat's tone, and might need to take a minute to process their implied message— and he struggles on social cues. He will often express himself with the movement of his paws, and he isn't fond of unprompted physical contact.
  • SORELLA x NIHIL | younger brother to terzo, half-brother to primo, secondo | mentoring no one, mentored by no one
    Mate to no one | Parent to no one
    — Admires terzo
    — Close friends with
    — Friends with
    — Likes
    — Wary of Sorella, Nihil
    — Dislikes
    — Loathes
  • strength ●●●●●●●○○○
    stamina ●●●●●●○○○○
    agility ●●●●●○○○○○
    hunting ●●●●●●○○○○
    swimming ○○○○○○○○○○
    climbing ●●●●●●●●○○
    grace ●●●●○○○○○○
    single; heterosexual, monogamous / crushing on no one, not looking
    opinion on other clans, how easy he is to be befriend.... to be edited
    — in the battlefield, he is medium-hard level difficulty | underline & mention Copia if attacking
    — physical health [ 90% ] | mental health [ 70% ]
    — might attack if provoked | might flee | might show mercy
    excels at battling
    okay at hunting, tracking, climbing
    poor at swimming
    sounds like cardinal copia/papa emeritus iv / voice claim example 1 / example 2
    smells like pine
    — healing & peaceful powerplay allowed.
    — speech is "#911209"
    — thoughts are italicized
  • if you want >:)
  • Backstory / simplified history

    Important Threads
    ( ☆ ) Interaction ( ★ ) Development

    Thread Name brief description.
  • Naming list
    (depending on active characters/names on census)
    no name list as of now!

    — link here

    Theme Weeks
    — to be decided!
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Detailed backstory
cw: violence, gore, & death mentioned in "present day"


Copia was born to parents Sorella and Nihil on October 1st, 2021. His parents lived in the twolegplace, and situated themselves in a small group of rogues. The group of rogues named themselves the "Order of Nox", and the cats that lived in the community were devoted to a dark deity under that name. The rogues believed that Nox was, is, always present in nature; and can be found hiding in the shadows... lurking in the creaks and crevices. Darkness is a common fear among most cats, but Copia was raised not to fear it. He was taught about "Nox" at an early age, and grew up alongside his older brother, Terzo. Copia was practically attached to Terzo's hip the moment he could walk, and the brothers had a strong bond.


Copia didn't exactly have an apprenticeship like clan cats typically do. Once Copia turned 3 moons old, he began to learn how to hunt, scavenge food, and most importantly how to defend himself. He was not taught the few codes a warrior respects in every day life. His "mentor" was Terzo taught him to respect nature, as "Nox" lurks in the shadows, but he does not give thanks for prey he catches, or to prey he steals. During his "apprenticeship", he was also taught more about "Nox"; through Terzo, Sorella, Nihil and other rogues. In order to stay apart of the rogue group, it was critical to show your devotion to the darkness.

At 12 moons old, Copia was considered a full member of the rogue group.... by passing his assessment on the means of survival, and most importantly, passing an assessment on his knowledge about "Nox". If he failed his assessment on Nox; he would automatically fail; but he was certain he made Sorella, Nihil and Terzo proud...


From 12 moons onward, Copia would live in the twolegplace; surrounded by cats he has known since birth. His belief in "Nox" never faulted during this time period; despite the hardships that come with living in the twolegplace. Unlike clans, their community is always changing in numbers; cats die, leave, get captured by twolegs, etc. It isn't easy, living in the alleyways in the twolegplace.... and with their numbers being at risk, Copia and Terzo were responsible for finding new recruits. New recruits that provide for the order; that will come to learn and respect "Nox".

But the Order of Nox wouldn't be a "rogue" group without it's faults, correct?

Somewhat similar to the clans, there is some hierarchy— Sorella and Nihil are at the top of the food chain, and their eyes blaze with power. Sorella was born outside of the group— formerly a kittypet— but Nihil was born here, and his bloodline, in the group, seemingly runs down for generations. One day he expects his sons, Copia and Terzo, to take over as the heads.... but Sorella doesn't seem to be on the same page. She tells her mate to give them more time.... await and see how well they serve Nox, and ultimately the rogue group. Nihil reluctantly agrees.

Moons upon moons go by, and Nihil is growing older and more weak. Sorella's power only grows, and the order members look to her for guidance. She remembers that Nihil wants Copia and Terzo to lead the group like he had; but her gaze narrows with suspicion in their direction. Nihil's bloodline ends with them, and neither cat have heirs... With recruitment at the lowest it's been, she begins to wonder if Nihil's bloodline must cease for the order to survive....

Present day

Copia is a few moons away from turning 36 moons, and Terzo is nearly 41 moons. It's been difficult to find food lately; fresh prey isn't as plentiful in the twolegplace, and they do not want to beg for food from the twolegs. They'll bring back whatever they find, and perhaps they can even return to the alleyway with a new recruit or two. But as they scavenge, they notice a silhouette in the distance, and an order member comes into view. The gray tom— that they know as Dewdrop— approaches the two toms. Dewdrop, a former kittypet, towers over the two felines, and Copia remembers the troubled gaze on the tom's face. "I'm sorry Terzo... Copia. Sorella has decided the order must go on without you." Copia barely had time to process the words, before the tom came barreling down on him.

He remembers Dewdrop's claws digging into his shoulder, and as he tries to shove the tom off, Terzo tackles into their assailant. The two scuffle, claws ripping at fur, and Copia tries to find a way in.... to help fight off Dewdrop. To his dismay, the larger tom seems to get the upper hand in the scuffle, and his sharp claws rip into Terzo's neck. Copia's ears ring as he screams out, and Dewdrop shifts back onto him.... as Terzo's form flops onto the ground. His heart racing, Copia manages to dodge Dewdrop's blow, and he tackles the tom to the rough ground. His own claws manage to rake Dewdrop's shoulder, but his assailant's claws dig into his right hind leg as they manage to shove Copia off. He scrambles to his paws, whirling around to face his opponent, but is.... shocked to see Dewdrop retreating, leaving a trail of blood.

Without a second to lose, Copia races over to his brother's form. His brother breathes weakly, and blood pools from his wound. Terzo's gaze struggles to meet his, and the older tom's breaths become more labored as Terzo finds his voice. "Copia... You need to.... get out of here...." Copia shakes his head— no no no! "Before he comes back... with reinforcements. Please Copia.... I can't let him kill you... too..." Terzo's breath rattles, and his head goes limp as the life fades from his green and gray eyes.

Blinking away tears, Copia races off as his own wounds sting, in the direction of SkyClan's forest...

Things to add:
- sorella and nihil are broken up
- write in primo and secondo

  • fullbody art here

    artwork credit here <3
  • Copia
    33 moons
    experience: shadowing
    backstory: [HYPERLINK]
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    art credit <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green & gray(blue)
    pelt: black smoke
    fur length: long
    parents: sorella and nihil (rogue npcs)

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