private A PART OF THEIR STORY | yewrose

Fern's emerald eyes were cast half-heartedly over the camp, taking stock of the sluggish movements of some of the clan's veterans. She was free from patrols for the rest of the night, having swept by ThunderClan's borders with the rest of her crew like a wave, but such absence of duty almost felt like a punishment at the moment. Each wheeze and cough drew out from those around her by whatever was spreading risked getting her sick as well, the thought more unpleasant than anything her macabre clanmates could come up with. She'd been blessed with a healthy enough family, some had issues with their sight or tempers, nothing that would put them out of commission the same way a nasty illness would. Ears parted to each side of her skull as she watched another shift toward the medicine den, their eyes rheumy and posture sagging. She looked away then, towards the camp's exit where the temptation to slip out and disappear for a few days just as she'd done for the bear attack overcame the ticked tabby. As she slithered toward the brambled entrance, she swore the air tasted less blighted already. What she wasn't necessarily expecting was to nearly bump into a clanmate, likely returning from a hunt or training session.

Pupils narrow then soften again as they settle onto Yewrose, a delicate smile appearing on the Lead Warrior's face. "Ah... hello," she mewed, voice midway between singsongy and vaudeville. It looked like she would be forced to stay exactly where she was, she figured she could lie to Yewrose and the young warrior would think nothing of it, but that was too deep of a betrayal of trust for her to bother. There was a spark in her head, an impulse that found her opening her mouth before any senses had the chance to catch up, the corners of her expression growing wanton as she flicked her tail. "Do you..." She held the 'you', dragging it out to build suspense as she leaned closer and closer to the warrior. "Want to bite things and see what's poisonous?" A pause, sincerity lingering in her tone before she let out a little giggle. "I'm just kidding, we can bite non-poisonous things instead. It's fun." Fun, and it made conversation in the camp. 'What are those two idiots doing biting the camp's wall?' She could hear Smogmaw saying already.
Having literally nothing to do was deeming to become a curse, because trouble always seemed to find him. Yew who just was minding his own business. Minding his business seemed to be the best of things, and the worst of things. This was one of the times that he wasn't looking for trouble but it found him.

Twitching an ear at the senior warrior, at when Fern spoke to him. Biting things, wouldn't that cause even more problems for the already stressed as it its med cat who wouldn't mind boxing their ears for their troubles, before or after administrating some foul mixture. It would be fun, but he was seeing it as a problem in the long run. This seemed stupid, it sounded stupid.

"Wont we get sick? Or swallow something that we shouldn't, then what?" a fair bit of concern bled into his voice, eyes on the senior warrior.



"Then we die violently," she spoke as if it were the most casual thing in the world. The mortal body could ache and grieve, but it was the body amidst the stars that granted one their true form. She was no StarClan devout, but she knew that good things would wait beyond the grave, and there was no need to fear the inevitable. Large ears flipped dramatically in opposite directions when Yewrose didn't seem to think the same, she swore his eyes had grown wider and his tone warier. He wouldn't be the first ShadowClanner to be opposed to her ideas, it was a difference of life experience, she thought. Most had been devoted to the Marsh Colony all their lives, whereas Ferndance had been a later joiner, committed to traveling with her family and learning about the intricacies of cats and life before settling down due to circumstances that transcended her understanding. She'd seen that life was a silly little thing, that things like worry and stress were pointless, how she could translate that to the other was beyond her understanding though. The Lead Warrior gave a lash of her tail in thought, gaze briefly trailing towards the star-kissed skies.

Well, she supposed she didn't have to share philosophies with her clanmate yet. Looking back down, Ferndance cast a deceptively thoughtful look towards the new warrior, trying her best to conceal the impishness behind her smile. "What if... we lick something, and it's the cure for the sickness?" Eyes grew wider than river stones at the idea. "We could become heroes, not just of ShadowClan, but of the whole forest." A lie, but one that still managed to make the ticked tabby's voice quiver in excitement. It was that funny question again, 'what if?', the driving temptation for any impulse that seemed like an awful idea in practice. An anxious cat may say, 'what if we die?', a smart cat may say, 'what if we get sick?'. Yewrose was a very smart cat indeed, unfortunately, Ferndance was not. The forest was ingrained in her memory, each creature's purpose and traits recitable whenever she felt like it, but common sense had fled to a higher plain of existence, and awaited her death to kick in. Cocking her head to one side, Ferndance queried, "Would you like rocks with me then? Or at least watch me do it?"