A PAWN OR A TOOL // Swallowpaw

Just when he had got rid of Basilpaw to follow him around like a lost puppy to get some space he ended up in a new different unfortunate situation with one of his denmates. Swallowpaw. He had chased him down once before to ask for some advice to seek after the knowledge he knew this far. Today she was back asking for more. Lividpaw would give them a long emotionless stare. Didn' they have somebody else to ask guidance from? like their mentor or siblings, even Snowpaw was an option for this one. So why had they decided to bother him?. " This will make you owe me two favors now." Lividpaw informed them not having forgotten about the debt this one already owed him which he not yet had claimed a prize for. Lividpaw just hadn't been able to think up something he necessary from her right now not when he was doing everything himself so splendid well. But it should not be mistaken as him ever being willing to share his knowledge he had earned freely to anyone. Knowledge meant power and so it would cost. Nothing came for free, and his time was prectious and shouldn't be wasted without getting something in return.

He waited, patiently so to hear what Swallowpaw had to say while he secretly tried to figure them out because he was aware there was something different about this one from the rest of his clanmates. He had yet figured out what it was and if he liked it or not. Only time would tell.



swallowpaw 07 moons polygender any pronouns shadowclan apprentice

Unfortunately for Lividpaw, to give Swallowpaw an inch is to give a mile - with a notable lack of friends or really anything better to do, she'd simply turned to what she knew. And she knew Lividpaw - he disliked his brother (probably because he was annoying) and wouldn't do anything without a favor in return, but he would, at the very least, humor her if she offered one. And with Snowpaw steadfastly refusing to do much of anything with her, it left her rather bereft of training partners whenever Scorchedmoon was otherwise occupied. And so she asks, and strangely enough he agrees - again.

He warns her that it will cost her - that she now owe's him two favors.And isn't it sweet, that he's worried about her like that? Surely, this msut be the start of a tentative friendship. She has to tamper down the sharp fanged grin that threatens to creep across her maw, instead giving a nod and a slow blink of wide blue eyes - surely, whatever she'll learn from him will be worth it. And besides, what on earth would he possibly ask for that would bother her? Swallowpaw struggles to think of anything, and so clearly it's unimportant. " That's fine - really, bet you know way more than me anyway, " she chirps, voice light and cheery.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

T E L L - M E - N O T H I N G - L A S T S ( - L I K E - I - D O N ' T - K N O W ?- )


Of course he had more knowledge then them, he was older and had spent more time out here at an early age then Swallowpaw had been blessed with. Obviously, their knowledge was on a far different level. Maybe it was said to flatter him, to praise his ego in an attempt to make him more cooperative to help. Unfortunately, flattery worked very poorly on them, after all he did not need someone to tell him of his skills or talents. Lividpaw was quite aware of his own achievements. Still, there was not in any shape or form bad to be acknowledged for them but it would do little to win him over to their favor.

However, how easily they agreed to his demands was troublesome. At this rate the debts would grow in no time and Lividpaw did not even have any real proof that Swallowpaw would fullfill their part of the deal, or whatever to say this was supposed to be called. He could not cost himself to be made into a fool, so there had to be something he could ask in return even if there was nothing he could think of that he couldn't deal with himself. But after a moment of thought there was at least something that would help him in someway.

" Very well, i will share my knowledge with you but there is something i want you to do for me in return. I will even consider to have both of your favors to me repayed if you do your job properly." A test. That was what he had to do so he would know for sure if Swallowpaw was all talk or not. " Basilpaw. I want you to keep him away from me." It for sure might not be an easy task but it was an fair favor to ask he believed with the time that Swallowpaw was taking from him.

Assuming that Swallowpaw agreed, or had something to add the two could agree on, there was only one thing left to say. " So, what's it that you want me to teach you?" he said with a calm flink of the tail, ready to start.


swallowpaw 08 moons polygender any pronouns shadowclan apprentice

Lividpaw calls in his favors immediately - before they even begin. Keep basilpaw away he asks, and head tips to the side inquisitively, mismatched eyes blinking owlishly for a moment. " 'Cause he's annoyin' right? " she asks, recalling previous discussions. Everyone had seemed so... shocked, when Lividpaw has said that they are no longer brothers. Basilpaw had cried, she thinks - or come close to doing so anyways. The details hardly matter to the girl. But she does remember her confusion - because Snowpaw said mean things all the time, and nobody ever cared. Nobody cared when Snowpaw was rude, or threw tantrums over sharing a mentor - but they cared when Swallowpaw put bugs in his nest in return or when Swallowpaw points out the obvious after the brothers had fought.

Either way, she shrugs, perking right back up - teeth flashing in a far too cheerful grin as she agrees easily. " I can do that! Watch, I'll chase him 'way real good if he tries, " honestly, she's not quite sure how she'll do so, or how she's even supposed to know when Basilpaw is bothering Lividpaw. Maybe.... maybe, she can follow Lividpaw around more? Surely, that must e what he means by this favor, this arrangement

" Do you know any cool battle moves yet? Scorchedmoon's always so busy with Snowpaw, " the name is spat like a curse, and while she manages to keep her voice from rising in her annoyance, she truly is irritated by the thought. No matter how hard she thinks on it, no matter how she tries to understand - it's all so unfair. And her ma' had been right (she always was) - she should try and use her teeth and claws since words didn't seem to be working.
actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

T E L L - M E - N O T H I N G - L A S T S ( - L I K E - I - D O N ' T - K N O W ?- )


Annoying was one way to describe his brother by he suppose. For sure there had to be at least a few if not even the majority to view his loud-mouthed brother in such terms. No matter how annoying they might be though Lividpaw had not made the decision he had made just for that one reason alone. No, his reasoning was what many would consider much colder then that. " Yes, he talks too much." Was the answer he would give while hiding away the whole truth.

He had not expected for Swallowpaw to agree that easily, without any demands or protest to why a such troublesome task had been given to her. For many it would have been to much to ask. Instead he was met with willing obidence. Why that was he couldn't exactly tell. He most be desperate enough. That was the only logical explaination.

But they had an agreement now, a deal vowed in words.

Lividpaw was in all honestly not that much trained when it came to be prepared for battle, all his previous mentors and current one was to blame for that. While he was a skilled hunter at this point his battle training was limited, much to his own dismain. Unfortunately, he had drawn the short straw when it came to all his mentors. Needledrift becoming a queen early on, Hawkflame retiring, and now Jaggedpath being just as useless as the two previous mentors. It was frustrating. " I know a few." He had catch up a few battle moves by observing and watching his clanmates, and self-taught himself by practising what he had learned by the eye.

Snowpaw's name got brought up, and it was dully noted with the spite the other apprentice seemed to have for that name. It was not like Lividpaw didn't have ears or eyes to see with. It was obvious the two didn't see eye to eye with one another. However, he couldn't be more disinterested over this two's grudge for one another.

He turned himself around as he walked a good enough distance away before he turned himself around again to face the other apprentice. " Attack me and i will show you." he said with a flink of his ear, prepared and ready.