a perfect pane of glass ☾ quiet grief


Was her loss of appetite not feeling well or was it because the very idea of eating anything right now made her think about the cats who would never get to enjoy prey again. Moonwhisper stares down at the mouse on the ground in front of her, a paw raised to rest over it but she made no move to take a bite and instead grimaced as she pushed it away from her with perhaps more force than was really necessary - leaving a tiny bloody streak across the dirt. The tortie point lifted her head up to gaze around the camp and once more she wondered what was wrong with her. It felt like she could never shake grief, that every death clung to her pelt like burrs and she couldn't face a world that kept turning despite the upheaval in her life. She'd felt this way when she lost Morningpaw, unable to push on initially when everyone else had long since returned to their duties and clan life as a whole. She'd felt the same when they lost Little Wolf, how she still thought about her mother and their argument and that even the cats who had failed to bring her home had continued onward as if blood did not stain their paws. Now, with Berryheart gone, she can't even stand to look at the medicine cat den because the looming pale figure inside it only brought her discomfort; a healer she could not trust. Her kin still seemed to feel the sting of his loss, but it felt as if once again there was no time to mourn, no time to wait, she wanted to huddle in a nest for days like she'd wanted to when her mother died, like she had when Morningpaw did - but she couldn't. She had an apprentice, she had many things, she knew she needed to be stronger.
Was it this that held her back? Her inability to cope and move pass the things that hurt? Could she be stronger if she learned to let it ripple off her back like water droplets instead of staining her pelt like blood? Moonwhisper didn't know, she wasn't sure if she wanted to know. She was already considered a cold, aloof cat because of how she held herself. What was she if she did not have her feelings?
The longhaired molly turned from the freshkill pile, lips curling in disgust as she shuddered, withholding a sudden urge to retch. Even the smell of the prey, of death, was getting to her. Maybe she needed to take another walk, if not with Lightstrike who she had not seen that morning then perhaps Roeflame or Wolfwind would go with her.
Hearing pawsteps she flinches briefly and turns to the cat approaching, "Do you want this mouse? I didn't bite it or anything yet."


  • dgk9va7-e404f34c-d42a-4934-8360-235d0834d2d4.png
    —⊰⋅ Warrior of ThunderClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH Tortiseshell point w/ice blue eyes


'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — Snowy dipped paws would push himself up from his nest briefly thinking how it would be lonesome had it not been for his two recent patients that were recovering under his care and that itself is enough to soothe the small ache in his chest, he could not allow himself to mourn when he needed to carry out his duty. Thunderclan depended on him to treat their wounds and ailments now, he would not fail Berryheart... Not again. His eyelids feel heavy but he turns to briefly glance at Doe and Antler feeling a soft smile tug at the corners of his maw, he would get them moss dipped with water so they could drink before slipping out of the den already making his way towards the fresh kill pile. He notices a familiar pelt by it and blinks briefly to acknowledge Moonwhisper, he did not know of the discomfort that he brought her and quite frankly it was partially mutual, Little Wolf's daughter did not have the warmth and gentleness that her late mother had possessed. Whereas Little Wolf was soft like the underbelly of raspberry leaves there was Moonwhisper who was prickly and uncomfortable to touch like a burr. He had his awkward moments with Burnstorm but the raven pelted lead warrior was a lot more approachable than his littermate, he cannot help but blink a second time when he hears her voice and sees her flinch.

"You should try eating, it'll do you good." The looming figure rumbles simply soon turning his attention to the pile where lifeless bodies lay and he spots a bird, his stomach twisting with disgust towards it. He would not eat until much later making sure that those who needed it most would, his feather tipped ears flicking briefly deciding to add on, "But if you truly don't have an appetite then I can take it to Doe or Antler. I'm certain that they'd appreciate it." Much like Moonwhisper, his appetite has died and he couldn't stomach anything after Berryheart's passing and it had been the same way when Little Wolf had died up in those mountains. His eyes locked onto a squirrel recalling that it was their favorite kind of prey and he remains quiet feeling his hunger continue to slip from him completely as he scoops up a mouse from the pile.


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿❀❀❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ❀❀❀❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • hail.png
    longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    hail is a very warm individual (despite his name) and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, gentle, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    52 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed/not interested; mated to little wolf
    currently being mentored by no one
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
She had been on her mind plenty recently. Moreso since Berryheart's death. Since his vigil. Since...

Lightstrike had been out hunting. He'd been distracted at best and ultimately, with soiled dignity and cold paws, had abandoned the attempt and returned to camp empty-pawed. Maybe he would be better off hunting with Moonwhisper instead rather than alone. It was better than being left to his own thoughts.

The golden tom spotted her pointed pelt swiftly upon his arrival, pausing only briefly before redirecting toward her. Even from his distance, she looked distinctly miserable. Maybe the time he'd spent with her was making him more aware of her subtleties. Hailstorm was there; he could only assume he was the reason. He knew she didn't like him.

Having caught the tail end of the medicine cat's words upon his approach, his ears pricked. "Huh? Since when don't you have an appetite?" Sharpened eyes turned to the molly. "Come on. You always harass me when I don't eat anything."

Giving her little room for denial, he snatched up the clearly discarded mouse, side-stepping a few paces before plopping down with it. "We can share if you're that against it, but you can't just not eat at all. I know I haven't seen you eat anything." He still needed to catch something, anyway, but a bite or two would do him good for his energy.

[penned by its_oliverr - ]

"I didn't ask for your advice, I asked if you wanted this mouse." She said with a curt and cold tone, not bothering to look in the tom's direction as he spoke. If she had known it was him approaching she'd have kept her mouth closed and not even spoken at all but she'd not even looked up when she felt the presence there. Her dislike of the medicine cat who took her uncle's place was not exactly subtle but she kept her cutting remarks to herself and chose mostly to ignore him.
He was an outsider, he always would be, whatever brief courtship he had with her mother meant little to her and his part in failing to bring her home put him on the same level as Flamewhisker in her eyes. She didn't want anything to do with them, her family - what was left of it - was all she cared about. That and the tabby approaching now who she lifted her head to glance over at, brittle and cold gaze softening; it was like an immediate switch in demeanor from how she had regarded the medicine cat with how she regarded Lightstrike.
She turned, a paw raised as if to swat the cream tabby as he took her mouse with fretful insistence and Moonwhisper sighed quietly before stepped over to settle down next to him in close enough proximity she could lay her head across his neck, "Fine. Fine, but you eat first." She'd force herself to nibble at the rest, but her enthusiasm for the idea was minimal.


  • dgk9va7-e404f34c-d42a-4934-8360-235d0834d2d4.png
    —⊰⋅ Warrior of ThunderClan
    —⊰⋅ She/Her
    —⊰⋅ LH Tortiseshell point w/ice blue eyes


The grief that Moonwhisper felt is something that the two of them shared. He was mourning his uncle in his own way, throwing himself into his duties as lead warrior, as a mentor, working hard so as to distract himself from the crushing weight that has settled over his shoulders like a heavy blanket of snow. Badgerpaw would no doubt be complaining about being sore for some time, what with all the training he had been imposing lately. But Burnstorm cannot let up even for a second. If he stops moving, stops working, then he would start thinking and remembering and then he would find it harder and harder to leave his nest just like when Morningpaw had died. When Graystorm had given his life to save another, when his mother hadn't come home.

He does allow himself some rest, though it is begrudging. He sits by the entrance of the warriors den, grooming his pelt and doing his best to keep his mind on anything else but what it really wants to drift to. His sister's voice is a welcome distraction, but once he realizes what she's saying and who she is saying it to, he grows worried. It is not like her to be skipping meals, it is even less like her to want to give said meal to Gentlestorm of all cats.

"If your appetite is lacking perhaps us three can go hunting later" he suggests as he approaches, fluffy tail held high in the air and waving in greeting when he gets closer. "Roeflame could use the prey and I could use the exercise" never mind the fact that he had just returned from a patrol. "Mind if I join you?"

  • 73593410_oSE7LuZcU8tOnrY.png
    A large, sharp tongued, tom with long black fur and golden, oval shaped, eyes.
    Difficult in battle. A skilled fighter + fights honorably
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ —————————————————————————————
He didn't miss the way her paw raised to swat at him, but it was hardly an unusual occurrence, and he ignored it entirely. Then she settled down beside him, laying her head on him, and the warrior tucked his paws a bit closer contentedly. "Don't gotta tell me twice. The first bite is always the best one." Minus the getting-past-the-fur part.

Lightstrike looked up when a familiar voice spoke out, a grin crossing his maw in his own silent greeting. "Sure, I'm always up for some group hunting with you guys." It had a tendency to devolve into goofing off, but he had to catch something, so he would be sure to keep on task. Mostly.

With a slight jerk of his head, the cream tom wordlessly invited his friend to settle down with them. "Need the exercise?" he echoed once Burnstorm had. "Got something hiding under all that fluff you're not telling us about?" He grinned at him, having half a mind to jab him in the side with a paw, but for letting Moonwhisper remain undisturbed, he didn't.

Beginning to tuck into the mouse and ruing the fact that they were always so small, it felt as though hardly a beat had passed before it was half gone and he was swiping blood from his lips with his tongue. Although it had kindled his appetite somewhat sorely, he shoved it back over to Moonwhisper. "Alright, c'mon. Just one, for li'l ol' me, right?"

[penned by its_oliverr - ]