pafp A pillar I am of pride ☂ blocking entry


There is a wasps’ nest in my attic.
Jun 14, 2024

Her time in the nursery would be coming to a close soon, she was sick of it at least a moon ago. Spending more time outside of it, waiting out the rise of the moon and avoiding the call to her nest from Moltface. It was getting stuffy in there, she's not an exceptionally big kit but she found herself a little too bulky to enjoy her nest with all of her littermates and her pa- father. She was trying out calling the queen different terms, switching between formal and informal, masculine and feminine. Nothing satisfies the kit as she grows older, she's started to grasp the concept of frustration and thought that rather aptly applied.

Frustration is what she feels now, a particularly dreary day with pelting rain and slippery ground. It ruined her plans of dragging Buzzardkit to try and discern the prey on the fresh-kill pile before being shooed away from warriors, she tried to find bones for her sister whenever she could. Even if it meant she went digging in places she definitely shouldn't. Being stuck inside was bad enough, being stuck with the downright unpleasant sight of Wormwatcher approaching filled her with despair.

She hadn't forgiven him for what he did to Buzzardkit, not that it was her place to forgive him to begin with. Puddlekit didn't understand their conflict surrounding their confusing emotions towards the warrior, she has started to realise she didn't understand a lot of emotions. Not that it particularly bothered her, rolling off her pelt similar to how fat droplets of rain would. "Nuh uh, no way. You can't come in" she decides with a pointed glare. Stubborn as ever the kitten plants herself in the middle of the entrance of the nursery, it would be easy to move around her but she would make it as annoying as possible for him if he chose to.

"Go be annoying somewhere else" unbeknownst to her she had developed a sneer very similar to the warriors own. Most likely stemming from the time she had spent in his vicinity when she was bored, he was an easy target to rile up with her attitude. An exploitative means to an end to affirm that Buzzardkit was making the right choice by not talking to him anymore.

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  • PUDDLEKIT || She/her, kit of ShadowClan, 5 moons
    A short haired fawn rosette tabby and black rosette tabby chimera with copper eyes. Always seems to be judgmental.
    Adopted child of Moltface || Littermate to Runningkit, Cloudkit, Buzzardkit, and Nightkit.
    Penned by Juice || message on discord (Ouijeejuice) for plots!
    Peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking.
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